The Resources tab of the Options screen in the ILLiad Client contains useful information and options for troubleshooting including version information for various ILLiad applications and components, a clear cache option for the embedded WebView2 browser, and helpful links to Atlas and OCLC documentation and training resources.
Accessing the Resources Tab | Overview
Accessing the Resources Tab
To access the Resources tab from the ILLiad Client:
- Click on the Main Menu Icon() on the Home page and select the Options button.
- The ILLiad Options window opens.
- Click the Resources button located in the menu on the left side of the window.
Database Connection | Version Information | Clearing the WebView2 Cache | Helpful Links
Complete information on each section of the Resources tab is detailed below.
Database Connection
The Database Connection section contains information on the current database connection used by ILLiad on the machine. The server address and database name will be listed here.
Version Information
The Version Information section lists the version numbers for currently installed client and server components that can be useful when troubleshooting issues, including:
- Client applications installed and updated via the ILLiad Client Installer:
- ILLiad Client, Customization Manager, Staff Manager, Billing Manager, Electronic Delivery Utility
- DOCLINE Lua Scripts installed manually or via the DOCLINE Automatic Updater
- Client components installed and updated via the local machine's Windows Update process:
- WebView2 embedded browser used by Client addons
- Server components installed and updated via the ILLiad Server Installer/Updater:
- Database Manager, Shared Components, DLL, Web Circ, Web Reports, Web Platform, Connection Manager, System Manager, Odyssey Manager, Rapid Manager, ISO Manager, ISO ILL
Clearing the WebView2 Cache
The Clear Cache option for the embedded WebView2 browser is located beside the version number information for this component. Clicking this option will clear the WebView2 cache (including cookies, saved logins, and browser history) on the local machine for the current staff user logged into the Client. It is recommended to use this option only when troubleshooting/debugging addon behavior in the ILLiad Client.
Helpful Links
The Helpful Links section contains the following links to Atlas documentation and resources that will be helpful when troubleshooting:
- Atlas Systems: The link to the Atlas Systems website
- OCLC ILLiad: The link to ILLiad information on the OCLC website
- ILLiad Documentation: The link to the Atlas documentation website
- Atlas Systems Training and Library Services: The link to information on the Atlas website detailing training resources and opportunities