Within ILLiad, you have the option to add delivery locations in addition to your main processing location. These locations may include other libraries or buildings within your library system that rely on the main location for all ILLiad processing but may have separate needs. Adding delivery locations in ILLiad gives you the option to create unique email and print templates to be used for a specific delivery location. Your patrons can also have the option when registering to choose a specific delivery location instead of the main location, or staff users can move a patron from one location to another.
Adding Delivery Locations
In order to add delivery locations to the ILLiad system, a script will need to be run. This script will create the necessary database entries for any new delivery locations.
If you are hosted by OCLC or Atlas, please contact them to run this query for you.
If you are self-hosted or if you are implementing ILLiad for the first time, your Atlas Customer Service Agent can help you with this process. Call 800-567-7401 ext. 1 or email support@atlas-sys.com.
This query needs to be run using SQL Management Studio against your ILLiad database.
-- The following query will create the necessary database entries for any new
-- delivery location. You will need to fill out the parameters below so that
-- they are populated in the queries. This query needs to be edited and run
-- for each delivery location code added. This query needs to be run using SQL
-- Management Studio against your ILLiad database. If you are hosted by OCLC
-- or Atlas, contact them and they will run this query for you.
DECLARE @deliloc nvarchar(10), @parentsite nvarchar(10), @delilocdesc
-- Fill out the VALUES for the Parent Site (@parentsite), the Delivery Location
-- code (@deliloc), and the Delivery Location description (@delilocdesc). If a
-- single server, and the parent site is ILL.
SET @deliloc = '';
SET @parentsite = '';
SET @delilocdesc = '';
-- Insert value into DeliveryLocations table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[DeliveryLocations] ([Symbol], [Value]) VALUES (@deliloc,
-- Copy parent site OpenURLMapping entries for delivery location
INSERT INTO [dbo].[OpenURLMapping] ([NVTGC], [URL_Ver], [rfr_id],
[ILLiadAction], [ILLiadFieldName], [OpenURLFieldVALUES], [ILLiadValue])
SELECT @deliloc, [URL_Ver], [rfr_id], [ILLiadAction], [ILLiadFieldName],
[OpenURLFieldVALUES], [ILLiadValue] FROM [dbo].[OpenURLMapping] WHERE [NVTGC]
= @parentsite;
-- Copy parent site WorkFormMapping entries for delivery location
INSERT INTO [dbo].[WorkFormMapping] ([NVTGC], [WorkFormType], [OCLCFieldName],
[ILLiadFields], [ConstantDataAction])
SELECT @deliloc, [WorkFormType], [OCLCFieldName], [ILLiadFields],
[ConstantDataAction] FROM [dbo].[WorkFormMapping] WHERE [NVTGC] = @parentsite;
-- Copy parent site LocalInfo entries for delivery location
INSERT INTO [dbo].[LocalInfo] ([NVTGC], [SystemName], [SystemURL],
[InstitutionName], [LibraryName], [OCLCSymbol], [DoclineSymbol],
[GeneralContactName], [GeneralPhone], [GeneralEMailAddress], [GeneralAddress1],
[GeneralAddress2], [GeneralCity], [GeneralState], [GeneralZip],
[GeneralCountry], [GeneralFax], [GeneralHours], [BorrowingContactName],
[BorrowingPhone], [BorrowingEMailAddress], [BorrowingAddress1],
[BorrowingAddress2], [BorrowingCity], [BorrowingState], [BorrowingZip],
[BorrowingFax], [BorrowingHours], [BorrowingArielAddress], [DocDelContactName],
[DocDelPhone], [DocDelEMailAddress], [DocDelAddress1], [DocDelAddress2],
[DocDelCity], [DocDelState], [DocDelZip], [DocDelFax], [DocDelHours],
[DocDelArielAddress], [LendingContactName], [LendingPhone],
[LendingEMailAddress], [LendingAddress1], [LendingAddress2], [LendingCity],
[LendingState], [LendingZip], [LendingFax], [LendingHours],
[LendingArielAddress], [BillingContactName], [BillingPhone],
[BillingEMailAddress], [BillingAddress1], [BillingAddress2], [BillingCity],
[BillingState], [BillingZip], [BillingFax], [BillingHours])
SELECT @deliloc, [SystemName], [SystemURL], [InstitutionName], [LibraryName],
