Changing Button Text (v9.0)

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All of the buttons on each page are named SubmitButton. The label text determines the function of the button. When ILLiad is installed, the state of the buttons is synced with the WebFormValues table (that you can change in the Customization Manager using the Web Form Values tab).

If you want to change the text of the button, you must make the same text change on in the WebFormValues table or you won't get a results page when the button is pressed.

Note that the default request forms use the include_request_buttons.html form to display the Submit Request, Clear Form and Cancel - Return to Main Menu buttons. If you want to change the text of these buttons on one form, you must add the entry for that form and then edit the text in the include_request_buttons form. Note that editing the include_request_buttons.html form changes the text displayed on that button for ALL forms.

Web Form Values

The WebFormValues table allows you to tell the ILLiad DLL about changes made to the text buttons on the HTML pages. The WebFormValues table is split out by NVTGC. This means that different sites in a Shared Server ILLiad system are now able to split out WebFormValues and use different button text on their individual sets of default web pages.

The structure and the field definitions for this table are as follows:

FormName This field shows which web page in ILLiad is referenced by this entry.
SubmitButtonValue This field shows the default value of the button text. DO NOT change this field.
SubmitButtonText This field shows the changed value of the button text. This is the field you change when you make changes to the HTML.

Changing the Text on the Logon Button

On the Logon page, the button from a default installation reads "Logon to ILLiad". If you want to change this text, you need to make two changes:

  1. Make the change on the HTML page, directly to the HTML.
  2. Make a change to the SubmitButtonText field in the WebFormValues table. This field will change to reflect the new text on the button.

Using Images as Buttons

To use images as buttons on the ILLiad web pages. The code for the button itself would look something like this:

<input type='hidden' name='SubmitButton' value='View/Download Electronically 
Received Articles'>
<input name='imagename' type='image' id='imagename' value='View/Download 
Electronically Received Articles' src='images/imagename.jpg' alt='Retrieve 
Posted Articles' align='middle' width='220' height='25'>

Since there are multiple buttons on the page, you must specify an image for each of the buttons to be used. The trick to doing this is to treat each image/button as its own form on the page.

The code to do this would look something like this, with all of the form action information repeated around the lines of code that make up each button on the page:

<!-- Retrieve Posted Articles -->
<form action='illiad.dll' method='POST' name='MainMenu'>
<font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<input type='hidden' name='SessionID' value='CGIFN=^VARSessionID^'>
<input type='hidden' name='IlliadForm' value='MainMenu'>
<input type='hidden' name='Username' value='CGIFN=^VARUsername^'>
<input type='hidden' name='LogonPath' value='c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\'>
<input type='hidden' name='NVTGC' value='XYZ'>
<td><div align='center'>
<input type='hidden' name='SubmitButton' value='View/Download Electronically 
Received Articles'>
<input name='imagename' type='image' id='imagename' value='View/Download 
Electronically Received Articles' src='images/imagename.jpg' alt='Retrieve 
Posted Articles' align='middle' width='220' height='25'>
<!-- End -->

In the above example, the image being used (imagename.jpg) serves as a button for accessing the Electronically Received Articles page. This may be done the same way for any button on the page.

The Line specifying the NVTGC value would typically only be necessary for Shared Server ILLiad systems that are using separate web page sets for the various sites in the system.


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