Creating Web Alerts

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  1. From the ILLiad main menu, click on the System tab and then click Web Alerts in the Web section.
  2. To create a new web alert, click the New icon.
  3. Fill in the information for the alert. Refer to the table below for more information.
  4.  Click the Save icon.

This refers to the intended recipient of the Web Alert. There are five

  • System sends the Alert to all users or users in only Borrowing or
    only Lending.
  • Username sends the Alert to a specific user.
  • Symbol sends the Alert to the specified lender symbol. This can be used to display an alert to a specific lender on the Lending web pages.
  • Status sends the Alert to a group of users assigned to a specific
  • Delivery Location sends the alert to a specific Delivery Location/NVTGC.
Title This is the title of the Alert that will display on the web page.
Message This is the detailed text of the Web Alert that will display on the web page.
Active Date The date when the Web Alert will become viewable to the intended
Expiration Date

The date when the Web Alert will no longer be viewable to the intended recipients. The alert will be viewable from the active date through the day prior to the expiration date.

The default expiration date is 7 days after the Active Date. All Alerts will be
purged from the system by the ILLiad System Manager seven days after
they expire.

Editing Web Alerts

When editing a web alert to add a new line(s), it will break the JSON parse unless you add a <br> tag before starting a new line. This will ensure the alert will display properly with the new changes.

Using HTML in Alerts

You can embed HTML links into the Alerts message using standard HTML coding. If you want the link to open in a new window or tab, you would need to format the tag in the appropriate manner.

For example, if you wanted a sentence in your Web Alert that said "Please see our hours page for further details" with a link to another website on the word hours, you could use the following:

Please see our <a href= target=blank>hours</a> page 
for further details.
When adding a new line to a web alert, use a <br> tag to ensure the alert will display properly.


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