The release of Aeon 5.1 comes with several changes to the default web pages. To implement these changes, you can either:
- Download the 5.1 web pages and replace your existing pages.
- If you have customizations, find and replace the following code changes mentioned below. Any code highlighted in yellow needs to be removed and any code highlighted in blue needs to be added.
Important Changes
- The default RequestsInReviewDataRow.html file was renamed to DataRow_ReviewRequest.html. Code in the default ViewUserReviewRequests.html file was also updated to reflect this change. To ensure that no functionality is broken on your web pages, please either overwrite both files with the new default files or see the Renamed RequestsInReviewDataRow.html section of this guide below to manually make the appropriate changes.
- Several of the changes below include extensive changes to atlasUtility.js. In order to ensure that no functionality is broken on your web pages, we recommend overwriting your default atlasUtility.js with the updated file rather than making any changes to this file manually.
If you have any questions, would like to request a copy of your web pages to implement these changes, or require Concierge Services when implementing the new web pages, please contact support at
5.1 Release
Appointment Scheduling Web Pages | New Photoduplication Request Pages | Custom JavaScript File | Renamed RequestsInReviewDataRow.html | New and Improved Saved Requests Page | Updated Saved Requests Link in Navigation Bar | RequestFor Dropdown for Saved Requests | Web Validation on Saved Requests | HTML5 Form Validation on EAD Requests | Show "FOR DUPLICATION ORDERS" Label on Photoduplication Order Details | Fix Active Request Search Bug | Missing Formnovalidate Attribute | Updated Calendar Icon | Disable Buttons on Form Submission | Changes to Credit Card Pages | Ancillary Data | Footer Tags Added to ViewOrderApprovals.html | Site Map Added to Footer on Logon.html | Normalize Quoting Style for DLL Tags | Removed "form-control" Class from Select Elements | Removed "new-line" Class | Accessibility Updates for Checkboxes and Datarows
Appointment Scheduling Web Pages
New feature-specific appointment scheduling web pages are available to provide patrons with an appointment scheduling interface. The appointment scheduling web pages are not installed by default and must be downloaded from the Aeon Downloads page, manually added to your web directory, and configured to work on your web request forms.
New Photoduplication Request Pages
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
Two new default web pages have been added for new monograph and archive photoduplication requests along with corresponding edit pages:
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
To navigate to the new request pages, "Switch to Photoduplication Request" buttons were added to GenericRequestMonograph.html and GenericRequestManuscript.html. Patrons will be able to use these buttons in conjunction with "Switch to Published Materials Request" buttons on the new pages to toggle back and forth between photoduplication and published materials request pages.
Please add EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html and EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html to your web directory, and overwrite your default GenericRequestMonograph.html and GenericRequestManuscript.html files with the updated files or make the following changes:
Add this (default line 32, 34):
<section name="item-info">
<div class="d-flex"> <h3 class="section-header">Item Information</h3> <div class="ml-auto"> <button id="SwitchToPhotoduplicationRequest" class="btn btn-primary btn-md switchButton switch-request-form float-right" type="button" name="switchButton" data-switchrequest-form="20" data-switchrequest-value="GenericRequestMonographPhotodup"> Switch to Photoduplication Request </button> </div> </div>
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ItemTitle">
Add this (default line 32, 34):
<section name="item-info">
<div class="d-flex"> <h3 class="section-header">Item Information</h3> <div class="ml-auto"> <button id="SwitchToPhotoduplicationRequest" class="btn btn-primary btn-md switchButton switch-request-form float-right" type="button" name="switchButton" data-switchrequest-form="20" data-switchrequest-value="GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup"> Switch to Photoduplication Request </button> </div> </div>
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ItemTitle">
Custom JavaScript File
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
A blank custom.js file was added to the default web pages for site-specific custom JavaScript changes. To use the new file for your custom JavaScript changes, please add custom.js to your web directory in the "js" folder, and overwrite your default include_head.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Add this (default line 21):
<script src="js/atlasUtility.js"></script> <script src="js/custom.js"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-VrmtNHAdGzjNsUNtWYG55xxE9xDTz4gF63x/prKXKH0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Renamed RequestsInReviewDataRow.html
The default RequestsInReviewDataRow.html file was renamed to DataRow_ReviewRequest.html. This change also affects code on the default ViewUserReviewRequests.html page. There are two options to implement this change:
- Overwrite your default RequestsInReviewDataRow.html file with the new DataRow_ReviewRequest.html file, and overwrite your default ViewUserReviewRequests.html with the new default file.
- Manually change the name of RequestsInReviewDataRow.html file to DataRow_ReviewRequest.html (or overwrite it with the new, renamed file), and then manually make the following change on ViewUserReviewRequests.html:
Change this (default lines 30-32):
<div id="saved-requests"> <#DATAREPEATER Name="RequestsInReview" TemplateFile="Templates\RequestsInReviewDataRow.html" NoDataAction="<div class='no-data-message'> You do not currently have any requests in review</div>"> </div>
To this:
<div id="saved-requests"> <#DATAREPEATER Name="RequestsInReview" TemplateFile="Templates\DataRow_ReviewRequest.html" NoDataAction="<div class='no-data-message'> You do not currently have any requests in review</div>"> </div>
New and Improved Saved Requests Page
RequestsInReviewDataRow.html (renamed DataRow_ReviewRequest.html) was updated to display new features and options on the "Saved Requests" web page. The following additions were made:
- Item titles now link to their associated request detail pages.
- Edit and Request Copy buttons are now visible by default for each request.
- An Actions dropdown menu was added with Cancel, Clone to Copy, Export Citation, and Submit Request options available depending on the state of the request.
To implement these changes, please overwrite RequestsInReviewDataRow.html with the new DataRow_ReviewRequest.html file, or make the following changes to your original RequestsInReviewDataRow.html file:
Link Item Title to Request Details
Change this (default line 14):
<#DATAROW field="ItemTitle">
To this:
<a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"></a>
Add New Buttons and Actions Menu
Change this (default lines 9-12):
<div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-2 order-lg-last text-right"> <a class="btn btn-primary menuEdit <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Edit' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="<#DLL queryFields='false'> ?Action=20&Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span span aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-edit mr-1"> </span>Edit</a> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-9 table-data-row-details"> <h4 class="card-title">
To this:
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-12"> <h4 class="card-title">
Change this (default lines 16-20):
<h5 class="card-subtitle mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></h5> <div class="field text-muted">Transaction Number <span class="field-value font-weight-bold ml-1"> <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'> </span></div> </div> </div>
To this:
<h5 class="card-subtitle text-muted"> <#DATAROW field="ItemSubtitle"></h5> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 col-md-12 text-right"> <a class="btn btn-primary <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Edit' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="<#DLL queryFields='false'>?Action=20& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="menuEdit"><span span aria-hidden="true" class="far fa-edit"> </span> Edit</a>
<a class="btn btn-primary <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='RequestCopy' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="<#DLL queryFields='false'>?Action=20&Form=34&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="menuEdit"> <span span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-copy"> </span> Request Copy</a>
<div class="btn-group" role="group"> <button id="btnGroupDrop<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Actions </button> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="btnGroupDrop<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuClone <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Cancel' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=21&Type=10&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"><span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-ban text-danger"></span> Cancel Request</a> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='CloneToCopy' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=11&Form=33&Value=< #DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"><span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-cart-plus text-primary"></span> Clone to Copy</a> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuExportRIS <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ExportRIS' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=121&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"><span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-download text-primary"></span> Export Citation</a> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Submit' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Type=12&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"><span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-share-square"></span> Submit Request</a> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Updated Saved Requests Link in the Navigation Bar
The Saved Requests link in the navigation bar's Order History dropdown menu was updated with new functionality to display the user's current number of saved requests to its right and a shopping cart icon to its left. To implement this change, please overwrite your default include_nav.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 32-36):
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarOrderHistory" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-history"> </span> Order History</a> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarOrderHistory"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="<#ACTION action='10' form='76'>"> Saved Requests</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="<#ACTION action='10' form='62'>"> Outstanding Requests</a>
To this:
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarOrderHistory" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-history"> </span> Order History</a> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarOrderHistory"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="<#ACTION action='10' form='76'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-shopping-cart"> </span> Saved Requests <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill "> <#USER field="UserReviewCount"></span></a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="<#ACTION action='10' form='62'>"> Outstanding Requests</a>
RequestFor Dropdown for Saved Requests
Added a RequestFor dropdown on ViewUserReviewRequests.html so that saved requests can now be associated with a researcher or activity when submitted. Please overwrite your default ViewUserReviewRequests.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Add this (default line 47):
<div id="request-link-div" class="form-group visit-date col-md-5 <#PARAM name='RequestLinksVisible' enabled='RequestForEnabled' disabled='d-none'>"> <label for="RequestLink"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORRequestLink'>"> Request for </span> </label> <select class="custom-select mr-sm-2" id="RequestLink" name="RequestLink" size="1" > <#OPTION name="RequestLinks" hideUsernames="true"> </select> </div>
Change this (default lines 48-58):
$(document).ready(function () {
if (($('#saved-requests .card').length == 0)) {
To this:
$(document).ready(function () {
if (($('#saved-requests .card').length == 0)) {
Web Validation on Saved Requests
To fix an issue where web validation is not applied to saved requests, please overwrite your default KeepInReview.js file with the updated file or make the following change:
Change this (default lines 26, 109):
statusRoot = $('#status');
To this:
statusRoot = $('#statusLine');
HTML5 Form Validation on EAD Requests
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
The EAD request form was updated to apply HTML5 validation on fields, for example when validating input on required fields. To apply this change, please overwrite your default EADRequest.html file with the updated file or make the following change:
Change this (default lines 18-19):
$(':submit').click(function (event) { SubmitEADForm(this, event); return false; }); });
To this:
$(':submit').click(function (event) { if ($(this).closest("form").get(0).reportValidity()) { SubmitEADForm(this, event); } return false; });
Show "FOR DUPLICATION ORDERS" Label on Photoduplication Order Details
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.

