Sorting Items in a Grid

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You can arrange your item requests in ascending or descending order by sorting the columns in a grid. Requests are, by default, arranged by the Item column in ascending order. Depending upon the column you choose, requests will sort either alphabetically or numerically. For example, sorting by the Item column will arrange the requests numerically by Item number. Sorting by the Author column will arrange the requests alphabetically by the author's last name. Small arrows to the right of the column header display the sort direction. Sort requests in a grid by using either the Quick Toggle feature or the Sort command.

Sorting with Quick Toggle 

Use quick toggle to sort requests by a specific column.

  1. To sort your item requests by column, toggle (left-click) the column header.
  2. The item requests display in ascending order according to the selected column.
  3. Toggle the same column header again and the items display in descending order.
  4. To sort requests by another column, simply click the column header.
  5. Requests display in ascending order according to the selected column.

Sorting with the Sort Command

You can also sort your item requests using the Sort command in the Customization Tool.

  1. Right-click the column and choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  2. The item requests display in ascending or descending order according to your selection.

Sorting Multiple Columns

You can arrange the order of your requests further by sorting more than one column.

For example, you can group requests by Author, then arrange the requests by Author and again by Item.

Clear Sorting

You can undo the last sort action performed by using the Clear Sort command in the Customization Tool.

  1. Right-click any column header to open the Customization Tool and select Clear Sorting.

For example, if you have arranged requests in descending order by Author and then Item, click Clear Sorting to return the requests to the previous ascending Item order.



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