Adding a Field to Confirm Patron's Shipping Address when Using Mail to Home Service

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Due to COVID-19 workflow and service changes, we’ve heard from several ILLiad sites that they’d like patrons to confirm their shipping address when placing a request through the ILLiad web interface. They are looking to keep patron address records more up to date to prevent additional shipping charges, lost items, and inconvenience to staff and patrons in dealing with items delivered to the wrong address.

Example for v9.1 Web Pages

Here is an example in the ILLiad 9.1 web interface of how to accomplish this if you allow patrons to select “Mail to Home” as their preferred LoanDeliveryMethod during registration. This snippet of code from LoanRequest.html saves the checked indicator as Yes in the ItemInfo5 field of the transaction record and offers a link to the ChangeUserInformation.html form opening in a new window.

If you choose to implement this, please check to be sure that you aren’t already using ItemInfo5 for other data collection. If you are using it, you’ll need to check to see if another of the ItemInfo fields is available for you to use.

<div class="form-check ml-3">
<label for="form-checkbox ItemInfo5">
<span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemInfo5'>">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ItemInfo5"
name="ItemInfo5" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ItemInfo5'
default='false'>>I would like this mailed to me and confirm
that the address on my <a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='81'>"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">account</a> is up to date.

To make the ItemInfo5 field data visible in the ILLiad client, you’ll need to add it to the request form.  Just open a transaction in the ILLiad client, right-click about where you’d like to add the field, and select Customize Layout from the menu that pops up.  Then find the ItemInfo5 field in the list of available fields that display and drag it to the spot where you’d like it to be shown.  You can right-click “ItemInfo5” and choose the Rename option to make the label more user-friendly.

More information on customizing the client layout is available in Accessing the Customization Form and also in this training video.

More information is available on the new ILLiad 9.1 ILLiad web pages at New Fully Accessible and Responsive Web Pages (v9.1).

Example for Pre-v9.1 Web Pages

An example of this checkbox that you might try on the older pre-9.1 pages:

<label for="ItemInfo5">
<span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemInfo5'>">
<input class="f-name" type= "checkbox" id="ItemInfo5" name="ItemInfo5"
value="Yes" style="width:
auto;margin-left:0px;margin-right:10px;"<#CHECKED name='ItemInfo5'
default='false'>>I would like this mailed to me and confirm that the
address on my <a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='81'>" target="_blank"
rel="noopener noreferrer">account</a> is up to date.


If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

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