To fix an issue where the "FOR DUPLICATION ORDERS" label was hidden on the detailed information page for photoduplication orders, please overwrite your default ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html file with the updated file or make the following change:
Change this (default lines 150-155):
<div class="field list-group-item "> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <span class="transaction-label"> FOR DUPLICATION ORDERS:</span> <span class="field-value"></span> </div> </div>
To this:
<div class=" list-group-item <#TRANSACTION display='CheckHasValue' field='PhotoduplicationQueueName' disabledValue='d-none'>"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <span class="transaction-label"> FOR DUPLICATION ORDERS:</span> </div> </div>
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
To fix an issue where the "Search only active requests" option returns results for all requests, we recommend overwriting your default atlasUtility.js and ViewSearchResults.html files with the updated files due to extensive changes made in atlasUtility.js. Alternatively, you can overwrite the default atlasUtility.js file and then make the following changes manually to ViewSearchResults.html:
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default lines 18-32):
<form action="aeon.dll" name="Search" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="AeonForm" value="Search"> <input id="SessionID" name="SessionID" type="hidden" value="<#PARAM name='SessionID'>"> <input id="SearchCriteria" value="<#PARAM name='SearchCriteria'>" name="SearchCriteria" type="text" title="Search criteria"> <form class="form-inline my-1 my-lg-0"> <input class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search" > </form> <div id="searchType"> <input checked name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeActive" value="Active" > <label for="SearchTypeActive"><span>Search <u>only</u> active requests</span></label>
<input class="ml-3" name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeAll" value="All" > <label for="SearchTypeAll">Search all requests</label> </div> </form>
To this:
<form action="aeon.dll" name="Search" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="AeonForm" value="Search"> <input id="SearchCriteria" value="<#PARAM name='SearchCriteria'>" name="SearchCriteria" type="text" title="Search criteria"> <input class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search" data-button-nodisable> <!--Switch control for search filtering--> <!-- <div class="custom-control custom-switch" id="customSearchType"> <input type="checkbox" name="SearchType" class="custom-control-input" id="SearchType" value="Active" data-persisted-value="<#PARAM name='SearchType'>"> <label class="custom-control-label" for="SearchType"> Search <u>only</u> active requests</label> </div> -->
<!--Radio control for search filtering--> <br> <div id="searchType"> <input checked name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeActive" value="Active" data-persisted-value="<#PARAM name='SearchType'>"> <label for="SearchTypeActive"><span>Search <u>only</u> active requests</span></label>
<input class="ml-3" name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeAll" value="All" data-persisted-value="<#PARAM name='SearchType'>"> <label for="SearchTypeAll">Search all requests</label> </div> </form>
Missing Formnovalidate Attribute
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
A previously missing "formnovalidate" attribute was added to the cancel button on ExpiredUsers.html in order to allow users to stop the request form and return to the main menu. To fix this issue, please overwrite your default ExpiredUsers.html file with the updated file or make the following change:
Change this (default line 297):
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Cancel - Exit to Main Menu" > Cancel - Exit to Main Menu</button>
To this:
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Cancel - Exit to Main Menu" formnovalidate> Cancel - Exit to Main Menu</button>
Updated Calendar Icon

The calendar icon next to the date picker on request forms has been updated with a new look as a clickable "Font Awesome" icon. To implement this change, please overwrite the following default files with the new files or make the specified changes to each file listed below:
- atlasUtility.js
- scheduled-date.js
- DefaultRequest.html
- EADRequest.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditEADRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- ViewUserReviewRequests.html
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default lines 173-178):
buttonImage: "css/images/cal_24x24.png", buttonImageOnly: true, showOn: "button", onChangeMonthYear: function(){ setTimeout(function(){ changeDisableDateColor();
To this:
onChangeMonthYear: function(){ setTimeout(function(){ changeDisableDateColor();
Request Forms
Change this:
<div class="input-group"> <input class="form-control" id="ScheduledDate" name="ScheduledDate" type="textbox" value="<#PARAM name='ScheduledDate'>"> </div>
To this:
<div class="input-group"> <input class="form-control" id="ScheduledDate" name="ScheduledDate" type="text" aria-describedby="button-datePicker-scheduledDate" value="<#PARAM name='ScheduledDate'>"> <div class="input-group-append"> <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary dateTrigger" type="button" role="button" id="button-datePicker-scheduledDate" data-triggerDatePicker="#ScheduledDate" aria-label="Calendar"> <span class="fas fa-calendar ui-datepicker-trigger"></span> </button> </div> </div>
On these web pages:
- DefaultRequest.html (default lines 172-174)
- EADRequest.html (default lines 101-103)
- EditDefaultRequest.html (default lines 181-183)
- EditEADRequest.html (default lines 148-150)
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 133-135)
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 188-190)
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 172-174)
- GenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 139-141)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 176-178)
- GenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 144-146)
- ViewUserReviewRequests.html (default lines 40-42)
Disable Buttons on Form Submission
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
atlasUtility.js was updated with new functionality that disables most buttons while submitting a form. This functionality protects against duplicate form submissions caused by clicking the form submit button twice and also prevents a user from navigating away from the page in the middle of a form submission, eliminating any confusion as to whether or not the submission went through.
This change applies to any button element that is type "submit" unless that button element also contains the data attribute "data-button-nodisable," which will disable the new functionality. To accomodate these changes, the Search button was also updated with new code on ViewSearchResults.html.
To implement these changes, please overwrite your default atlasUtility.js and EADRequest.js with the updated files and either overwrite your default ViewSearchResults.html with the updated file or make the following changes:
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default line 23):
<input class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search">
To this:
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search" data-button-nodisable>Search</button>
Changes to Credit Card Payment Pages
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
Significant changes have been made to the credit card payment pages to improve their functionality. Please review the changes listed below and make the recommended updates to your payment pages.
Note: The following changes are significant. To implement these changes, please move your web customizations to the new files and overwrite your existing CreditCardPayment.html file with the updated default file following the instructions below.
New Default Payment Pages
The credit card payment pages are no longer feature-specific pages and have been added to the default web pages with a few significant changes:
- CreditCardPayment.html is now a single default file instead of a separate file for each payment provider.
- Specific payment providers are configured on CreditCardPayment.html through newly added include files for each payment provider. These files follow the naming scheme include_payment_form_[PaymentProviderName].html and are located in a new "payments" subfolder found in the "templates" folder in the web directory.
- An include_payment_form_none.html file was added to act as a default placeholder on CreditCardPayment.html.
- Payment buttons for each payment provider page have been broken out into an include_payment_buttons.html file located in the "payments" subfolder found in the "templates" folder in the web directory.
- A CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html default file has been added for TouchNet, as well as include_confirmation_form_none.html and include_confirmation_form_touchnet.html pages (see Configuring Additional TouchNet Pages below).
Exception for Sage Pay Payment Gateway
Sage Pay will not use the new default CreditCardPayment.html file and will instead use a feature-specific CreditCardPayment.html. As such, an include_payment_form file is not included for Sage Pay. Please follow the Sage Pay-specific instructions below when implementing the new pages for this payment gateway.
Complete list of new default include files:
- include_confirmation_form_none.html
- include_confirmation_form_touchnet.html
- include_payment_buttons.html
- include_payment_form_authorize.net_accept_hosted.html
- include_payment_form_cybersource.html
- include_payment_form_none.html
- include_payment_form_payeezy.html
- include_payment_form_paypal.html
- include_payment_form_touchnet.html
Migrating Your Payment Page Web Customizations
Web customizations or configurations that were previously made on the feature-specific CreditCardPayment.html file for your payment provider will need to be migrated to the new include_payment_form_[PaymentProviderName].html file for your provider. These configurations can be applied to the new file in the same manner that they were made in your original CreditCardPayment.html file.
Migrating Sage Pay Payment Page Web Customizations
As Sage Pay will not use an include_payment_form include file, any customizations on your original CreditCardPayment.html should be migrated to the new feature-specific CreditCardPayment.html Sage Pay file.
Additional TouchNet Customizations
The Upay and T-Link URLs for TouchNet are configured on lines 1 and 20 of include_payment_form_touchnet.html. These should set on the new include file according to the same configurations used on your previous TouchNet-specific CreditCardPayment.html file.
Configuring the New Pages
To configure the new CreditCardPayment.html file for your specific payment provider, follow these steps:
- Download the new default web pages.
- From the default web page download, navigate into the "templates" folder. Add the new "payment" subfolder to your web directory in the "templates" folder (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web\templates).
- Add any web edits/configurations you had made on your original CreditCardPayment.html file to the new include_payment_form_[PaymentProviderName].html file.
- Overwrite CreditCardPayment.html with the updated file in your web directory (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web).
- Replace the default placeholder include file with your payment provider's include file on line 42 of CreditCardPayment.html as follows:
Change this (default line 42):
<#INCLUDE filename= "templates/payment/include_payment_form_none.html">
To this:
<#INCLUDE filename= "templates/payment/include_payment_form_[PaymentProviderName].html">
Configuring Additional TouchNet Pages
After following the steps above, an additional CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html file must be configured for the TouchNet gateway following these steps:
- Add any web edits/configurations you had made on your original CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html file to the new include_payment_confirmation_form_touchnet.html file.
- Overwrite CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html with the updated file in your web directory (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web).
- Replace the default placeholder include file with your payment provider's include file on line 13 of CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html as follows:
Change this (default line 13):
<#include filename= "templates/payment/include_confirmation_form_none.html">
To this:
<#include filename= "templates/payment/include_confirmation_form_touchnet.html">
Configuring the Sage Pay Pages
To configure the new CreditCardPayment.html file for Sage Pay, follow these steps:
- Download the new default web pages.
- Download the feature-specific CreditCardPayment.html for Sage Pay.
- From the default web page download in step one, navigate into the "templates" folder. Add the new "payment" subfolder to your web directory in the "templates" folder (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web\templates).
- Add any web edits/configurations you had made on your original CreditCardPayment.html file to the new CreditCardPayment.html file downloaded in step two.
- Overwrite CreditCardPayment.html with the updated file in your web directory (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web).
Ancillary Data
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
Several updates were made to the handling for the 'ancillaryData' TouchNet fields to address a bug that prevented data from passing correctly to TouchNet. Please make updates to the following web pages to fix this issue:
An 'ancillaryData' field must be added to the ajax data section in CreditCardPayment.html or in include_payment_form_touchnet.html if you have updated to the new default credit card payment pages (see Changes to Credit Card Payment Pages above). Any Aeon field can be passed to the 'ancillaryData' property in order to submit that information as ancillary data.
For example, to submit a payment's transaction numbers as ancillary data, you would add the following line:
errorLink: "<#CUSTOMIZATION name='WebURL'>aeon.dll?action=30&type=113",
cancelLink: "<#CUSTOMIZATION name='WebURL'>aeon.dll?action=30&type=104",
ancillaryData: "<#PARAM name='TransactionNumbers'>"
The "AncillaryData" hidden input should be removed from CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html if previously added, as there is no longer a need for the ancillary data parameter on this page. A payment's ancillary data is now stored in the BillingGatewayTransactions table in the CustomData field and is sent to TouchNet when completing the payment.
Remove the following line:
<input type="hidden" name="AncillaryData" value="<#PARAM name=
Footer Tags Added to ViewOrderApprovals.html
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
Footer tags have been added to the default ViewOrderApprovals.html file. To implement these changes, please overwrite your default ViewOrderApprovals.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default line 59):
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
To this:
<footer> <#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html"> </footer>
Site Map Added to Footer on Logon.html
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
A link to the Site Map was added to the footer on the default logon page. To implement these changes, please overwrite your default Logon.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 74-77):
<footer class="foot"> <div>Powered by Aeon</div> <div> © 2021 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div> </footer>
To this:
<footer class="foot"> <div>Powered by Aeon</div> <div> © 2021 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div> <div> <a href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=3">Site Map</a> </div> </footer>
Normalize Quoting Style for DLL Tags
This change impacts a large number of web pages. To implement this change, please overwrite your default web pages with the updated files or make the changes manually on each page following the example below.
The quoting style for DLL tags (tags that begin "<#") was changed to use double-quotes for attributes wherever these tags were not already nested within double-quotes. An example of this change is in DataRow_DefaultRequest.html (this page will also require additional changes):
Change this:
<span id="Tooltip_ItemStatus_ <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="d-none" role="tooltip"> Moved to <#DATAROW field='TransactionStatus'> on <span class="convert-local" data-iso8601=" <#DATAROW field='TransactionDate' display='ISO8601'>"> <#DATAROW field='TransactionDate'></span> </span>
To this:
<span id="Tooltip_ItemStatus_ <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="d-none" role="tooltip"> Moved to <#DATAROW field="TransactionStatus"> on <span class="convert-local" data-iso8601=" <#DATAROW field='TransactionDate' display='ISO8601'>"> <#DATAROW field="TransactionDate"></span> </span>
- <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'> and the first instance of<#DATAROW field='TransactionDate'> use single quotes around the attribute because the tags are inside the double-quotes of the "id" and "data-iso8601" attributes respectively.
