The Ares default web pages are standard HTML files with a DLL serving them from the Ares server. These pages can be fully customized to match your site using standard HTML and CSS. The default HTML web pages are stored under the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ares folder on your Ares server.
Main Default Web Pages
Informational Pages
- AboutAres.html: Displays a descriptive paragraph about the Ares software. It is accessed from the About Ares link on the side menu (include_menu.html).
- WebPageVersion.txt: Displays which Build and CID number the web pages are to help troubleshoot which changes may not have been included in this version.
User/Account Forms
- ChangePassword.html: Users change their login password here. It is accessed from the Change Password link in the Tools section of the side menu (include_menu.html).
- ChangeUserInformation.html: Users change personal information here. It is accessed from the Change User Information link in the Tools section of the side menu (include_menu.html).
- ForgotPassword.html: Users can reset their password from this page, accessible from the Logon page (GLogon.html).
- GCreateAccount.html: This page is accessed by clicking the Create Account link on the Logon pages (GLogon.html and GLogon2.html). This is the page new users access to register for an Ares web account.
- GLogon.html: Users enter their Username and Password here to access their Ares account. Contains a logo, search bar, and footer. A static library closure message can be added. Sites only using RemoteAuth can remove this page and the area between the <fieldset> tag.
- GLogon2.html: The login page that displays when a user types incorrect information. GLogon2.html can be used with OpenURL.
- GSearchResults.html: The search results returned from a search performed on the Logon page.
- NewAuthRegistration.html: This is the page new users access to register for an Ares web account.
- NewPassword.html: This page shows if the user forgets their login password and allows them to reset their password.
Include Pages
Web pages starting with "include" are used as menus and other elements on other web pages to simplify the editing of those pages.
Captcha files
- include_captcha_none.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when no captcha provider is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
- include_hcaptcha.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when an hCaptcha integration is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
- include_mtcaptcha.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when an MTCaptcha integration is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v2_checkbox.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when a reCAPTCHA v2 integration using the "checkbox" option is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v2_invisible.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when a reCAPTCHA v2 integration using the "invisible" option is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v3.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on GCreateAccount.html when a reCAPTCHA v3 integration is configured in the Ares Customization Manager.
Other files
- include_changepasswordoption.html: The link to the Change Password option.
- include_courseproxycoursemenu.html: This contains the Instructor Shared List Tools menu that allows staff to edit the shared list and add items to the shared list.
- include_defaultcourseinfo.html: An include page similar to ICourseInfo.html.
- include_defaultsharedlistinfo.html: An include page similar to ISharedListInfo.html.
- include_deletesharedlist.html: Menu to delete an item on a shared list.
- include_deletesharedlistitemconfirm.html: The prompt ensuring you want to delete the shared list item.
- include_footer.html: This contains hardcoded HTML Ares’ copyright information and appears in all request pages as well as AresMainMenu.html and GLogon2.html. Copyright on GLogon.html is not hardcoded.
- include_fullproxymenu.html: This contains the full proxy teaching assistant tools used to create a new course.
- include_fullproxysharedlistsmenu.html: Contains the Instructor Shared List Tools menu that allows staff to edit the shared list and add items to the shared list.
- include_head.html: This contains the links to the CSS and JavaScript pages.
- include_header.html: This contains the Ares logo, STATUS line, and a search box.
- include_headernostatus.html: A legacy page that has been deprecated due to the addition of newer functionality to handle status information elsewhere on the web pages.
- include_instructorBatchMenu.html: The menu to batch edit items to add tags, such as adding a "week 1" tag to multiple items at once.
- include_instructorcoursemenu.html: Includes the Instructor Course Tools menu that allows instructors to add reserve items and lookup reserve item usage. There are links to ICourseInfo.html, ICourseEdit.html, ICourseCrossListing.html, ICourseClone.html, ICourseProxyUsers.html, ICourseAuthUsers.html, IRFMenu.html, ICourseMessageBoard.html, ItemUsage.html, and ICourseStudentList.html.
- include_instructormenu.html: This contains the Instructor Tools menu that allows instructors to create a course, view a previous course, or view upcoming courses.
- include_instructorssharedlistmenu.html: This contains the Instructor Shared List Tools menu that allows staff to edit the shared list and delete items from the shared list.
- include_menu.html: This contains the side navigation menu visible on the Main Menu page and all request pages. This includes the Logoff button, Switch to Student Mode, Main Menu, Ares Tools, Change User Information, and My Emails. This page has links to UHome.html, ChangeUserInformation.html, Change Password.html, and ViewNotifications.html
- include_permanentlink.html: This contains an item's permanent URL link.
- include_setItemFieldsAsReadOnly.html: Items that are linked to shared lists permissions will be set to read-only.
- include_sharelistsitemviewdelete.html: Table with a list of shared list items and the option to delete items.
