You can easily copy layout and grid settings from one user to another using the Set Layout and Grid Defaults feature in the Staff Manager. You can also rename or hide fields in the client forms and grids on a user by user basis using the Field Customizations feature in the Staff Manager.
The Request Form
The Request form in ILLiad has been dramatically redesigned as well to provide all information for processing in a convenient format. You can add a request for a user from within the client and quickly and easily process the request. See The Borrowing Request Form for further details.
Request Form Ribbons
The ribbon display will reflect the Borrowing, Document Delivery or Lending processing modules and workflows.
The Borrowing ribbon contains these basic functions:
- Process: Cancel Request, Renew Request, Send Delivery Notification
- Routing: Route, Route to Delivery
- Copyright: Remove Payment, Order Status, Gateway Search
- OCLC: Policies Directory
- Billing: Billing
- User: View, Send E-Mail
- Printing: Print Request, Add to Print Queue, Print, and Empty Queue
- System: Pending Updates, Import into Resubmission
The Document Delivery ribbon shows:
- Process: Cancel Request, Send Delivery Notification
- Routing: Route, Route to Borrowing
- OCLC: Policies Directory
- Billing: Billing
- User: View, Send E-Mail
- Printing: Print Request, Add to Print Queue, Print, and Empty Queue
The Lending ribbon shows:
- Process: Cancel Request, Conditionalize Request
- Routing: Route
- OCLC: Policies Directory
- Odyssey: Resend Request
- Billing: Billing
- Lending: View, Send E-Mail
- Printing: Print Request, Add to Print Queue, Print, and Empty Queue
- System: Pending Updates
Once a Billing Account has been added and the request has been saved, a System/OCLC tab also appears at the top left of the each of these request forms. More information will be available in the Billing section of the User Guide.
Request Form Tabs
Much like the home page, the ILLiad Request form contains a variety of tabs displaying different information, allowing staff to switch between sections without opening multiple forms.
The default tabs that display on the Borrowing, Document Delivery and Lending request forms are listed below. In addition to these default tabs, staff can create additional tabs to hold information from those default tabs as they customize the layout. The defaults tabs are
- Detail
- History
- Z39.50
- Pubmed/Docline
Request Form Processing
These multiple tabs on the request form allow staff to compare the results from OCLC searching, Z39.50 sources and Pubmed all on the same form. As more sources are added to the request form, staff can have multiple search results available to make the best choice for fulfillment.
The Request form still changes the status of a request to "Request in Processing" so that two staff are not processing the same request.
Module Display in Task Bar
When the Request form is open, the Windows Task Bar displays the module that houses the display: Borrowing, Lending or Document Delivery.