Instructors can view, edit and delete reserve items from the Course Details page. Clicking on a course in the Current Courses table opens the Course Details page displaying the Course Details and Reserve Items tables.
The Course Details Table
The Course Details table displays course information such as the course number, name, description, semester, instructor, and email subscription information. If there is a course URL link it will be active and viewable here. Instructors can subscribe or unsubscribe to email notifications here as well.
The Reserve Items Table
The Reserve Items table lists, alphabetically by title, all reserve items available for a course. Displayed for each item are the title, author, the date the item becomes inactive, the item status and instructor and personal tags. Instructors can click on any item in the grid to view, edit or delete the item. Instructors can also customize the order in which items display in the table using 3 different methods, explained below.
Changing the Display Order of Reserve Items
There are three ways instructors can change the display order of reserve items:
- Sort by the Reserve Items table headers
- Sort by the click, drag and drop method
- Sort using the Sort By drop-down box to sort by headers and other item fields
Sorting by Reserve Items Table Headers
Sort items alphabetically by the Title, Author, Inactive and Status headers by clicking on the header in the table. The screen automatically refreshes, displaying the new sort order in both Instructor and Student modes. The sort order is saved only for the duration of the viewing session and does not affect the view of Reserves Items when viewed by students.
Sorting by Clicking, Dragging and Dropping Rows
Sort the table on an item by item basis by clicking on the item, dragging it, and dropping it to a new location in the grid. When you have arranged items in a specified order, clicking Save Order saves the new order to the database. This order will now display as the default view in both Instructor and Student modes each time the Course Details page is accessed. In addition to affecting the order of items in the Instructor and Student modes of the Instructor web interface, this method affects the default sort order of the Reserve Items table when viewed by students.
Sorting Using the Sort By Dropdown Box
Sort items by the default column headers or by item fields other than those included as headers using the Sort By drop-down. Select the sort order by clicking on the field in the Sort By drop-down box. The screen automatically refreshes with the new sort order in both Instructor and Student modes. The sort order is saved only for the duration of the viewing session and does not affect the view of Reserve Items when viewed by students. The Default option in the Sort By drop-down box sorts the items alphabetically by Title unless a new default order has been created using the click, drop and drag method. Examples of fields that can be added to the web pages and used for sorting include Call Number and Pickup Location. This method of sorting is also available for use in Student Mode and is available for students accessing their account via the Student web interface.
Viewing an Item
Click on an item in the grid to view details of the item, including current item status, title, author, Instructor and Personal Tags, Notes and Tracking information. If the item is an electronic file, clicking the View this item link allows the user to view or download the item, depending on browser setting and file type.
By default, access to the AresDocs folder on the Ares server is restricted by IP range. In order to access and view items stored in the AresDocs folder, there must be a value in the ContentType column of the DocumentTypes table for that item type. If users cannot access items, check to see that this column is filled out properly.
Editing an Item
- Click on an item in the grid to view details of the item, including current Status, Instructor and Personal Tags and Notes and Tracking information.
- Use the Edit this Item option to open the Edit screen and edit details of the reserve item request. Required fields are denoted by a red *.
- Click Submit Item to save changes.
- Create and modify Instructor and Personal tags here as well.
Editing the Loan Period for Physical Items
Changing the Loan Period for Physical Items sends the item to a virtual status in the client so that reserves staff are notified of the change.
Deleting an Item
Click on an item in the grid to view details of the item, including current Status, Instructor and Personal Tags and Notes and Tracking information. Use the Delete this Item option to delete an item if, for instance, a mistake was made on the request or the item is no longer needed for a course. The item will be instantly removed from the course and the Reserve Items table. If an instructor accidentally deletes an item they will need to contact reserves staff to have the item reactivated. Deleting an item sends the item to a virtual status in the client so that reserves staff are notified of the change.