The WebPlatformConfig Table

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This table, located under System | Integration in the customization manager, is the main configuration tool for ILLiad / Aeon integration and is found in both the ILLiad and Aeon configuration manager. It controls security, provides ID information that allows the individual application to talk to both their own platforms and external systems, and provides reference points for creating groups of field mappings that are used to map objects from one system to another. Each entry in the table represents the system that can access your web platform, be accessed by the system, or both. For example, ILLiad can both send and receive information from the external system (Aeon), through the local Aeon platform as explained in #1 above, so there needs to be an entry for that platform.

Your system's ILLiad client would also need to talk to the web platform in order to request information from an external source. ILLiad needs an entry for the ILLiad web platform. Because the Aeon client does not request information from external sources Aeon does not need to include an entry in the WebPlatformConfig table for the Aeon web platform. The fields included in the WebPlatformConfig table are ID, NVTGC (ILLiad only), APIKey, Base Webservice Url, and Description. When the ILLiad system (either the platform or system manager) needs to talk to an external system (at this time, only Aeon), it will use this table to determine where the system lives and how to identify itself with that system. It uses the Base Webservice Url and API Key values to do this. The entry in the Base Webservice Url field tells you where to go to find the external system and the API key tells you what ID you should use when talking to that system.

Similarly, when another system (at this time, only Aeon) tries to talk to the ILLiad platform, the platform will look up the key provided by that system to both validate that the external system is allowed to talk and determine which platform configuration entry to use when looking up information relevant to the external system that is talking. If the external system were to provide a key that doesn't exist in the WebPlatformConfig table, ILLiad and Aeon would assume that the system isn't allowed to talk to the platform and reject the request. Because the API Keys are used to validate requests and are not encrypted before sending, SSL protection is necessary in order to maintain security. While most critical operations available on the platform are protected by a second level of security that makes them available only with Atlas products,  some harm can still be caused by the operations that are protected by API only. For that reason, it is required that all platforms use SSL (all Base Webservice Url entries must contain the https protocol identifier).

Fields in the WebPlatformConfig Table

The fields in the WebPlatformConfig table have the following functionality:

ID An auto-generated value used to reference the web platform configuration from other places within the ILLiad or Aeon system.
NVTGC The NVTGC symbol that the web platform can access (The NVTGC column is present only in the ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table).
API Key This key tells you which specific ID you should use when talking to a system. The value is populated with a randomly generated global unique identifier. To obtain the value, open the entry for editing (click New Record) and click the . . .  button that appears to the right side of the API Key field.
Base Webservice URL The Base Url of the system identified by the entry. 
Description A text field for you to add helpful identifying information, such as "Local Aeon Platform" or "Local ILLiad Platform".

There should be two entries in the ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table. One that enables your ILLiad client to talk to the ILLiad platform and one that enables ILLiad to send and receive from the Aeon platform. The Aeon WebPlatformConfig table needs an entry for the ILLiad platform so that Aeon can send and receive from ILLiad. See the tables above for examples.

Note that setting up integration between ILLiad and Aeon requires that the API Key entries for each of the platforms be identical in each customization manager so that the two-way communication between the systems uses the same key.  The entry in the Aeon table can be cut and pasted from the entry in the ILLiad table. See the bolded API Key entries in the table above for an example.

Sample WebPlatformConfig Tables in ILLiad and Aeon

In ILLiad, this table may look like this:

ID NVTGC API Key Base Webservice Url Description
1 ILL 93c-79bca-2eca-40cb-883d-111c895c0643

Local ILLiad Platform (for client access to the platform)

2 ILL be6c0010-f8df-4318-9830-a331bd10702d
Local Aeon Platform (for access to Aeon)
In Aeon, the table would look like this.
ID NVTGC API Key Base Webservice Url Description
1 ILL 93c-79bca-2eca-40cb-883d-111c895c0643
Local ILLiad Platform (for access to ILLiad)


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