- <#DATAROW field='TransactionStatus'> and the second instance of <#DATAROW field='TransactionDate'> must be changed to <#DATAROW field="TransactionStatus"> and <#DATAROW field="TransactionDate"> since these tags are not already nested within double-quotes.
Please follow the example above to make this change on these web pages:
- DataRow_BillingData.html
- DataRow_CreditCardOrder.html
- DataRow_DefaultActivity.html
- DataRow_DefaultNote.html
- DataRow_DefaultRequest.html
- DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html
- DataRow_OrderBilling.html
- DataRow_OrderEstimate.html
- RequestsInReviewDataRow.html
- ActivityInformation.html
- ChangeUserInformation.html
- DefaultRequest.html
- DetailedInformation.html
- EADRequest.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditEADRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html
- ExpiredUsers.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestMongraphPhotdup.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- include_nav.html
- include_photoduplication.html
- include_ResearcherTagsUpdate.html
- include_scheduleddate_review_toggle.html
- NewAuthRegistration.html
- NewUserRegistration.html
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html
- ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html
- ViewDefaultDetailed.html
- ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html
- ViewDetailedInformation.html
- ViewDetailedManuscriptInformation.html
- ViewDetailedMongraphInformation.html
- ViewDetailedSerialInformation.html
- ViewRequestsByTag.html
- ViewSearchResults.html
Removed "form-control" Class from Select Elements
This change impacts a large number of web pages. To implement this change, please overwrite your default web pages with the updated files or make the changes manually on each page following the example below.
The "form-control" class was removed from all select elements, including select elements where it was incorrectly added as a second class attribute at the end of the tag. An example of this change is in DefaultRequest.html:
Change this:
<select class="form-control custom-select mr-sm-2" id="RequestLink" name="RequestLink" size="1"> <#OPTION name="RequestLinks"> </select>
To this:
<select class="custom-select mr-sm-2" id="RequestLink" name="RequestLink" size="1"> <#OPTION name="RequestLinks"> </select>
Please follow the example above to make this change on these web pages:
- DefaultRequest.html
- EADRequest.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditEADRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestMongraphPhotdup.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- include_photoduplication.html
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html
Removed "new-line" Class
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
The "new-line" class was removed from aeon.css and all <span> elements using the "new-line" class attribute were replaced with <div> elements. To implement this change, please overwrite the default web pages listed below with the updated files, or make the following changes manually to each page:
Remove the "new-line" class on aeon.css:
Change this (default lines 118-127):
padding: 1rem 0; } .new-line { display: block; } .bold { font-weight: bold; }
To this:
padding: 1rem 0; } .bold { font-weight: bold; }
Replace <span class="new-line"> with <div> tags following the example below:
Change this (default lines 115-128):
<h2>Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about Aeon?</h2>
<p> <span class="new-line"> System Problems or Questions: Special Collections office at (800) 555-1212 or email to <a href=""></a> </span> <span class="new-line"> Technical Support Questions: Email anytime to <a href=""></a> </span> </p>
<a name="cookie"></a>
To this:
<h2>Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about Aeon?</h2>
<div> System Problems or Questions: Special Collections office at (800) 555-1212 or email to <a href=""></a> </div> <div> Technical Support Questions: Email anytime to <a href=""></a> </div>
<a name="cookie"></a>
Please follow the example above to make this change on these web pages:
- ExpiredUsers.html (default lines 264-270)
- FirstTime.html (default lines 32-38)
- include_footer.html (default lines 2-11)
- Logon.html (default lines 41-46; 79-82)
- Logon2.html (default lines 28-29)
- NewAuthRegistration (default lines 20-25)
Make the following changes to replace the "new-line" class with additional formatting on these web pages:
Change this (default lines 10-22):
<div class="container"> <p> <span class="new-line"> Aeon is special collections circulation and workflow automation software for special collections libraries designed by special collections librarians. </span> <span class="new-line"> Aeon improves customer service and staff efficiency while providing unparalleled item tracking, security, and statistics. </span> </p>
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
To this:
<div class="container"> <div class="mt-5 mb-3"> Aeon is special collections circulation and workflow automation software for special collections libraries designed by special collections librarians. </div> <div class="mt-3 mb-5"> Aeon improves customer service and staff efficiency while providing unparalleled item tracking, security, and statistics. </div>
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
Change this (default lines 21-29):
<div id="statusLine"><#STATUS></div> <p> <span class="new-line"> Your account has expired. Accounts expire once per year. Please confirm or update your information below and click the 'Submit Information' button to continue. </span> </p>
<section name="user-info">
To this:
<div id="statusLine"><#STATUS></div> <div class="mt-3 mb-3"> Your account has expired. Accounts expire once per year. Please confirm or update your information below and click the 'Submit Information' button to continue. </div>
<section name="user-info">
Change this (default lines 55-69):
<p> <strong class="new-line">Username</strong> <span class="new-line"> Choose anything you like, such as your name, abbreviations, or an alphanumeric code. </span>
<strong class="new-line">Password</strong> <span class="new-line"> Choose anything you like. We recommend that you follow good security practice and choose a password that is different from those you use to access other systems. </span> <span class="new-line"> Aeon will encrypt your password, so it will remain secure. Only you will know your password. </span> </p>
To this:
<div> <strong >Username</strong> <div> Choose anything you like, such as your name, abbreviations, or an alphanumeric code. </div>
<strong >Password</strong> <div> Choose anything you like. We recommend that you follow good security practice and choose a password that is different from those you use to access other systems. </div> <div> Aeon will encrypt your password, so it will remain secure. Only you will know your password. </div> </div>
Change this (default lines 24-32):
<div id="searchType">
<input checked name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeActive" value="Active"> <label for="SearchTypeActive"> <span class="new-line">Search <u>only</u> active requests</span> </label> <input name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeAll" value="All"> <label for="SearchTypeAll">Search all requests</label> </div>
To this:
<div id="searchType">
<input checked name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeActive" value="Active"> <label for="SearchTypeActive"> <span >Search <u>only</u> active requests</span> </label> <input class="ml-3" name="SearchType" type="radio" id="SearchTypeAll" value="All"> <label for="SearchTypeAll">Search all requests</label> </div>
Accessibility Updates for Checkboxes and Datarows
These changes were also applied in the v5.0.73 default web pages release.
Several updates were made to the web pages to fix accessibility issues:
- Added header classes for h1-h6 elements to the default aeon.css file that can now be used on any element.
- Updated header elements on certain datarow templates and on webAlerts.js to instead use div elements with the relevant header class in order to fix an issue caused by missing header values on screenreaders.
- Fixed an invalid aria-labelledby target on webAlerts.js.
- Updated and standardized "Research Topics" checkboxes on user pages to fix an issue with missing form labels.
These changes impact a large number of web pages. To implement the changes, please overwrite your default web pages with the updated files or make the changes manually on each page found below.
Change this (default lines 7-14):
/*These are CSS classes for the headers*/ h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { color:#08415c; }
To this:
/*These are CSS classes for the headers*/ h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6 { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6 { color:#08415c; }
Note: If your header elements had been previously overridden in custom.css for colors, these changes should also be applied there.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Datarow Templates
DataRow_CreditCardOrder.html & RequestsInReviewDataRow.html/DataRow_ReviewRequest.html
Change this:
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field='ItemTitle'></a> </h4> <h5 class="card-subtitle mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></h5>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field='ItemTitle'></a> </div> <div class="card-subtitle h5 mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></div>
On these lines:
- DataRow_CreditCardOrder.html (default lines 7-10)
- RequestsInReviewDataRow.html/DataRow_ReviewRequest.html (default lines 13-16)
Change this (default lines 6-8):
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=91&Value= <#DATAROW field='Id'>"> <#DATAROW field='Name'></a> </h4>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=91&Value= <#DATAROW field='Id'>"> <#DATAROW field='Name'></a> </div>
Change this (default lines 6-9):
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field='ItemTitle'></a> </h4> <h5 class="card-subtitle text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></h5>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field='ItemTitle'></a> </div> <div class="card-subtitle h5 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></div>
Change this (default lines 6-10):
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"></a> <span class="text-muted"><#DATAROW field="ItemDate"> </span> </h4> <h5 class="card-subtitle mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></h5>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"></a> <span class="text-muted"><#DATAROW field="ItemDate"> </span> </div> <div class="card-subtitle h5 mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'></div>
DataRow_OrderBilling.html & DataRow_OrderEstimate.html
Change this (default lines 10-18):
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"> </a> </h4> <h5 class="card-subtitle mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'> </h5>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?&Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"> </a> </div> <div class="card-subtitle h5 mb2 text-muted"> <#DATAROW field='ItemSubtitle'> </div>
User Pages
ChangeUserInformation.html & NewAuthRegistration.html
Change this:
<div class="form-check "> <label for="form-checkbox ResearchTopicsSharing"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </span> </label> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-check ml-3"> <label class="form-check-label <#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>" for="ResearchTopicsSharing"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </label> </div>
On these lines:
- ChangeUserInformation.html (default lines 244-250)
- NewAuthRegistration.html (default lines 272-278)
Change this (default lines 248-255):
<div class="form-check ml-3"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>"> <label for="ResearchTopicsSharing"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </span> </label> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-check ml-3"> <label class="form-check-label <#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>" for="ResearchTopicsSharing"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </label> </div>
Change this (default lines 251-257):
<div class="form-check ml-3"> <label for="form-check-label" form="inlineFormCustomSelect" class="pl-3"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </span> </label> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-check ml-3"> <label class="form-check-label <#ERROR name='ERRORResearchTopicsSharing'>" for="ResearchTopicsSharing"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="ResearchTopicsSharing" name="ResearchTopicsSharing" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='ResearchTopicsSharing' default='true'>>May we share your research topics with others? </label> </div>
20 August 2021 Web Pages Release
Fix Electronically Delivered Items Buttons | Fix Transaction Number Input on Edit Pages | Fix Appointment Scheduling Web Interface Issues | Fix for Cancel Buttons | Fix for EAD Request Form Buttons
Fix Electronically Delivered Items Buttons
To fix an issue where the View, Delete, and Details buttons do not work on the Electronically Delivered Items web page, please overwrite your default DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 15-16):
<a class="btn btn-primary menuViewItemFile <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ViewItemFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="hover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="File Size: <#DATAROW field='FileSize'>">View</a> <a class="btn btn-secondary menuDeleteItemFile <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteItemFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Type=11&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> Delete</a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-primary menuViewItemFile <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ViewFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="hover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="File Size: <#DATAROW field='FileSize'>">View</a> <a class="btn btn-secondary menuDeleteItemFile <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Type=11&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> Delete</a>
And change this (default lines 22-23):
<a class="dropdown-item text-info btn btn-light" role="button" href="#collapseRequest <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span class="fa fa-info-circle text-info mr-1"></span>Details</a> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuEdit <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ViewItemFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-eye text-primary mr-1"> </span>View Item</a>
To this:
<a class="dropdown-item text-info btn btn-light" role="button" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=63&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span class="fa fa-info-circle text-info mr-1"></span>Details</a> <a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuEdit <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ViewFile' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value= <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true"class="fas fa-eye text-primary mr-1"> </span>View Item</a>
Fix TransactionNumber Input on Edit Pages
To fix an issue where the edit pages for the Generic Manuscript and Monograph Photoduplication Request forms erroneously contain a hidden TransactionLink input instead of a hidden TransactionNumber input, please overwrite your default EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html and EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html files with the updated files or make the following change on each file at the specified location:
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default line 19)
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default line 19)
Change this:
<input type="hidden" name="TransactionLink" value="<#PARAM name='TransactionLink'>">
To this:
<input type="hidden" name="TransactionNumber" value="<#PARAM name='TransactionNumber'>">
Fix Appointment Scheduling Web Interface Issues
To fix issues with the appointment scheduling web interface, including a fix for slow loading reading room calendars and a fix for issues with exception dates, please update your Web DLL to version 5.1.1, then visit the Aeon Downloads page to download the newest set of 5.1 Feature Specific Web Pages and overwrite your default appointments.js file with the updated file (located in the AppointmentScheduling/js folder).
