Initiating Renewal Requests

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Renewals can be initiated in 2 ways

  • Customer-Initiated Renewals--via the ILLiad customer Web pages.
  • Staff-Initiated Renewals--via the ILLiad Client's Request Form.

Patron-Initiated Renewal Requests

Patrons can submit renewal requests on the ILLiad web pages for items that are at the status of Checked Out to Customer.

The option for the patron to renew an item may be restricted by two variables:

Renewal Window

  • The Renewal Window is controlled by 2 keys in the Customization Manager and sets parameters for when a patron can request a renewal. Attempts to renew the item outside the dates assigned in the renewal window will give an error message to the patron.

Allow Renewals?

  • If the Allow Renewals? option is unchecked on the transaction record, the option to renew the item will be suppressed on the ILLiad web pages.

The Request Renewal link is located on the Transaction detail page that opens from Checked Out Items list (View |  Checked Out Items link). 

Clicking the Request Renewal link will update the status of the request based on the value set in the AutomaticRenewals key and determines the next step for staff processing.

Sending Renewals to OCLC

The level of staff intervention required to complete the ILLiad renewal will depend on the value set in the ILLiad Customization Manager for the Web Interface | General | Automatic Renewals key.

All renewal requests require some level of staff intervention for processing no matter what configuration method is selected.

If the Automatic Renewals key is set to Yes, the renewed transaction will then appear in the ILLiad Client at a status of Renewed by Customer until mm/dd/yy.

  1. Staff can change the due date generated by ILLiad on the Request Form at this point prior to sending the renewal request to OCLC.
  2. Click the Send OCLC Renewal Requests button on the Borrowing Ribbon to send renewal requests for all transactions in this status in batch.
  3. The system then moves the transaction back to Checked Out to Customer status.

If the Automatic Renewals key is set to No, the transaction is updated to Renewal Requested status.

  1. Open the queue and then any request in the queue.
  2. Clicking the Request Renewal button on the Borrowing Processing ribbon of the request form. 
  3. The Due Date will be adjusted automatically based on the BorrowingRenewalDays key in the Customization Manager. This is the due date that will be requested on the OCLC renewal.
  4. Repeat the process above for any other requests in the queue.
  5. The request will automatically return to Checked Out to Customer status.

To change the requested from the default generated by the automatic renewal process, modify the due date of the transaction from the Request Form BEFORE sending the renewal requests.

Staff-Initiated Renewal Requests

ILL Staff Initiated Renewals are requested through the ILLiad Client by the ILL staff, usually at the request of the customer.

  1. Open the request that you want to renew.
  2. On the Borrowing Processing ribbon, click Renew Request.
  3. The Due Date will be adjusted based on the BorrowingRenewalDays key in the Customization Manager. This is the due date that will be requested on the OCLC renewal.
  4. If renewals are not allowed for the item (specified in the Allow Renewals? checkbox), a warning message will appear.
    1. If you do not wish to override renewal restrictions, select No. The transaction will remain at Checked Out to Customer status with the original due date.
    2. If you wish to override the renewal restrictions, you may do so by clicking Yes.
  5. The transaction stays in Checked Out to Customer status. 
  6. The response from the Lending library will update the request automatically. See Processing Renewal Responses for next processing steps

Renewal Restrictions

Renewal restrictions can be indicated on a request by unchecking the Allow Renewals? option in the central section of the request form. If the Allow Renewals option is not checked, the option to renew the item will not be presented to the patron in the ILLiad web. Staff can set the default for the Allow Renewals option to be checked or unchecked by default when receiving loans in the Check-In from Lending Library process. This setting is found in the Customization Manager key Borrowing | Check In | CheckInDefaultAllowRenewals.

Overriding Renewal Restrictions

If renewals are not allowed for this item, you will see a warning message if you attempt to renew the item, but ILL staff has the ability to override renewal restrictions. To override renewal restrictions, select either No or Cancel. The transaction will remain at Checked Out to Customer status with the original Due Date. To override the renewal restrictions, click the Yes button.

Multiple Renewals

It is possible for Staff to request more than one renewal. This can be done in the ILLiad client by clicking the Renew Request button. The renewal will follow the same process as first renewals, but after it has been approved or denied by the Lending library it will not move to a renewal queue in Borrowing. Multiple renewals will need to be tracked manually.

Requests will move to the Awaiting Renewal OK Processing or Awaiting Denied Renewal Processing queue only after the first renewal. If you renew an item more than once, you will need to monitor the request to find out the renewal status.

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