Cloning Borrowing Requests in the Client

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Cloning in Borrowing/Doc Del is achieved using the Clone to Current User and Clone to Another User buttons found on the processing ribbons. Staff can enter a username directly or enter search criteria to find a user.

  1. Open the request you want to clone.
  2. To clone to the current user, click Clone to Current User.
  3. To clone to another user, click Clone to Another User.
    • A drop-down will appear, and you can search for the user to clone the request to.
    • Use the search box to locate the user. You can search by Username, First Name or Last Name.
    • When you have located the user to clone to, double-click them on the search list and their username will appear in the Username box.
    • To clone to that user, click Clone.
  4. A popup box will display the new transaction number and confirm that the request was cloned, and ask if you want to open the new request.
  5. Choose Yes or No to open the new request. The original request will remain open.
  6. The new request will be at its starting status: Awaiting Request Processing for Loans (Awaiting Document Delivery Processing for Doc Del) and Awaiting Copyright Clearance for articles.



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