- include_sharedlistsitemvieweditdelete.html: Table with a list of shared list items to edit or delete.
- include_sharedlistmenu.html: Table with a list of all shared lists.
- include_studentBatchMenu.html: The menu for students to batch edit tags assigned to items. This allows them to set custom tags for multiple items at once.
- include_studentcoursemenu.html: This contains the side navigation menu visible on the student web interface.
- include_studentmenu.html: The Student Tools menu that includes the hotlist and the item search.
- include_ViewDelete.html: The item menu used to view or delete an item.
- include_vieweditdelete.html: The item menu used to view, edit, or delete an item and to export the RIS citation information.
Detail/View Pages
- PhysicalItem.html: "This item is currently available at the Main Library Reserve Desk" notification.
- ViewItemNotificationDetail.html: A brief overview of the notification with the description, email date, etc.
- ViewNotifications.html: The list of user notifications.
- ViewNotificationsDetail.html: The details of a particular notification with an option to return to the View Notifications page for all notifications.
The "RIS" format is a format for information providers who deliver bibliographic information to customers on the web. Examples of such providers include organizations such as Google Scholar®, Web of Knowledge®, Ovid®, Science Direct, and OCLC®. This feature allows researchers to easily add citation information to their bibliographic management tools (e.g., EndNote, RefWorks, Mendeley, etc.) via the RIS download file.
- RIS_Article.html: The RIS article file.
- RIS_Audio.html: The RIS audio file.
- RIS_Book.html: The RIS book file.
- RIS_BookChapter.html: The RIS book chapter file.
- RIS_Default.html: The generic request RIS file.
- RIS_Video.html: The RIS video file.
- RIS.html: The field values for the RIS file (e.g., Author, Publisher, Edition, etc.).
Student Interface
- UCourseDelete.html: This contains the option to remove a course.
- UCourseInfo.html: The student course homepage.
- UCourseMessageBoard.html: The web page with the message board and its included threads. There is also an option to add a new topic.
- UCourseMessageBoardNewReply.html: This contains the option to respond to a comment within an existing thread.
- UCourseMessageBoardNewThread.html: This contains the option to start a new message board thread.
- UCourseMessageBoardThread.html: Displays any current message board threads or a message stating that there are not currently any messages.
- UCoursePassword.html: A page for users to enter the course password in order to add the course after manually searching for it.
- UCourseResults.html: The search results from a course search. Students can add courses here if they are enrolled but it didn’t show up in the search results.
- UCoursesTags.html: Tags assigned by the student.
- UHome.html: This contains the HotList table and the Courses table.
- UHotList.html: The main menu table of items added to the hotlist.
- UItemInfo.html: This contains item details.
- USearch.html: The search form and search parameters for items (e.g., Title, Author, etc.).
- USearchCourse.html: The search form and search parameters for a course (e.g., Course Number, Instructor, etc.).
- USearchResults.html: The search results from an item search.
Instructor Interface
Shared Lists
- IApplySharedList.html: Add an item to a shared list.
- ISharedListCreate.html: Create a new shared list.
- ISharedListEdit.html: Edit an existing shared list.
- ISharedListInfo.html: The table of shared list items and the associated courses for which the shared list was used.
- ISharedListItemInfo.html: Information on a particular item within a shared list (e.g., current status, author, title, etc.).
- ISLRFArticle.html: The request form submitted to add articles to a shared list. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Article Title, Article Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- ISLRFAudio.html: The request form submitted to add audio items to a shared list. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Audio Title, Audio Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- ISLRFBook.html: The request form submitted to add books to a shared list. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Book Title, Book Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- ISLRFBookChapter.html: The request form submitted to add book chapters to a shared list. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Book Title, Book Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- ISLRFCreate.html: A generic request form to add an item to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditArticle.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding articles to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditAudio.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding audio items to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditBook.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding books to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditBookChapter.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding book chapters to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditCreate.html: Allows instructors to edit the generic request form used to add an item to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditInstructorUpload.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding a file upload item to a shared list.
- ISLRFEditVideo.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding videos to a shared list. Allows users to edit fields are on the request form.
- ISLRFInstructorUpload.html: The request form submitted to add a new file upload item to a shared list.
- ISLRFMenu.html: The menu used to add a new reserve item, clone an item(s) from a previous course, and/or apply items from a shared list.
- ISLRFOpenURLArticle.html: Allows instructors to request an article to be added to a shared list via OpenURL.
- ISLRFOpenURLBook.html: Allows instructors to request a book to be added to a shared list via OpenURL.
- ISLRFVideo.html: The request form submitted to add videos to a shared list. Determines the fields that are on the request form. For example, Video Title, Video Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IUploadSharedListItemForm.html: The form used to upload a file for a file upload item on a shared list.
