Staff can add reserve items for Ares courses in the client using either of two Add Items buttons located on the Course form. The Details tab and Course Items tab both contain an Add Item button on their ribbon. Instructors, proxies and students can then view the reserve items from their web account. Once an item has been created, changes to item information and processing including deleting items, are made directly in the Item form. Items cannot be added to a course until the Item Addition Date for the semester is reached. Attempting to add items to a course with no instructor or an invalid instructor assigned will result in an error message being displayed.
When an item is created it is sent to a status of Item Submitted, and then to Awaiting Reserves Processing. This is recorded on the Tracking entry of the History tab. The Username shown in the Tracking entry is the username of the instructor for the course even though the item was submitted by staff.
Adding a Reserve Item to a Course
Locate the course using the Search Courses feature. Click on one of the courses in the list of results to open the Course form.
- To create a new Item, click the Add Item button on the ribbon of either the Details or Course Items forms of the Course form.
- The Item form opens to the Details tab with the Item ID displayed along the Title Bar and in the Item ID field. The new item will be routed to Awaiting Reserves Processing and this status is displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the form.
- Fill out the item information fields in the General Information, Citation, Availability and Copyright Information groups.
- Some fields contain default values. Change these if necessary.
- Click the Save Item icon, located in the Quick Access Toolbar, to save the newly created item.
- After saving the item form you can use Z39.50 searching to record shelf location and call number. The Z39.50 tab will populate using criteria saved from the Details tab.
- When the Course form is opened or refreshed the item count and grid reflect the addition of the new item.
Fields with Default Values
Some fields in the Item form are filled in automatically with default values. For example, new items appear as a Hardcopy Reserve Item with an Item Type of Monograph and an Item Form of Book. The Active Date and Inactive Date fields default to match the semester start and stop dates. Change this information as necessary. See the table Database Fields Used in the Details Tab for more information about these and other fields on the Item form.
Fields containing default values:
- Processing Location
- Pickup Location
- Active Date
- Inactive Date
- Loan Period
- Document Type
- Item Type
- Item Format