Default Status Queues:
- Awaiting Reserves Processing
- Awaiting Supply by Instructor
- Awaiting Purchase
- Awaiting Review by Staff
- Awaiting File Type Resolution
- Item Available on Electronic Reserves
- Item Activation Pending
- Awaiting Stacks Searching
- Update Stacks Searching Results
- Awaiting Copyright Processing
- Route to Acquisitions
- Item Available at Reserve Desk
Awaiting Reserves Processing
If an Instructor does not have the item to bring to the library or post electronically, then Ares places the item in Awaiting Reserves Processing. This default status is where the staff user starts the item fulfillment process. Fulfillment begins by searching the catalog for the item. This is done by opening the status where the item resides. By default this is the Awaiting Reserves Processing status but may be something else if routing rules are used.
You can run a catalog search by opening the Item form and clicking on the Z39.50 tab. When the Z39.50 Search form opens a search is automatically done against your OPAC. The search that is done is based on what information is available. Title, Author, Keyword, System Number, Standard Number is the priority order that is used for determining the search to be done. You can choose to search again using any of these search options by clicking on the Search button next to the option. You can have different OPACs or Z39.50 Sources set up in your Ares system so staff can search beyond your library's OPAC. The Z39.50 menu allows you to choose the source you wish to search. The Options button allows you to choose how many search results you want returned.
Once a search has been executed, staff can click on a record to see the Holdings in the Holdings group section of the form. The Ares citation is shown on the lower left of the form. Record Detail can be seen by clicking on the Record Detail tab. This displays the MARC record and a text-only format of the record. Selecting the Holdings record and clicking Copy Info places the Call Number and Location into the corresponding fields on the Item Details form and closes the Z39.50 Search form. You can then click on the Find On Shelves button to move the item to the next status in the process, Awaiting Stacks Searching. Only items with a call number can be moved using the Find on Shelves option. If no call number is present an error dialog will remind you to enter one. If the item is located at another location (library or Archive storage) and that site was set up in Ares, the Find on Shelves dropdown lists those sites. Select the appropriate site to have Ares route the item for fulfillment. That site's staff person can then process it and return it to your library.
If staff cannot find the item in the catalog or another source, there are some options:
- Cancel the request using the Cancel button.
- Route the request to Acquisitions for fulfillment from an outside provider. The Route to Acquisitions option opens an email template displaying the details from the imported item. When the acquisitions email is sent, the request is routed automatically to Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment.
- Submit the item to an external system via Open URL. Ares allows staff to submit items to external systems accepting OpenURL requests using the Submit via OpenURL button located on the Item form. Submit via OpenURL feature works with ILLiad and any other external system that accepts OpenURL. The Submit via OpenURL button is found on the Home ribbon in the Item form.
Sending items to ILLiad. If you have the ILLiad ILL system you can send the item to ILLiad to have the ILL staff request the item from another library. The Reserves staff need to have an ILLiad logon to submit the request to ILLiad. The OpenURL path to ILLiad needs to be placed in the OpenURLDestinations table. - Recall the item. If an item is found in the catalog but the item is checked out or otherwise unavailable, staff can click on Recall Item to move the item to Awaiting Recall Processing. The appropriate staff person can then check that status to recall the item for the Instructor. An email template could be set up in Email Routing for this purpose. The Recall Item button is found on the Home ribbon.
If you have other Processing Sites or Pickup Locations
If the item can only be found at one of the other Pickup/Dropoff Locations and/or should be processed by the staff at that location, then the Find on Shelves dropdown button should be selected to choose the processing location. The drop-down field for Pickup site should be set appropriately first if it is not correct. The staff at those locations can see their items by choosing their location using the Change Processing Location option from the Ares Icon.
Awaiting Supply by Instructor
If the item is not electronic and cannot be scanned, or cannot be scanned by the Instructor and posted to Ares, then Ares will move the item to Awaiting Supply by Instructor status. This lets the Reserves staff know the Instructor will/should be bringing the item to the library for scanning and posting, or if it is not able to be scanned, that it will reside at the Reserves desk for viewing by the students of the course.
When scannable items are received from the Instructor, the staff can open the Item form and being the scan process. When un-scannable items are received from the Instructor, the staff can open the item in Awaiting Supply by Instructor, choose Route and move the item to Item Available at Reserve Desk.
Awaiting Purchase
If the Instructor chose the Please consider this item for purchase option on the Book or other item page (this is an option that may not be on your web interface) then the item appears in the Awaiting Purchase status in the client. Your Reserves staff can perform whatever process that may be appropriate. If they review and decide to route to the Acquisitions department they can choose Route to Acquisitions from the Item form and send an email to the Acquisitions department. The item can also be cancelled.