Course Request Forms
- IOpenURLMenu.html: Allows instructors to place an item request via OpenURL into Ares.
- IPreviousCoursesList.html: This contains a table with a list of previous courses and their details (e.g., Course Home link, Semester, Course Code, etc.).
- IProxyUsers.html: The list of proxy users associated with a particular course and/or an error message if there aren’t any full proxies assigned to the course.
- IRFArticle.html: The request form submitted to add articles to a course. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Article Title, Article Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IRFAudio.html: The request form submitted to add audio items to a course. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Audio Title, Audio Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IRFBook.html: The request form submitted to add books to a course. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Book Title, Book Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IRFBookChapter.html: The request form submitted to add book chapters to a course. Determines what fields are on the request form and which fields are required. For example, Book Title, Book Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IRFCreate.html: A generic request form to add an item to a course.
- IRFEditArticle.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for articles to be added to a course.
- IRFEditAudio.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding audio items to a course.
- IRFEditBook.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding books to a course.
- IRFEditBookChapter.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding book chapters to a course.
- IRFEditCreate.html: Allows instructors to edit the generic request form.
- IRFEditInstructorUpload.html: Allows instructors to edit the form submitted for adding a new file upload item to a course.
- IRFEditVideo.html: Allows instructors to edit the request form submitted for adding videos to a course.
- IRFInstructorUpload.html: The request form submitted to add a new file upload item to a course.
- IRFMenu.html: The menu used to add a new reserve item, clone items from a previous course, and/or apply items from a shared list.
- IRFOpenURLArticle.html: Allows instructors to request an article to be put on reserve for a course via the OpenURL.
- IRFOpenURLBook.html: Allows instructors to request a book to be put on reserve for a course via the OpenURL.
- IRFVideo.html: The request form submitted to add a video to a course. Determines the fields that are on the request form. For example, Video Title, Video Author, I will upload the file myself, etc.
- IUploadForm.html: The form used to upload a file for a file upload item for a course.
Message Boards
- ICourseMessageBoard.html: The web page with the message board and its included threads. There is also an option to add a new topic on this page.
- ICourseMessageBoardNewReply.html: This contains the option to respond to a comment within an existing thread.
- ICourseMessageBoardNewThread.html: This contains the option to start a new message board thread.
- ICourseMessageBoardThread.html: Displays any current message board threads or a message stating that there are not currently any messages.
Edit Courses
- ICourseClone.html: The form where instructors can clone a course by entering the new course code and the semester it will occur, and also confirm or edit details such as the course description or tags.
- ICourseCreate.html: The form where instructors can create a course. This can be substituted by course and user loads.
- ICourseCrossList.html: This allows instructors to add additional departments and course numbers so that students can find the course via different course search terms.
- ICourseEdit.html: Shows course details and allows instructors to edit those details (e.g., Course Name, Course Description, etc.).
- ICourseImportItems.html: Allows instructors to import items from a previous course into another course.
- ICourseImportItemsToSharedList.html: Allows instructors to import items from a previous course into a shared list.
Course Details
- IActiveCourseList.html: Shows the current courses in a table with the course name, course code, semester, and reserve items. Also displays a reserve item table.
- ICourseAuthUsers.html: A list of authorized users who can have access to the course as well as the option to manually add or delete users.
- ICourseInfo.html: The course homepage. Shows the course details (e.g., Course Number, Cross-listings, Course URL, Instructor, etc.) and the table of reserve items that includes details such as ID, title, author, inactive state, status, etc.
- ICourseProxyUsers.html: Includes a list of users permitted to administer this course as well as a place to add additional course proxies.
- ICourseStudentList.html: This contains the list of enrolled students for each course displayed in a table that includes details for each student (e.g., Username, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc.).
- ICourseTags.html: The tags assigned by instructors (e.g., week 1, week 2, required, etc.).
- ICourseUsage.html: Usage stats that show how many students have viewed each item for a particular course.
- IHome.html: Includes the current Courses table and the Awaiting Supplied by Instructor Table.
- IInstructorSharedList.html: A list of the shared lists.
- IItemData.html: This contains an item’s details, including the author, title, and description.
- IItemInfo.html: This contains all of the reserve item details within a table with the permanent links and notes. There is also an option to navigate back to the course.
- IItemSupply.html: This contains the options to ask the instructor how they will supply an item.
- IItemUsage.html: The table containing all reserve items and stats on each item’s usage.
- ISearchResults.html: When searching for items based on keywords, the results will return on this page.
Form Numbers
2 | IRFMenu.html |
60 | ICourseInfo.html |
73 | ViewNotifications.html |
80 | GCreateAccount.html |
81 | ChangeUserInformation.html |
85 | ForgotPassword.html |
115 | IItemUsage.html |