Printing Request Forms

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The default template used for printing requests is the PrintRequest.docx template, and the data file created is PrintRequest.xlsx.

In addition to printing items at certain statuses and batch printing items, you can print individual requests that are at any status.

  1. Open the request you want to print.
  2. Click on the Printing tab.
  3. Click Print Request.
  4. You can also print the request by clicking the icon in the top left corner and selecting Print Request.
  5. The request will print according to your print configurations.

Using Separate Templates in Modules

You can use different templates to print requests in the Borrowing, Document Delivery, and Lending modules. The template that will print for each module is set in the ILLiad Customization Manager:

  • PrintRequestTemplateBorrowing - found under Borrowing | Printing
  • PrintRequestTemplateDocDel - found under Doc Del | Printing
  • PrintRequestTemplateLending - found under Lending | Printing


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