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Fix for Cancel Buttons
To fix an issue where clicking the Cancel button on NewAuthRegistration.html and ExpiredUsers.html will send an unregistered/expired user back to the same page instead of exiting the Aeon system, please overwrite your default NewAuthRegistration.html and ExpiredUsers.html files with the updated files or make the following change on each file at the specified location:
This change will send the user to the location specified in the RemoteAuthWebLogoutURL customization key when Cancel is clicked. Please ensure that this key contains the correct value in the Aeon Customization Manager before implementing this change.
- NewAuthRegistration.html (default line 289)
- ExpiredUsers.html (default line 294)
Change this:
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Cancel - Exit to Main Menu" formnovalidate>Cancel - Exit to Main Menu</button>
To this:
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Cancel - Exit Aeon System" formnovalidate>Cancel - Exit Aeon System</button>
Fix for EAD Request Form Buttons
To fix issues on EADRequest.html when using the Save Request for Later button and to prevent unnecessary form validation when clicking on the Save Request for Later or Cancel button, please overwrite your default EADRequest.js file with the updated file and either overwrite your default EADRequest.html with the updated file or make the following changes:
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default lines 12-26):
<script> $(document).ready(function () { //Initialize the EAD Submission form InitializeSubmissionForm();
//Add the onclick handler to the submit request button
$(':submit').click(function (event) { if ($(this).closest("form").get(0).reportValidity()) { SubmitEADForm(this, event); } return false; }); }); </script>
To this:
<script> $(document).ready(function () { //Initialize the EAD Submission form InitializeSubmissionForm();
//Add the onclick handler to the submit request button //Only validate if the button is not a Save button or Cancel button $(':submit').click(function (event) { if (( === 'buttonSaveRequest' || === 'buttonCancel') || $(this).closest("form").get(0).reportValidity()) { SubmitEADForm(this, event); } return false; }); }); </script>
15 November 2021 Web Pages Release
Fix for Pay Now Button on Credit Card Payment Forms | Fix for Incorrect Action Menu Links
Fix for Pay Now Button on Credit Card Payment Forms
To fix intermittent issues when clicking the Pay Now button to submit the credit card payment forms, please overwrite your default include_payment_buttons.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default line 1):
<button id="payOrder" name="SubmitButton" value="Pay Now" class="btn btn-primary btn-block pay-button"> Pay Now</button>
To this:
<button id="payOrder" type="button" name="SubmitButton" value="Pay Now" class="btn btn-primary btn-block pay-button"> Pay Now</button>
To fix incorrect links for the Delete Item, Approve Estimate, and Approve Billing items within the Actions dropdown menu, please overwrite your default include_TransactionMenu.html and DataRow_DefaultRequest.html files with the updated files or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 29, 31, 32):
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteFile' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Form=11& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-trash-alt mr-1"> </span> Delete Item</a>
To this:
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteFile' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Type=11& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-trash-alt mr-1"> </span> Delete Item</a>
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderEstimate' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Form=13& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle mr-1"> </span> Approve Estimate</a>
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderEstimate' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Type=13& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle mr-1"> </span> Approve Estimate</a>
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderBilling' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Form=14& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle mr-1"> </span> Approve Billing</a>
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderBilling' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Type=14& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle mr-1"> </span> Approve Billing</a>
Change this (default lines 44-47, 54-57, 59-62):
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteFile' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Form=11& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-trash-alt"> </span> Delete Item </a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='DeleteFile' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=22&Type=11& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-trash-alt"> </span> Delete Item </a>
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderEstimate' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Form=13& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle"> </span> Approve Estimate </a>
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderEstimate' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Type=13& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle"> </span> Approve Estimate </a>
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderBilling' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Form=14& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle"> </span> Approve Billing </a>
<a class="btn btn-light menuPhotoduplication <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ApproveOrderBilling' disabledValue='d-none'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=23&Type=14& Value=<#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-check-circle"> </span> Approve Billing </a>
01 February 2022 Web Pages Release
Accessibility Fixes for Screen Readers
These changes impact a large number of web pages. To implement the changes, please overwrite your default web pages with the updated files and reapply your customizations, or make the changes manually on each page if your customizations are extensive.
The default and feature-specific web pages were updated with a number of changes to increase accessibility for screen reader users. Included along with these changes were several additional miscellaneous fixes to improve accessibility and the user experience. The specific changes vary for each file and affect over 70 web pages. Considering the large scope of changes, we are providing a few different resources on this page to assist you with applying the changes to your web page files.
Code Comparison Files | Description of Changes
Code Comparison Files
To assist you with making these changes manually to your web pages, two HTML files containing the detailed code changes for each web page file are available for download:
After downloading the HTML file, you can double-click the downloaded file to open it up in your default web browser, then follow the instructions below to learn how to use the file to make your web pages changes.
Using the Code Comparision Files
Included in each HTML file, you will see a comparison pane for each web page with the old code displayed on the left and the new code displayed on the right, and the specific code changes highlighted in red font against a red background. Line numbers are also included for each web page file to assist you with making the changes. The HTML file will display the web pages in alphabetical order. You can find the filename at the top of each comparison pane. It is recommended to go through each web page included in the file in order and follow the displayed code comparisons to apply the changes. You can find the complete list of web pages included in each code comparison HTML file underneath the image below.
Code comparison example:

Affected Web Pages
A complete list of the web pages included in each HTML file can be found below:
Click here for the list of affected default web pages
- \css\aeon.css
- \templates\DataRow_DefaultActivity.html
- \templates\DataRow_ReviewRequest.html
- AboutAeon.html
- ActivityInformation.html
- Blocked.html
- ChangePassword.html
- ChangeUserInformation.html
- CreditCardPayment.html
- CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html
- DefaultRequest.html
- DetailedInformation.html
- DisavowedUsername.html
- EADRequest.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditEADRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html
- Error.html
- ExpiredUsers.html
- FAQ.html
- FirstTime.html
- ForgotPassword.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- include_photoduplication.html
- include_ResearcherTagsUpdate.html
- Logon.html
- Logon2.html
- Logout.html
- MainMenu.html
- NewAuthRegistration.html
- NewPassword.html
- NewUserRegistration.html
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html
- SiteMap.html
- ViewActivities.html
- ViewActivity.html
- ViewAllRequests.html
- ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html
- ViewCancelledRequests.html
- ViewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html
- ViewCheckedOutItems.html
- ViewDefaultDetailed.html
- ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html
- ViewDetailedInformation.html
- ViewDetailedManuscriptInformation.html
- ViewDetailedMonographInformation.html
- ViewDetailedSerialInformation.html
- ViewElectronicDelivery.html
- ViewElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html
- ViewNotifications.html
- ViewNotificationsDetail.html
- ViewOrderApprovals.html
- ViewOrderEstimates.html
- ViewOutstandingRequests.html
- ViewRequestHistory.html
- ViewRequestsByTag.html
- ViewSearchResults.html
- ViewUserReviewRequests.html
Click here for the list of affected feature-specific web pages
- \AppointmentScheduling\templates\DataRow_DefaultAppointment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\EditAppointment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointments.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewUserReviewRequests.html
- \Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
Description of Changes
To provide additional clarity, a description of each type of change you will find in the new version of the web pages is provided below with accompanying examples. The list of web pages included in each change is also provided. This list can be used as a supplemental resource to understand the code changes in the HTML files provided above.
Added h6 Class to Default CSS | Created <main> Container Within Topmost <div> Container | Removed role="heading" Attribute from Inner <div> Container | Moved Footer to Bottom of Topmost <div> Container | Removed Footer Elements | Reordered Heading Element Levels Sequentially | Added py-0 Class | Changed Incorrect Heading Elements to <div> Elements on DataRow_ReviewRequest.html | Corrected Attribute Values on DataRow_DefaultActivity | Specified Language in the <html> Element | Removed Duplicate (required) Text | Added Missing (required) Text | Corrected ForPublication Field's <label> Element | Corrected ResearcherTag Field's <label> Element | Removed Function Call from Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
Added h6 Class to Default CSS
A missing h6 class has been added to aeon.css:
Change this (default lines 12-14):
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5, .h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6{ color:#08415c; }
To this:
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6{ color:#08415c; }
Created <main> Container Within Topmost <div> Container
Click here for the list of affected web pages (excluding the special cases noted below)
- AboutAeon.html
- Blocked.html
- ChangePassword.html
- ChangeUserInformation.html
- CreditCardPayment.html
- CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html
- DefaultRequest.html
- DetailedInformation.html
- EADRequest.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditEADRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html
- ExpiredUsers.html
- FAQ.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- MainMenu.html
- NewAuthRegistration.html
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html
- SiteMap.html
- ViewActivities.html
- ViewActivity.html
- ViewAllRequests.html
- ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html
- ViewCancelledRequests.html
- ViewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html
- ViewCheckedOutItems.html
- ViewDefaultDetailed.html
- ViewDetailedInformation.html
- ViewElectronicDelivery.html
- ViewElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html
- ViewNotifications.html
- ViewNotificationsDetail.html
- ViewOrderApprovals.html
- ViewOrderEstimates.html
- ViewOutstandingRequests.html
- ViewRequestHistory.html
- ViewRequestsByTag.html
- ViewSearchResults.html
- ViewUserReviewRequests.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\EditAppointment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointments.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\
- \Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
Step one:
On many pages, a new <main> container has been created within the topmost <div> container surrounding the content of the page. This change entails:
- Creating a new <main> tag directly below the topmost <div> container on the web page
- Moving the id="content" and aria-label="Content" attributes from the <div> container to the new <main> element or adding these attributes to the <main> element if they were not present on the <div> container.
- Removing role="heading" from the <div> container
- Closing the <main> element with </main> - see step two below
See example:
Change this (default lines 8-13):
<body> <#INCLUDE filename="include_header.html">
<#INCLUDE filename="include_nav.html"> <div id="content" class="container" role="heading" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="ChangePassword">
To this:
<body> <#INCLUDE filename="include_header.html">
<#INCLUDE filename="include_nav.html"> <div class="container" > <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="ChangePassword">
Step two:
The <main> container should then be closed with a </main> tag just before footer and the closing </div> tag for the topmost <div> container on the page (this will be the last </div> tag you see on the page ). See example:
Change this (default lines 54-57):
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton2" value="Submit Information"> Submit Information</button> </form>
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
To this:
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-md" type="submit" name="SubmitButton2" value="Submit Information"> Submit Information</button> </form>
</main> <#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
*Special Cases*
The <main> container will wrap around content a bit differently on the following pages due to differences in the structures of the files. Please follow the example for each page below to implement the changes on these web page files.
