Product | ILLiad |
Version | N/A |
Ticket | N/A |
KB Permissions | Public |
Note on Google Chrome and Chromium
Google Chrome is built on Chromium. Addons don't use Chrome - they use an instance of a Chromium browser. This means that if an addon is installed to use Chromium, it will still work even if Chrome is not installed on your machine.#ILLiad24 has been a great catalyst to look at updating some addons to use Chromium, both from community-authored addons and within Atlas. The IDS Project has converted:
Atlas has updated the Google Search addon to use Chromium. We also added a button to open the URL in a default browser outside of the Client so that the user can have all of their standard tools available to them (like download a PDF which is currently a limitation in the default Chromium-based browser's PDF Viewer).
For anyone who has custom-built addons and would like to set the default browser to Chromium in the addon, you'll need to use the CreateBrowser method mentioned in the FormInterface Documentation. For example, see the ILLiad GOBI Addon code snippet below:
function Init()
if GetFieldValue("Transaction", "RequestType") == "Loan" then
interfaceMngr = GetInterfaceManager();
--Create Form
GOBISearchForm.Form = interfaceMngr:CreateForm("GOBI", "Script");
-- Create browser
GOBISearchForm.Browser = GOBISearchForm.Form:CreateBrowser("GOBI Search", "GOBI Search Browser", "GOBI Search", "Chromium");
-- Hide the text label
GOBISearchForm.Browser.TextVisible = false;
-- Since we didn't create a ribbon explicitly before creating our browser, it will have created one using the name we passed the CreateBrowser method. We can retrieve that one and add our buttons to it.
GOBISearchForm.RibbonPage = GOBISearchForm.Form:GetRibbonPage("GOBI Search");
-- Imports price from first Item in list.
GOBISearchForm.RibbonPage:CreateButton("Search ISBN", GetClientImage("Search32"), "SearchISBN", "GOBI Search");
GOBISearchForm.RibbonPage:CreateButton("Search Title", GetClientImage("Search32"), "SearchTitle", "GOBI Search");
GOBISearchForm.RibbonPage:CreateButton("Import Price", GetClientImage("Search32"), "PullPrice", "GOBI Search");
If you have any additional questions, see the Chromium Documentation or contact