Internet Information Services

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In addition to having the Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your web server, you will need to ensure that IIS is properly set up to use the .NET Framework:

For Ares version 4.7

Ares 4.7 is built on Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2.

  • Verify that there is an extension for ASP.NET v4.6.2 and that it is set to Allowed.
  • Verify that the ASP.NET version is set to v4.6.2 for each module using ASP.NET.


The minimum permissions required for ASP.NET applications to run require read permissions on all web files for the Internet Information Services (IIS) IUSR_ComputerName Internet Guest Account and an ASP.NET ASPNET user account (or NetworkService user account, for IIS 6.0). The accounts will also need read permissions to the login.dbc file that was created using the SQL Alias Manager (SAM). In addition, if you need to obtain logs for customer support, you will need to ensure the previously named accounts have to write permissions to the log folder. By default, the log folder is set to c:\program files\ares\logs.

For more information on configuring NTFS file permissions for the security of ASP.NET applications, see

The default installation of IIS may not include the role service for IP security. To use IP security on IIS, you must install the IP and Domain Restrictions role on the web server.

Windows Server and IIS Configuration

In order for the Ares Server install to run correctly on a Windows OS, you will need to install IIS roles and ensure that the Role for IIS Metabase Compatibility for the web server is installed. These are components added through the Add Roles and Features Wizard in recent versions of windows or the Windows feature management section of the Add/Remove Programs Wizard in older versions of windows.

  1. Go to Start - Administrative Tools - Server Manager.
  2. In the Roles and Features section, click Tasks and then Add Roles and Features.
  3. In the Select Server Roles section, check the box next to Web Server (IIS).
  4. Expand Web Server (IIS) and check the boxes for the roles you want to add. The following should be added:
    • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
    • ASP.Net 4.0/4.5
    • .Net Extensibility 4.6.2
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters
    • FTP Service (only required for sites that wish to use FTP instead of file shares for electronic item uploads and third party copyright provider document management)
    • Verify these Common HTTP Features are enabled:
      • Default Document handling
      • Static Content handling
      • HTTP Redirection handling

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Configurations

In order for your web applications and web services to work correctly, you will need to make sure the Web and TestWeb DLLs are not restricted. In addition, the application pools used for the web applications and web services must be set to Enable 32-Bit Applications.

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on your server.
  2. Click on your server name to see the available Features.
  3. Double click on ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
  4. Verify that the Web and TestWeb DLLs are set to Allowed.
  5. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on your server.
  6. Click View Application Pools or double-click on Application Pools under the server name.
  7. The Application Pools used for the web applications and web services must be set to Enable 32-Bit Applications.
    1. Right-click on a web application or web service.
    2. Select Advanced Settings.
    3. If the Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to False, change it to True.


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