The <main> container will wrap around the div container holding the <#STATUS> tag:
Change this (default lines 14-18):
<div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS> </div> <div id="content" class="container" role="heading" aria-label="Content">
To this:
<main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS> </div> </main>
<div class="container">
The <main> container will be placed inside the <div> container below the <#STATUS> tag:
Change this (default lines 10-15):
<div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS> </div>
<div id="content" class="container" role="heading" aria-label="Content"> Please contact the Special Collections office during normal business hours if you have any questions.
To this:
<div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS> </div>
<div class="container"> <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> Please contact the Special Collections office during normal business hours if you have any questions. </main>
FirstTime.html and ForgotPassword.html
The <main> container will be placed within the <div> container wrapping around the <form> elements. The </main> tag should then be placed just below the </form> tag and above the footer near the bottom of the page. See example from FirstTime.html:
Change this (default lines 24-25/14-15):
<div id="content" class="container" role="heading" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="Logon">
To this:
<div class="container"> <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="Logon">
The id="content" and aria-label="Content" attributes will move from the <div> container wrapping around the logo image, and the <main> container will be placed within the <div> container wrapping around the <form> elements. The </main> tag should then be placed just above the <footer> tag near the bottom of the page:
Change this (default lines 25-37):
<h1> <div class="container" id="content" aria-label="content"> <img src="css/images/Aeon_96.png" alt="Aeon logo" class="img-fluid"> </div> </h1> </header>
<div class="alerts-bar"> <div class="container" id="webAlerts"></div> </div>
<div class="container"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="Logon">
To this:
<h1> <div class="container" > <img src="css/images/Aeon_96.png" alt="Aeon logo" class="img-fluid"> </div> </h1> </header>
<div class="alerts-bar"> <div class="container" id="webAlerts"></div> </div>
<div class="container"> <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="Logon">
The <main> container will be placed above the <div> container holding the <#STATUS> tag. The </main> tag should then be added just above the footer at the bottom of the web page:
Change this (default lines 20-21):
<div class="container"> <div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS></div>
To this:
<div class="container"> <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS></div>
The <div> element just below the <#STATUS> tag should be changed to a <main> element. The old </div> tag should then be removed and the </main> tag should be added just above the footer at the bottom of the web page:
Change this (default lines 21-31):
<div class="container"> <div id="statusLine"><#STATUS></div> <div id="content" role="heading" aria-label="Content">
<div class="logout-message">If you are not redirected within five seconds, <a href="<#PARAM name='LogoutUrl'>"> click here.</a> </div>
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html"> </div>
To this:
<div class="container"> <div id="statusLine"><#STATUS></div> <main id="content" aria-label="Content">
<div class="logout-message">If you are not redirected within five seconds, <a href="<#PARAM name='LogoutUrl'>"> click here.</a> </div>
</main> <#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
NewPassword.html and NewUserRegistration.html
The <main> element should be placed within the <div> container just below the <#STATUS> tag. The </main> tag should be added just below the </form> tag at the bottom of the web page:
Change this (default lines 13-16/17-19):
<div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS></div>
<div id="content" class="container" role="heading" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="NewPassword">
To this:
<div id="statusLine" class="container"> <#STATUS></div>
<div class="container"> <main id="content" aria-label="Content"> <form action="aeon.dll" method="post" name="NewPassword">
Removed role="heading" Attribute from Inner <div> Container
The role="heading" attribute has been removed from an inner <div> container on Logon2.html:
Change this (default line 46):
<div role="heading" class="container" aria-label="Account creation and password reset">
To this:
<div class="container" aria-label="Account creation and password reset">
Moved Footer to Bottom of Topmost <div> Container
Click here for the list of affected web pages
- CreditCardPayment.html
- EditDefaultRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html
- GenericRequestManuscript.html
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestMonograph.html
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html
- GenericRequestSerial.html
- NewUserRegistration.html
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\EditAppointment.html
- \Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
On several pages, the footer has been moved so that it is placed just before the closing </div> tag for the topmost <div> container on the page. This will be the last </div> tag you see on the page. See example (the closing </main> tag has also been added in this example in accordance with the <main> container addition described previously on this page):
Change this (default lines 41-46):
<#INCLUDE filename= "templates/payment/include_payment_form_none.html">
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html"> </div> </div> </div>
To this:
<#INCLUDE filename= "templates/payment/include_payment_form_none.html">
</div> </div> </main> <#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html"> </div>
Removed Footer Elements
Click here for the list of affected web pages
- ChangeUserInformation.html
- CreditCardPaymentConfirmation.html
- ExpiredUsers.html
- ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html
Footer elements have been removed on pages where they previously surrounded the footer. See example:
Change this (default lines 264-266):
<footer> <#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html"> </footer>
To this:
<#INCLUDE filename="include_footer.html">
Reordered Heading Element Levels Sequentially
Click here for the list of affected web pages
- DetailedInformation.html
- include_ResearcherTagsUpdate.html
- ViewActivity.html
- ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html
- ViewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html
- ViewDefaultDetailed.html
- ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html
- ViewDetailedInformation.html
- ViewDetailedManuscriptInformation.html
- ViewDetailedMonographInformation.html
- ViewDetailedSerialInformation.html
- ViewNotificationsDetail.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\templates
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointments.html
Several pages include changes where the heading elements used on the page have been moved up a level (i.e., from h3 to h2) in order to present the levels sequentially on the page (starting with h2) and without skipping any heading levels in between (e.g., jumping from h2 to h4). The heading level that was previously used is then added as a class attribute so that the appearance of the page remains the same. See example:
Change this (default lines 20-21):
<div id="billingInformation"> <h3 class=" header-detailed">Billing</h3>
To this:
<div id="billingInformation"> <h2 class="h3 header-detailed">Billing</h2>
Added py-0 Class
Click here for the list of affected web pages
- ActivityInformation.html
- CreditCardPayment.html
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointment.html
- \Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
In some cases, the heading levels have been reordered sequentially with an additional py-0 class also added to the class attribute along with the previous heading level. The py-0 class removes extra spacing to ensure that the appearance of the heading looks the same after applying the new heading level. See example:
Change this (default line 1):
<h3>Activity Information</h3>
To this:
<h2 class="h3 py-0">Activity Information</h2>
Changed Incorrect Heading Elements to <div> Elements on DataRow_ReviewRequest.html
Heading elements that were used on non-heading content have been changed to <div> elements on the DataRow_ReviewRequest.html file. The heading element previously used was then added as a class attribute so that the appearance of the page remains the same:
Change this (default lines 10-13):
<h4 class="card-title "> <a href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=63& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"></a> </h4> <h5 class="card-subtitle text-muted "> <#DATAROW field="ItemSubtitle"></h5>
To this:
<div class="card-title h4"> <a href="aeon.dll?Action=10&Form=63& Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <#DATAROW field="ItemTitle"></a> </div> <div class="card-subtitle text-muted h5"> <#DATAROW field="ItemSubtitle"></div>
Corrected Attribute Values on DataRow_DefaultActivity
Incorrect aria-labelledby attribute and #DATAROW field arribute values have been fixed on the DataRow_DefaultActivity.html file:
Change this (default line 34):
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="btnGroup Drop <#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>">
To this:
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="btnGroupActivityDrop <#DATAROW field='Id'>">
Specified Language in the <html> Element
Click here for the list of affected web pages
- CreditCardPayment.html
- \Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
The language attribute (lang) has been added to the <html> element wherever it was previously missing. See example:
Change this (default line 2):
<html >
To this:
<html lang="en-US">
Removed Duplicate (required) Text
A duplicate instance of the (required) text for the Title field on GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html was removed:
Change this (default line 39-46):
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ItemTitle"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemTitle'>"> Title <span class="req">(required)</span> </span> <span class="req">(required)</span> </label>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ItemTitle"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemTitle'>"> Title <span class="req">(required)</span> </span> </label>
Added Missing (required) Text
Missing (required) text was added for the Appointment Date, Start Time, and Stop Time fields on EditAppointment.html. See example for the Appointment Date field:
This change should be repeated for the Start Time and Stop Time fields on this page.
Change this (default line 44-49):
<div class="form-group col-sm-3"> <label for="ScheduledDate"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORScheduledDate'>"> Appointment Date </span> </label>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-sm-3"> <label for="ScheduledDate"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORScheduledDate'>"> Appointment Date <span class="req">(required)</span> </span> </label>
Corrected ForPublication Field's <label> Element
The for attribute located in the ForPublication field's <label> element on include_photoduplication.html has been corrected.
Change this (default line 57-63):
<div class="form-check"> <label for="form-checkbox form-check-label"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORForPublication'>"> <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="ForPublication" name="ForPublication" value="Yes" default="false" <#CHECKED name="ForPublication">> For Publication? </span> </label> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-check"> <label for="ForPublication"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORForPublication'>"> <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="ForPublication" name="ForPublication" value="Yes" default="false" <#CHECKED name="ForPublication">> For Publication? </span> </label> </div>
Corrected ResearcherTag Field's <label> Element
The for attribute located in the ResearcherTag field's <label> element on include_ResearcherTagsUpdate.html has been corrected.
Change this (default line 29-33):
<div id="researcher-tags-update"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="ResearcherTags"> Researcher Tags </label>
To this:
<div id="researcher-tags-update"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="researcher-tags-input"> Researcher Tags </label>
Removed Function Call from Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html
A function call was removed from the Javascript within the Sagepay\CreditCardPayment.html file.
Change this (default line 191-193):
setStateVisibility(); UpdatePaymentCharges(); });
To this:
setStateVisibility(); });
18 February 2022 Web Pages Release
Update Bootstrap and Popper.js on Logon.html | Update Copyright Year on Logon.html
Update Bootstrap and Popper.js on Logon.html
To update the versions of Bootstrap and Popper.js used on Logon.html, please overwrite your default Logon.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 86-87):
<script src=" libs/popper.js/1.14.3/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384- ZMP7rVo3mIykV+2+9J3UJ46jBk0WLaUAdn689aCwoqbBJiSnjAK/l8WvCWPIPm49" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src=" bootstrap/4.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384- smHYKdLADwkXOn1EmN1qk/HfnUcbVRZyYmZ4qpPea6sjB/pTJ0euyQp0Mk8ck+5T" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
To this:
<script src=" libs/popper.js/1.14.7/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384- UO2eT0CpHqdSJQ6hJty5KVphtPhzWj9WO1clHTMGa3JDZwrnQq4sF86dIHNDz0W1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src=" bootstrap/4.3.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384- JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Update Copyright Year on Logon.html
To update the copyright year on Logon.html, please overwrite your default Logon.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default line 78):
<div> © 2021 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div>
To this:
<div> © 2022 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div>
08 August 2022 Web Pages Release
These changes impact a large number of web pages. To implement the changes, please overwrite your default web pages with the updated files and reapply your customizations, or make the changes manually on each page if your customizations are extensive.
The default and feature-specific web pages were updated with a number of changes to increase the accessibility of the Aeon web pages for users. As the specific changes may vary for each file and the release includes a large number of affected web pages, we are providing a few different resources on this page to assist you with applying the changes to your web page files.
Code Comparison Files | Description of Changes
Code Comparison Files
To assist you with making these changes manually to your web pages, two HTML files containing the detailed code changes for each web page file are available for download:
After downloading the HTML file, you can double-click the downloaded file to open it up in your default web browser. Please see the Using the Code Comparison Files section from the February 2022 release above for more details on using these files to make your changes.
