Circulating Requests: Checking In Lending Return Items

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Once a loaned item has been returned to your library, you will need to check it in to complete the transaction.

  1. From the ILLiad main screen, click the Lending tab then Lending Returns. The Lending Returns Batch Processing form appears.
  2. Locate the transaction record for the item. To find the record, you can:
    • Scan the barcode on the printed label
    • Manually enter the Transaction, Item or ILL Number in the Transaction, Item or ILL Number field and hit your Enter key
    • Search for the transaction record using the Search box
  3. The system will locate the item that matches the transaction number and displays the transaction record in the Batch Processing: Lending Returns grid.
  4. You can limit the search to those transactions at the Item Shipped status by clicking the Item Shipped toggle button.
  5. Transaction Information and Library Information display at the bottom of the form.
  6. If the Auto Process button is toggled on, the return is processed automatically.
  7. If Auto Process is not selected, click the transaction in the grid and select Process Queue.
  8. Checking an item in updates the status to Request Finished.
  9. After checking the item back in on your OPAC and removing any ILL labels that might still be on it, you can reshelve the returned item.
  10. Click the Clear Processed button to remove the items you've cleared from the grid and continue processing transactions.
  11. To remove a transaction from the Lending Returns grid without checking it back in, click the Remove Item button.

If you are using NCIP and have developed addon functionality to communicate with your catalog, the Mark Found button is used to check out the loan item from your local OPAC. For example, when the item is checked out in ILLiad, the addon can also check it out to the lending library or a generic ILL account if that information is not specified. It can look up the record by any field in the transaction but typically uses the value in the Item Number field as the barcode. When the loan is checked back in from the borrowing library, an addon can check the item back into the local catalog.

Note that the Transaction Information for a return displays at the bottom of the form. The OCLC Status field is highlighted if the selected request is at a status other than Received or Returned.

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Circulating Requests: Checking In Lending Return Items


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