Awaiting Review by Staff
This status stores those requests with electronic attachments or web links that have been configured in the customization manager to be reviewed by staff before posting. These are attachments that Ares recognizes as a valid file type with a value of True in the ForceReview column of the DocumentType table. Storing the items here alerts staff that there are items that they may want to review before posting.
Review might be required to make sure a .wmv file is really for a course and not a pirated movie or something otherwise inappropriate. The file may also need to be reviewed for size if that is a limitation on your Ares server. If the file is acceptable it can be routed to Item Available on Electronic Reserves and posted to the web. If it is not acceptable, it can be cancelled. See Item Status Queues for further information.
Awaiting File Type Resolution
If the item is of a file extension that is not known to the Ares system it will be placed in Awaiting File Type Resolution.
If the file extension given is acceptable, then staff can route the item to Item Available on Electronic Reserves to post the item to the web site where it can be viewed. If it is not acceptable, the item can be cancelled. New and acceptable file extensions should be added to the DocumentTypes table in the customization manager. This table lists acceptable file extensions for your Ares system and adds them to your web interface so future items of the same file type will be accepted by Ares.
Item Available on Electronic Reserves
Electronic items that are posted by an Instructor and that do not need review by the Reserves staff, or items that have been processed by the Reserves staff and posted to the web, will be at the Item Available on Electronic Reserves status. This status is the "flag" that tells Ares these items are able to be viewed by the web users. The additional parameters on an item, the Active Dates and Visible to Students checkbox, can keep items from being viewed, but without being in this status they cannot be viewed at all. Items sent to this queue generate an email and email notification to Instructors and students signed up for Default Course Email Subscriptions.
Item Activation Pending
Electronic items at this status are posted on the server ready to be viewed by users but have not yet reached the Active Date listed on the Item form. The item may be for a semester in the future (i.e. the Active Date on that semester has not yet been reached), or the item may have been added with an Active Date later than the start of the current semester. When the Active Date equals "today's date", the status of the item will change to Item Available on Electronic Reserves and the item will be viewable from the web.
While it is not often done, physical items placed at the Reserve Desk could be processed for a date in the future, causing the item to post to Item Activation Pending until that date arrived. When the Active date arrives, the status of the item changes to Item Available at Reserve Desk.
Awaiting Stacks Searching
When all items have been searched that you want to/can retrieve from the stacks, click the Print Stacks Search Items button on the Process ribbon to have Ares print the pull slips. You can then take them to the stacks to search for the items. Ares moves the items just printed to the In Stacks Searching status.
If you have other Processing Sites or Pickup Locations
Items that the other processing sites have sent to you for processing will be in this status because they have already searched the catalog and provided the call number/location information.
Update Stacks Searching Results
When you have returned from the stacks with found items, select Update Stacks Search Results from the Process ribbon. This displays all requests at the In Stacks Searching status. If the item was found and is scannable, you can click Scan Now or Scan Later to scan (or import) and upload the item. If the item is not scannable, click Make Available at Desk. If the item is going to another pickup location, use In Transit. If the item is a nonscannable/hardcopy item that was sent for processing from another site on your Ares system, use the In Transit button to move the item back to the site that asked you to fulfill it. Be sure to select the Pickup Location and Loan Period on the Update Stacks Search form so the students will know where to go to retrieve the material. If the item is not found, it can be cancelled or routed to Acquisitions, or you can change the status to something else for later processing. Items can also be recalled from this form. The Update Stacks Searching form is also used for items that are in Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment or Awaiting Supply by Instructor. Process these items by using the Look In field of the Search box to select the appropriate option.
Awaiting Copyright Processing
Items that need copyright processing will be placed in the Awaiting Copyright Processing status. This is not a status that requires you to complete a step before the item can be moved forward in the process like other statuses. It just groups items that have the Copyright Required checkbox checked, so you can find what the fees will be for that item when you are ready.
Route to Acquisitions
Route items to Acquistions when you want to order the item for your institution. You can add additional info or email addresses before sending. Clicking Route, then selecting Route to Acquisitions opens the acquisitions email. If the Change Status at Send toggle button is toggled on, sending the email routes the item to Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment.
Item Available at Reserve Desk
Items that have been processed by the Reserves staff and made available at the reserves desk (whether supplied by the Instructor or pulled from the shelves) will be at the Item Available at Reserve Desk status. This status is the "flag" that tells Ares these items are able to be checked out by users. Items sent to this queue generate an email and email notification to Instructors and students signed up for Default Course Email Subscriptions.