Description of Changes
Fix Billing Account Dropdown Visibility Issues | Fix Incorrect Billing Account Values on Photoduplication Pages | Fix Status Line Appearance on Saved Requests Page | Fix Contrast Issues for Buttons and Input Fields | Fix Contrast Issues for Hyperlinks | Add Button Borders and Adjust Appointment Button Color | Make Skip to Content Link Visible for Keyboard Users | Accessibility Fix for Cookie Consent Banner | Update First-Time User Registration Page Title | Fix Overflow Issue for Switch Buttons | Accessibility Fixes for Small Notes | Standardize Widths of My Notes and Special Request Fields | Accessibility Fix For DataRow Template Buttons | Remove Non-Accessible Tooltips | Accessibility Fix for Appointment-Related Errors
To provide additional clarity, a description of each type of change you will find in the new version of the web pages is provided below with accompanying examples and a list of affected web pages.
Fix Billing Account Dropdown Visibility Issues
To fix an issue where the Billing Account dropdown is not properly hidden on photoduplication request pages when billing accounts are disabled, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the example below:
Change this:
<div class="form-group col-md-4" > <span class="<#PARAM name='BillingAccountsVisible' enabled='BillingAccountsEnabled' disabled='BillingAccountsDisabled'>"></span>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-4 <#PARAM name='BillingAccountsVisible' disabled='d-none'>">
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 109-110)
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 145-146)
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 163-164)
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 116-117)
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 152-153)
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 152-153)
Fix Incorrect Billing Account Values on Photoduplication Pages
To fix an issue where the Billing Account field's error tag and 'for' attribute contain incorrect values on the photoduplication request pages, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the example below:
Change this:
<label for="BillingAccount"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORBillingAccount'>">
To this:
<label for="BillingAccountId"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORBillingAccountId'>">
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 111-112)
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 147-148)
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 165-166)
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 118-119)
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 154-155)
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 154-155)
Fix Status Line Appearance on Saved Requests Page
To fix an issue where the SLRequestLimitMet status line does not appear correctly on the Saved Requests page (ViewUserReviewRequests.html), please overwrite your KeepInReview.js file with the updated file.
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Fix Contrast Issues for Buttons and Input Fields
To address color contrast issues for buttons and input fields against the default web page background colors, custom focus indicators were added for buttons and input fields and the default border color for input fields was darkened. To implement these changes, please overwrite your default aeon.css file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Note: Newly added code comments have been highlighted below in yellow for better visibility
Change this (default line 53):
p { color: #5f5e5e; font-size: 16px; padding: 10px;
To this:
p { color: #5f5e5e; font-size: 16px; padding: 10px;
/*Caution: Removing or altering focus style might affect accessibility. For more information, see WCAG 1.4.11 and 2.4.7*/ button:focus, .btn:focus, .btn:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active:focus, .btn:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus, .show>.btn.dropdown-toggle:focus, .form-control:focus, .custom-select:focus, .custom-control-input:focus~.custom-control-label::before { box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #000; outline: 2px transparent solid; }
/*For Safari compatibility, which does not support box-shadows on unstyled form controls. A black colored outline has sufficient contrast against our white and grey backgrounds.*/ input:not(.form-control, .custom-select, .custom-control-input, .btn):focus { box-shadow: none; outline: 2px #000 solid; outline-offset: 2px; }
And change this (default line 265):
section[name='order-info'] .form-check, form[name='ChangeUserInformation'] .form-check { padding-left: 2.25rem; }
To this:
section[name='order-info'] .form-check, form[name='ChangeUserInformation'] .form-check { padding-left: 2.25rem; }
/*Caution: Changing form field border color can affect accessibility For more information see WCAG 1.4.11*/ .form-control, .form-control:focus, .custom-select, .custom-select:focus, .custom-control .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input:focus:not(:checked)~.custom-control-label::before { border-color: #757575; }
.custom-switch .custom-control-label::after { background-color: #757575; }
Fix Contrast Issues for Hyperlinks
To fix color contrast issues for hyperlinks against the default web page background colors and other text colors, custom focus indicators were added for hyperlinks, and hyperlinks are now underlined by default and removed on mouse hover. Additionally, a formatting issue was corrected in the "Powered by Aeon" link located in the footer to apply these changes.
To implement these changes, please overwrite your default aeon.css and include_footer.html files with the updated files or make the following changes:
Note: Newly added code comments have been highlighted below in yellow for better visibility
Change this (default lines 54-57):
a { color: #08415c; text-decoration: none; }
To this:
/*Caution: Hyperlinks have underlines by default. Removing the underline can affect accessibility. For more information, see WCAG 1.4.1*/ a { color: #08415c; text-decoration: underline; }
a.btn { text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
/*Caution: Removing hyperlink focus style will result in using browser defaults, which might affect accessibility. For more information, see WCAG 1.4.11 and 2.4.7*/ a:focus, a:focus-visible { box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #000; outline: 2px transparent solid; }
And change this (default lines 125-127):
.navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link:hover, a:hover, .dropdown-item:focus, .dropdown-item:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
To this:
.navbar-dark .navbar-nav .nav-link:hover, .dropdown-item:focus, .dropdown-item:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
Change this (default lines 1-5):
<footer class="foot"> <div>Powered by<a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='1'>"> Aeon </a></div> <div><#COPYRIGHT></div> <div><a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='3'>">Site Map</a></div> </footer>
To this:
<footer class="foot"> <div>Powered by <a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='1'>">Aeon </a></div> <div><#COPYRIGHT></div> <div><a href="<#ACTION action='10' form='3'>">Site Map</a></div> </footer>
Add Button Borders and Adjust Appointment Button Color
Borders have been added to all buttons, and the "Close" button color on the appointment modal dialog was adjusted to resolve color contrast issues. To implement these changes, please overwrite your default aeon.css, ViewAppointments.html, and include_appointment_info.html files with the updated files or make the following changes:
Note: Newly added code comments have been highlighted below in yellow for better visibility
Change this (default lines 149-154):
/*These are CSS classes for the buttons*/ .btn-primary, .btn-secondary, .btn-light { border: none; margin: 10px 0; }
To this:
/*These are CSS classes for the buttons*/ .btn-primary, .btn-secondary, .btn-light { margin: 10px 0; }
/*Caution: Altering button borders might affect accessibility. For more information, see WCAG 1.4.11*/ .btn-primary, .btn-secondary, .btn-light, .btn.disabled, .btn:disabled, .btn-primary:hover, .btn-secondary:hover, .btn-light:hover, .btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active, .btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active, .show>.btn-primary.dropdown-toggle, .btn-secondary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active, .btn-secondary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active, .show>.btn-secondary.dropdown-toggle, .btn-light:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):not(.dropdown-item).active, .btn-light:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):not(.dropdown-item):active, .show>.btn-light.dropdown-toggle { border: 1px solid #6C757D; }
.btn-link, .btn-link.disabled, .btn-link:disabled, .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item.btn-light { border: none; }
Close Appointment Dialog Button Changes
Change this (ViewAppointments.html default line 42):
<button id="ModalDismiss" type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal"> Close</button>
To this:
<button id="ModalDismiss" type="button" class="btn btn-light" data-dismiss="modal"> Close</button>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- \AppointmentScheduling\include_appointment_info.html (default line 59)
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointments.html (default line 42)
Make Skip to Content Link Visible for Keyboard Users
To fix an issue where the "Skip to Content" link is not made visible when focused on by keyboard users, please overwrite your default aeon.css file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 284-290):
a.offscreen:focus{ position:relative; clip:auto; width:auto; height:auto; overflow:auto; }
To this:
a.offscreen:focus{ position:relative; clip:auto; width:auto; height:auto; overflow:auto; clip-path: none; }
Accessibility Fix for Cookie Consent Banner
To fix an issue where the cookie notification popup can't be dismissed using keyboard controls, please overwrite the following files with the updated files, and either overwrite your default aeon.css file with the updated file or make the following changes:
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Add this to the end of the file:
/* Cookie Consent Styling */
.theme_atlas{ --cc-bg: #333333; --cc-text: #fff; --cc-btn-primary-bg: #08415c; --cc-btn-primary-text: #fff; }
.theme_atlas .cc_div a{ color: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); }
.theme_atlas .cc_div #c-txt{ color: var(--cc-text); }
.theme_atlas .c-bn, .theme_atlas .c-bn:hover { border: 1px solid #79818B; }
Update First-Time User Registration Page Title
To change the title of the first-time user registration page title from "Aeon Logon" to "First Time User Registration," please overwrite your default FirstTime.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 4-8):
<head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <title>Aeon Logon</title> <#INCLUDE filename="include_head.html"> </head>
To this:
<head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <title>First Time User Registration</title> <#INCLUDE filename="include_head.html"> </head>
Fix Overflow Issue for Switch Buttons
To fix an issue where the "Switch to Photoduplication Request" and "Switch to Manuscript/Archives Request" buttons overflow on certain screen sizes, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the example below:
Change this (DefaultRequest.html default lines 30-37):
<div class="d-flex "> <h3 class="section-header">Item Information</h3> <div class="ml-auto"> <button id="SwitchToPhotoduplicationRequest" class="btn btn-primary btn-md switchButton switch-request-form float-right" type="button" name="switchButton" data-switchrequest-form="20" data-switchrequest-value="PhotoduplicationRequest"> Switch to Photoduplication Request </button> </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap"> <h3 class="section-header">Item Information</h3> <div class="ml-auto"> <button id="SwitchToPhotoduplicationRequest" class="btn btn-primary btn-md switchButton switch-request-form float-right" type="button" name="switchButton" data-switchrequest-form="20" data-switchrequest-value="PhotoduplicationRequest"> Switch to Photoduplication Request </button> </div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DefaultRequest.html (default line 30)
- GenericRequestManuscript.html (default line 32)
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default line 31)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default line 32)
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default line 31)
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html (default line 31)
Accessibility Fixes for Small Notes
To fix an issue where small notes attached to fields on web forms were not read automatically by screen readers, changes were made to the New Password, My Notes, Special Requests, Scheduled Date, Researcher Tags, and Inclusive Pages fields on various web pages. The changes for each field and the lists of affected web pages are described below.
