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The #CONDITIONAL tag allows you to test a certain range of true/false conditions and specify different results based on the result. It takes the form:

<#CONDITIONAL type="[condition type]" test="[value to test"] true="[string to 
return if condition is true]" false="[string to return if condition is false]">

The true and false attributes are optional and will be replaced by an empty string if they are not specified. The two types currently supported are CustomizationKey and ConvertingToCopy.


CustomizationKey tests whether a customization key specified in the test attribute is yes or no. This is meant to be used with YesNo type customization keys. For example:

<#CONDITIONAL type="CustomizationKey" test="GroupRequestsByLocation" true="Your 
requested items will be grouped into individual requests by box number.">


ConvertingToCopy tests whether the researcher is requesting that an existing request be converted to a photoduplication request. The 'test' attribute is not relevant for this type, and it is used in this feature to conditionally apply the DISABLED attribute to the HTML input elements to prevent researchers from editing citation information when they are submitting their converted requests. For the 'Request Copy' feature, it is applied as in the following example: 

<input id="ItemAuthor" name="ItemAuthor" type="text" size="40" class="f-name" 
tabindex="0" value="<#PARAM name="ItemAuthor">" <#CONDITIONAL type=
"ConvertingToCopy" true=" DISABLED ">>


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