[OCLCSymbol], [DoclineSymbol], [GeneralContactName], [GeneralPhone],
[GeneralEMailAddress], [GeneralAddress1], [GeneralAddress2], [GeneralCity],
[GeneralState], [GeneralZip], [GeneralCountry], [GeneralFax], [GeneralHours],
[BorrowingContactName], [BorrowingPhone], [BorrowingEMailAddress],
[BorrowingAddress1], [BorrowingAddress2], [BorrowingCity], [BorrowingState],
[BorrowingZip], [BorrowingFax], [BorrowingHours], [BorrowingArielAddress],
[DocDelContactName], [DocDelPhone], [DocDelEMailAddress], [DocDelAddress1],
[DocDelAddress2], [DocDelCity], [DocDelState], [DocDelZip], [DocDelFax],
[DocDelHours], [DocDelArielAddress], [LendingContactName], [LendingPhone],
[LendingEMailAddress], [LendingAddress1], [LendingAddress2], [LendingCity],
[LendingState], [LendingZip], [LendingFax], [LendingHours],
[LendingArielAddress], [BillingContactName], [BillingPhone],
[BillingEMailAddress], [BillingAddress1], [BillingAddress2], [BillingCity],
[BillingState], [BillingZip], [BillingFax], [BillingHours] FROM [dbo].
[LocalInfo] WHERE [NVTGC] = @parentsite;
-- insert entry into CustomDropDown table for the delivery location
INSERT INTO [dbo].[CustomDropDown] ([NVTGC],[GroupName],[LabelName],
[LabelValue]) VALUES (@parentsite, N'NVTGC', @delilocdesc, @deliloc);
Additional Edits
After running the delivery locations script, you may want to check the following optional edits to see if you want to make any further changes.
Web Pages
The ILLiad web pages will continue to work as before. In order to allow new registering users to select a new delivery location instead of the main processing site, you will need to make a couple of changes.
On the NewUserRegistration.html/NewAuthRegistration.html and ChangeUserInformation.html pages, remove the hidden field for NVTGC and replace it with a dropdown. This will allow the user to choose between the locations.
Use the following sample HTML as you make these changes.
<label for="NVTGC">
<span class="field">
<span class="<#ERROR name="ERRORNVTGC">"><b>Delivery Location</b></span>
<select id="NVTGC" name="NVTGC" size="1" class="f-name" tabindex="4">
<#OPTION name="custom" groupname="NVTGC" selectedValue="<#PARAM name=NVTGC>"
defaultValue="" defaultName=""/>
</select><br />
Now that new delivery locations exist, patrons who register for the first time will have the option to choose their delivery location. In addition, changes will need to be made to any existing users. Patrons can make this change by logging into the ILLiad web pages and changing their user information. This change can also be made manually by staff users.
If your site is using the UserValidation table to authenticate users (UserValidation set to Lookup), you will need to update the NVTGC field in the UserValidation table to reflect any delivery locations that a patron may have now instead of just ILL.
Shared Server Installations
If you are a Shared Server ILLiad site, you MUST edit the Users view in order to view requests submitted by users with new delivery locations. To do this, you must run an additional script against your ILLiad database.
Sample Script
In this example, the main ILLiad processing site is APPLE. Delivery locations have been added to this main site named FUJI, GALA, and GRANNY.
There are two other main processing sites on the shared server named CHERRY and PEAR. The Users view for CHERRY and PEAR will not change with the addition of the three delivery locations to the APPLE site. However, the view for APPLE. Users need to be changed to include FUJI, GALA, and GRANNY.
There are two different ways to write the view:
drop view [APPLE].Users
create view [APPLE].Users as select * from UsersALL where NVTGC in
grant select on [APPLE].Users to [illiad]
drop view [APPLE].Users
create view [APPLE].Users as select * from UsersALL where NVTGC not in
grant select on [APPLE].Users to [illiad]
The first script says that the view is of all Users who have an NVTGC of APPLE, FUJI, GALA or GRANNY. The second script marks Users who are anything except CHERRY or PEAR.