To implement these changes, please overwrite the files listed below for each field with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the examples below:
New Password Field
ChangePassword.html Example
Change this (default lines 32-42):
<div class="form-group col-md-5"> <label for="Password1"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORPassword1'>"> New Password </span> </label> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="Password1" id="Password1" autocomplete="off" required> <div class="small-notes" > Passwords must be at least eight characters long and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, and a number. </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-5"> <label for="Password1"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORPassword1'>"> New Password </span> </label> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="Password1" id="Password1" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="passwordNotes" required> <div class="small-notes" id="passwordNotes"> Passwords must be at least eight characters long and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, and a number. </div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- ChangePassword.html (default lines 38-39)
- NewPassword.html (default lines 30-31)
- NewUserRegistration.html (default lines 290-291)
My Notes Field
DefaultRequest.html Example
Change this (default lines 145-153):
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="Notes"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORNotes'>"> My Notes </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="Notes" id="Notes" rows="2" cols="40" > <#PARAM name="Notes"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" >Enter any notes about this request for your personal reference.</div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="Notes"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORNotes'>"> My Notes </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="Notes" id="Notes" rows="2" cols="40" aria-describedby="notesNotes"> <#PARAM name="Notes"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="notesNotes">Enter any notes about this request for your personal reference.</div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DefaultRequest.html (default lines 151-152)
- EADRequest.html (default lines 65-66)
- EditDefaultRequest.html (default lines 160-161)
- EditEADRequest.html (default lines 126-127)
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 111-112)
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 127-128)
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 166-167)
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 163-164)
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 151-152)
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 181-182)
- GenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 117-118)
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 134-135)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 154-155)
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 170-171)
- GenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 120-121)
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 170-171)
Special Requests Field
DefaultRequest.html Example
Change this (default lines 155-163):
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="SpecialRequest"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORSpecialRequest'>"> Special Requests/Questions? </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="SpecialRequest" id="SpecialRequest" rows="2" cols="40" > <#PARAM name="SpecialRequest"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" >Please enter any special requests or questions for library staff.</div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="SpecialRequest"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORSpecialRequest'>"> Special Requests/Questions? </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="SpecialRequest" id="SpecialRequest" rows="2" cols="40" aria-describedby="specialRequestNotes"> <#PARAM name="SpecialRequest"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="specialRequestNotes">Please enter any special requests or questions for library staff.</div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DefaultRequest.html (default lines 161-162)
- EADRequest.html (default lines 77-78)
- EditDefaultRequest.html (default lines 170-171)
- EditEADRequest.html (default lines 136-137)
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 121-122)
- EditGenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 137-138)
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 176-177)
- EditGenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 173-174)
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 161-162)
- EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 191-192)
- GenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 127-128)
- GenericRequestManuscriptPhotodup.html (default lines 144-145)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 164-165)
- GenericRequestMonographPhotodup.html (default lines 180-181)
- GenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 131-132)
- PhotoduplicationRequest.html (default lines 180-181)
Scheduled Date Field
DefaultRequest.html Example
Change this (default lines 167-185):
<div class="form-group col-sm-4"> <label for="ScheduledDate"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORScheduledDate'>"> Date of Visit </span> </label> <div class="input-group"> <input class="form-control" id="ScheduledDate" name="ScheduledDate" type="text" aria-describedby="button-datePicker-scheduledDate " value="<#PARAM name='ScheduledDate'>"> <div class="input-group-append"> <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary dateTrigger" type="button" role="button" id="button-datePicker-scheduledDate" data-triggerDatePicker="#ScheduledDate" aria-label="Calendar"> <span class="fas fa-calendar ui-datepicker-trigger"></span> </button> </div> </div>
<div class="small-notes" > Select the date you plan to visit. </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-sm-4"> <label for="ScheduledDate"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORScheduledDate'>"> Date of Visit </span> </label> <div class="input-group"> <input class="form-control" id="ScheduledDate" name="ScheduledDate" type="text" aria-describedby="button-datePicker-scheduledDate scheduledDateNotes" value="<#PARAM name='ScheduledDate'>"> <div class="input-group-append"> <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary dateTrigger" type="button" role="button" id="button-datePicker-scheduledDate" data-triggerDatePicker="#ScheduledDate" aria-label="Calendar"> <span class="fas fa-calendar ui-datepicker-trigger"></span> </button> </div> </div>
<div class="small-notes" id="scheduledDateNotes"> Select the date you plan to visit. </div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DefaultRequest.html (default lines 174, 182)
- EADRequest.html (default lines 107, 115)
- EditDefaultRequest.html (default lines 183, 191)
- EditEADRequest.html (default lines 149, 157)
- EditGenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 134, 142)
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 189, 197)
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 174, 182)
- GenericRequestManuscript.html (default lines 140, 148)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 177, 185)
- GenericRequestSerial.html (default 145, 153)
- ViewUserReviewRequests.html (default lines 42, 50)
Researcher Tags Field
EADRequest.html Example
Change this (default lines 81-87):
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ResearcherTags"> Researcher Tags </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="FormDataField" id="ResearcherTags" value="<#PARAM name='ResearcherTags'>" > <div class="small-notes" > Enter a comma-separated list of the tags you want associated with this request.</div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="ResearcherTags"> Researcher Tags </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="FormDataField" id="ResearcherTags" value="<#PARAM name='ResearcherTags'>" aria-describedby="researcherTagNotes"> <div class="small-notes" id="researcherTagNotes"> Enter a comma-separated list of the tags you want associated with this request.</div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- EADRequest.html (default lines 85-86)
- include_ResearcherTags.html (default lines 5-6)
Change this (default lines 28-40):
<div class="modal-body"> <div id="researcher-tags-update"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="researcher-tags-input"> Researcher Tags </label> <div class="value"> <input id="researcher-tags-input" name="ResearcherTags" type="text" size="50" value="<#PARAM name='ResearcherTags'>" > <div class="small-notes" > Enter a comma-separated list of the tags you want associated with this request.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="modal-body"> <div id="researcher-tags-update"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="researcher-tags-input"> Researcher Tags </label> <div class="value"> <input class="form-control" id="researcher-tags-input" name="ResearcherTags" type="text" value="<#PARAM name='ResearcherTags'>" aria-describedby="researcherTagNotes"> <div class="small-notes" id="researcherTagNotes"> Enter a comma-separated list of the tags you want associated with this request.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Inclusive Pages Field
Change this (default lines 1-9):
<div class="form-group col-md-3"> <label for="ItemPages"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemPages'>"> Inclusive Pages </span> </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="ItemPages" id="ItemPages" value="<#PARAM name='ItemPages'>" > <div class="small-notes" > Additional citation information can be added as notes. </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-3"> <label for="ItemPages"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORItemPages'>"> Inclusive Pages </span> </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="ItemPages" id="ItemPages" value="<#PARAM name='ItemPages'>" aria-describedby="itemPagesNotes"> <div class="small-notes" id="itemPagesNotes"> Additional citation information can be added as notes. </div> </div>
Standardize Widths of My Notes and Special Request Fields
The widths of the My Notes and Special Request fields were adjusted on several request forms to ensure consistency with the widths of these fields on other forms. To implement these changes, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the changes on each page manually following the example below:
Change this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="Notes"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORNotes'>"> My Notes </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="Notes" id="Notes" rows="2" cols="50" aria-describedby="notesNotes"> <#PARAM name="Notes"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="notesNotes">Enter any notes about this request for your personal reference.</div> </div>
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="SpecialRequest"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORSpecialRequest'>"> Special Requests/Questions? </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="SpecialRequest" id="SpecialRequest" rows="2" cols="50" aria-describedby="specialRequestNotes"> <#PARAM name="SpecialRequest"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="specialRequestNotes"> Please enter any special requests or questions for library staff.</div> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="Notes"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORNotes'>"> My Notes </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="Notes" id="Notes" rows="2" cols="40" aria-describedby="notesNotes"> <#PARAM name="Notes"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="notesNotes">Enter any notes about this request for your personal reference.</div> </div>
<div class="form-group col-md-8"> <label for="SpecialRequest"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORSpecialRequest'>"> Special Requests/Questions? </span> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="SpecialRequest" id="SpecialRequest" rows="2" cols="40" aria-describedby="specialRequestNotes"> <#PARAM name="SpecialRequest"></textarea> <div class="small-notes" id="specialRequestNotes"> Please enter any special requests or questions for library staff.</div> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- EditGenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 160-178)
- EditGenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 145-163)
- GenericRequestMonograph.html (default lines 148-166)
- GenericRequestSerial.html (default lines 114-133)
Accessibility Fix for DataRow Template Buttons
To fix an issue where certain buttons used in the DataRow template files can't be activated using expected keyboard controls, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the example below:
Change this (DataRow_CreditCardOrder.html default line 15):
<a class="text-info btn btn-light" role="button" aria-controls="collapseRequest<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" href="<#DLL queryFields='false'>?Action=10&Form=63&Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-info-circle text-info mr-1"> </span>Details</a>
To this:
<a class="text-info btn btn-light" aria-controls="collapseRequest<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" href="<#DLL queryFields='false'>?Action=10&Form=63&Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-info-circle text-info mr-1"> </span>Details</a>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DataRow_CreditCardOrder.html (default line 15)
- DataRow_DefaultActivity.html (default line 28)
- DataRow_DefaultRequest.html (default line 14)
- DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html (default line 22)
- DataRow_OrderBilling.html (default line 41)
- DataRow_OrderEstimate.html (default line 41)
- \AppointmentScheduling\templates\DataRow_DefaultAppointment.html (default line 21)
Change this (default line 6):
<a class="text-info btn btn-light ml-1" data-toggle="collapse" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls= "collapseBillingDetail<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" href="#collapseBillingDetail<#DATAROW field='ID'>" > <span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-chevron-down text-info mr-1"> </span></a>
To this:
<button type="button" class="text-info btn btn-light ml-1" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls= "collapseBillingDetail<#DATAROW field='ID'>" data-target="#collapseBillingDetail<#DATAROW field='ID'>" aria-label="Toggle billing details for <#DATAROW field='BillingContext'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-chevron-down text-info mr-1"> </span></button>
Remove Non-Accessible Tooltips
To remove unnecessary tooltips from the DataRow template files that do not meet accessibility requirements, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the changes on each page manually following the instructions below:
The changes to this file are extensive. Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default lines 16-20):
<span id="Tooltip_ActivityStatus_<#DATAROW field='Id'>" class="d-none" role="tooltip"> <#DATAROW field="ActivityStatus"> on <span class="convert-local" data-servertime= "<#DATAROW field='ActivityStatusDate'>" data-iso8601= "<#DATAROW field='ActivityStatusDate' display='ISO8601'>"> <#DATAROW field="ActivityStatusDate"></span> </span>
<div class="field mb-2 text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-titleElement="#Tooltip_ActivityStatus_ <#DATAROW field='Id'>">
To this:
<div class="field mb-2 text-muted" >
DataRow_DefaultRequest.html & DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html
Change this (default lines 45-56 & 36-47):
<div class="col-lg-5 col-md-12 text-right"> <span id="Tooltip_ItemStatus_<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="d-none" role="tooltip"> Moved to <#DATAROW field="TransactionStatus"> on <span class="convert-local" data-iso8601="<#DATAROW field='TransactionDate' display='ISO8601'>"> <#DATAROW field="TransactionDate"></span> </span> <div class="mb2 text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-titleElement= "#Tooltip_ItemStatus_<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> Item Status<span class="field-value font-weight-bold ml-1"> <#DATAROW field="TransactionStatus"></span> </div> <span id="Tooltip_OrderStatus_<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="d-none" role="tooltip"> Moved to <#DATAROW field="PhotoduplicationStatus"> on <span class="convert-local" data-iso8601="<#DATAROW field='PhotoduplicationDate' display='ISO8601'>"> <#DATAROW field="PhotoduplicationDate"></span> </span> <div class="field mb2 text-muted" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-titleElement= "#Tooltip_OrderStatus_<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>"> Order Status<span class="field-value font-weight-bold ml-1"> <#DATAROW field="PhotoduplicationStatus"></span>
To this:
<div class="col-lg-5 col-md-12 text-right"> <div class="mb2 text-muted" > Item Status<span class="field-value font-weight-bold ml-1"> <#DATAROW field="TransactionStatus"></span> </div> <div class="field mb2 text-muted" > Order Status<span class="field-value font-weight-bold ml-1"> <#DATAROW field="PhotoduplicationStatus"></span>
Accessibility Fix for Appointment-Related Errors
To fix an issue where errors involving the appointment fields are sometimes not read by screen readers, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the changes on each page manually following the example below:
Change this (ViewAppointments.html default line 20):
<div id="SchedulerError" class="alerts-bar" > </div>
To this:
<div id="SchedulerError" class="alerts-bar" role="alert"> </div>
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- \AppointmentScheduling\include_appointment_info.html (default line 46)
- \AppointmentScheduling\ViewAppointments.html (default line 20)
16 May 2023 Web Pages Release
Fix Broken Web Alert Attribute | Remove Broken Attribute on ChangePassword.html | Adjust Color for Hyperlinks in Cookie Banner | Adjust Label Color for Form Fields Failing Validation | Adjust Formatting for Search Box | Improve Transaction Menu Responsiveness | Realign Actions Menu Dropdown Options | Disable Hidden Billing Fields on Request Forms | Fix Text Responsiveness Issues | Fix Label for 'ReadingRoomID' on ViewAppointments.html | Update Copyright Year on Logon.html
Fix Broken Web Alert Attribute
To fix a broken 'aria-labelledby' attribute causing an accessibility issue on the modal dialog for web alerts, please download the latest default web pages and overwrite your js\webAlerts.js file with the updated file.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Remove Broken Attribute on ChangePassword.html
To remove a broken 'aria-describedby' attribute causing an accessibility issue on ChangePassword.html, please overwrite your default ChangePassword.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 23-30):
<div class="form-group col-md-5"> <label for="CurrentPassword"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORCurrentPassword'>"> Current Password </span> </label> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="CurrentPassword" id="CurrentPassword" aria-describedby="passwordHelp" autocomplete="off"> </div>
To this:
<div class="form-group col-md-5"> <label for="CurrentPassword"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORCurrentPassword'>"> Current Password </span> </label> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="CurrentPassword" id="CurrentPassword" autocomplete="off"> </div>
Adjust Color for Hyperlinks in Cookie Banner
To fix contrast issues with the default color used for hyperlinks added to the cookie consent banner, please overwrite your default css\aeon.css file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 450-452):
.theme_atlas .cc_div a { color: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); }
To this:
.theme_atlas .cc_div a, .theme_atlas .cc_div .cc-link { border-color: #d6d6d6; color: #d6d6d6; }
Adjust Label Color for Form Fields Failing Validation
The default label color used to highlight fields that fail server validation when a form is submitted was changed to fix contrast issues against the default web page background colors. To implement this change, please overwrite your default js\atlasUtility.js file with the updated file and overwrite your css\aeon.css file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Change this (default line 126-129):
.fas { font-size: 16px; }
To this:
.validationError { color: #b81f18; }
.fas { font-size: 16px; }
Adjust Formatting for Search Box
To fix color contrast issues with the default color used for the border around the search box and to improve the overall layout of the web page, please overwrite your default ViewSearchResults.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 19-23):
<input type="hidden" name="AeonForm" value="Search"> <input id="SearchCriteria" value="<#PARAM name='SearchCriteria'>" name="SearchCriteria" type="text" title="Search criteria"> <input class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search" data-button-nodisable>
To this:
<input type="hidden" name="AeonForm" value="Search"> <div class="form-inline m-0"> <input id="SearchCriteria" class="form-control mr-1" value="<#PARAM name='SearchCriteria'>" name="SearchCriteria" type="text" title="Search criteria"> <input class="btn btn-primary " type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Search" title="Search" data-button-nodisable> </div>
And change this (default lines 32-33):
<!--Radio control for search filtering--> <br>
To this:
<!--Radio control for search filtering-->
Improve Transaction Menu Responsiveness
To fix issues with the responsiveness and readability of the transaction menu on smaller display sizes and to add an underline on hover for its enabled menu buttons, please overwrite your default aeon.css and include_TransactionMenu.html files with the updated files or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 237-240):
.badge-primary { background-color: #08415c; }
To this:
#transaction-menu .btn:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
.badge-primary { background-color: #08415c; }
Change this (default lines 1-2):
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center "> <div class="btn-group " role="group">
To this:
<div id="transaction-menu" class="d-flex justify-content-center mb-1 mt-4"> <div class="btn-group flex-column flex-grow-1 flex-md-row flex-md-grow-0" role="group">
Then follow the example for the Edit Request button to add the "my-1 py-2" class to the code for all buttons on this page at the default lines listed below:
Edit Request Button Example
Change this (default lines 4-7):
<a class="btn btn-light menuEdit <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Edit' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=20&Form=63&Value= <#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-edit text-primary"></span> Edit Request </a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-light menuEdit my-1 py-2 <#TRANSACTION field='RequestActionAllowed' name='Edit' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="aeon.dll?Action=20&Form=63&Value= <#TRANSACTION field='TransactionNumber'>"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-edit text-primary"></span> Edit Request </a>
Add the "my-1 py-2" class to these default lines:
- 4 (Edit Request button)
- 9 (Cancel Request button)
- 14 (Remove from Hold button)
- 19 (Resubmit Request button)
- 24 (Request Copy button)
- 29 (Clone Request button)
- 34 (Clone to Copy button)
- 39 (View Item button)
- 44 (Delete Item button)
- 49 (Submit Request button)
- 54 (Approve Estimate button)
- 59 (Approve Billing button)
- 64 (Export Citation button)
Realign Actions Menu Dropdown Options
To fix an issue where the Actions menu dropdown options are not fully visible on smaller display sizes, please overwrite the files listed below with the new default files or make the change on each page manually following the example below:
Add the "dropdown-menu-right" class to the code for the dropdown menu <div> container:
Change this (DataRow_DefaultActivity.html default line 30):
<div class="dropdown-menu " aria-labelledby="btnGroupActivityDrop<#DATAROW field='Id'>">
To this:
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" aria-labelledby="btnGroupActivityDrop<#DATAROW field='Id'>">
On the following web pages at the specified default lines:
- DataRow_DefaultActivity.html (default line 30)
- DataRow_DefaultRequest.html (default line 20)
- DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html (default line 21)
- DataRow_OrderBilling.html (default line 48)
- DataRow_OrderEstimate.html (default line 46)
- DataRow_ReviewRequest.html (default line 24)
- \AppointmentScheduling\templates\DataRow_DefaultAppointment.html (default line 27)
Disable Hidden Billing Fields on Request Forms
To fix an issue where hidden billing fields could become enabled (but remain hidden) on request forms and prevent submission of the form, please download the latest default web pages and overwrite your js\billingContextOptionHandler.js and js\duplicationPermissionToggle.js files with the updated files.
The fix will not apply to any affected billing fields that use the position: fixed CSS property. The following error message will be returned in the browser console when this issue occurs:
The [HTML ID for the affected billing field] SELECT element has a fixed position and
its visibility may not be accurately determined by billingContextOptionHandler.js
To resolve this issue, please locate the affected billing field within the code for the relevant web page and remove the position: fixed property.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.
Fix Text Responsiveness Issues
To fix issues where text would cross over other text and cause readability issues on various web pages when viewed on small screen sizes or high zoom levels, please overwrite the files noted below with the updated files or make the following changes manually:
Note: These changes will also fix text responsiveness issues on ViewAppointment.html though no changes are required for the code within this file.
Change this (default lines 336-338):
.transaction-label { width: 33%; }
To this:
.transaction-label { flex-basis: 33%; }
Follow the example for the Name field on ActivityInformation.html to add the "transaction-label" class to the code within each file listed below for the fields located at the default lines indicated:
Name Field Example
Change this (default lines 6-13):
<div class="field list-group-item"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <span >Name</span> <strong> <span class="field-value"><#ACTIVITY field="Name"> </span> </strong> </div> </div>
To this:
<div class="field list-group-item"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <span class="transaction-label">Name</span> <strong> <span class="field-value"><#ACTIVITY field="Name"> </span> </strong> </div> </div>
Add the "transaction-label" class to the fields located at the default lines on the following web page files:
- 8 (Name field)
- 17 (Description field)
- 26 (Type [ActivityType] field)
- 35 (Status [ActivityStatus] field)
- 44 (Status Date [ActivityStatusDate] field)
- 53 (Location field)
- 62 (Begin Date field)
- 71 (End Date field)
- 7 (Current Tags [ResearcherTags] field)
- 7 (Transaction Number field)
- 16 (Title [ItemTitle] field)
- 25 (Author [ItemAuthor] field)
- 34 (Date [ItemDate] field)
- 43 (Collection Name/Location [Location] field)
- 52 (Call Number field)
- 61 (Box(es)/Folder(s) [ItemVolume] field)
- 70 (Requested For [ResearcherUsername] field)
- 79 (Activity Number [ActivityID] field)
- 88 (Scheduled Date field)
- 97 (Special Request field)
- 7 (Transaction Number field)
- 16 (Title [ItemTitle] field)
- 25 (Author [ItemAuthor] field)
- 34 (Place of Publication [ItemPlace] field)
- 43 (Publisher [ItemPublisher] field)
- 52 (Date [ItemDate] field)
- 61 (Edition [ItemEdition] field)
- 70 (Volume/Box [ItemVolume] field)
- 79 (Issue/Copy [ItemIssue] field)
- 88 (Size/Physical Description [ItemCitation] field)
- 97 (Call Number field)
- 106 (Collection Name/Location [Location] field)
- 115 (Requested For [ResearcherUsername] field)
- 124 (Activity Number [ActivityID] field)
- 133 (ScheduledDate field)
- 142 (Special Request field)
- 8 (Transaction Number field)
- 17 (Title [ItemTitle] field)
- 26 (Place of Publication [ItemPlace] field)
- 35 (Date [ItemDate] field)
- 44 (Volume/Box [ItemVolume] field)
- 53 (Issue/Copy [ItemIssue] field)
- 62 (Call Number field)
- 71 (Collection Name/Location [Location] field)
- 80 (Requested For [ResearcherUsername] field)
- 89 (Activity Number [ActivityID] field)
- 98 (Scheduled Date field)
- 107 (Special Request field)
Fix Label for 'ReadingRoomID' on ViewAppointments.html
To fix an incorrect label for the 'ReadingRoomID' field that causes an accessibility issue for screen reader users, please overwrite your default ViewAppointments.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default lines 30-34):
<label for="ReadingRoom"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORReadingRoomID'>"> Reading Room </span> </label>
To this:
<label for="ReadingRoomID"> <span class="<#ERROR name='ERRORReadingRoomID'>"> Reading Room </span> </label>
Update Copyright Year on Logon.html
To update the hardcoded copyright year on the Logon web page to the current year, please overwrite your default Logon.html file with the updated file or make the following changes:
Change this (default line 78):
<div> © 2022 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div>
To this:
<div> © 2023 <a href=""> Atlas Systems, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div>
06 July 2023 Web Pages Release
Implement Captcha Support on User Registration Pages | Fix Display Issue for Scheduled Date Date Picker
Implement Captcha Support on User Registration Pages
The NewUserRegistration.html web page was modified and the following new files were added to the default web pages to implement captcha support on the New User Registration forms:
- include_captcha_none.html
- include_hcaptcha.html
- include_mtcaptcha.html
- include_recaptcha_v2_checkbox.html
- include_recaptcha_v2_invisible.html
- include_recaptcha_v3.html
Note: The Aeon Server must be updated to v5.1.16 before the new captcha web pages can be used to implement the captcha requirement on the New User Registration forms.
Fix Display Issue for Scheduled Date Calendar Tool
To fix an issue where disabled dates are not displayed correctly in the calendar date picker tool used with the Scheduled Date field, please download the latest default web pages and overwrite your js\scheduled-date.js file with the updated file.
Please overwrite this file with the updated file.