Processing Documents with the Electronic Delivery Utility

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The Electronic Delivery Utility will only display transactions that meet the following criteria:

  • Lending requests at the status of In Stacks Searching and Document Delivery Requests at the status of In DD Stacks Searching.
  • Transactions that have a PDF or TIFF file with a name matching the transaction number in the location specified in the ILLiad Customization Manager.

Transactions highlighted in yellow are associated with Borrowing libraries or local patrons who will be billed.

The ElectronicDeliveryUtility.exe file is installed by default when the ILLiad Client is installed and will be saved in the same location (normally c:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Odyssey\).

Please note that once files are in the EDU processing directories, they should NOT be opened or otherwise manipulated because the EDU will not be able to send and delete the file.

  1. Scan the document. Save the PDF or TIFF file as the ILLiad Transaction Number in the designated folder (usually c:\illiad\images).
  2. Open the Electronic Delivery Utility and log in with your ILLiad staff username and password.
  3. Choose the process type by clicking Process Type in the top left corner and then selecting Lending or Document Delivery.
  4. Add billing information to the highlighted requests by clicking on Auto Bill Default. This will assign billing information to each transaction based on the billing fees set in the BillingDefaults table in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
  5. You can also add billing information manually by selecting a specific transaction and clicking Change. This allows you to edit the default fee charged or add billing notes to the transaction.
  6. To send the articles to the Borrowing libraries, click Process and all checked transactions will be sent.
  7. If there are transactions in the list that you do not want to send, uncheck the Process checkbox next to those transactions.
  8. If there are transactions that you want to ensure the Borrowing library will have to review before sending on to the patron, uncheck the Disable Trusted Sender checkbox in those transactions.
  9. All transactions will be automatically sent and the transaction status and information will be updated in ILLiad.

Auto Mode

Auto Mode will look for requests every minute and will automatically bill (if enabled) and send requests without staff intervention.

When using auto mode, if you monitor goes into "Sleep" mode, the services should still run in the background as long as you don't turn off your computer. If your computer is in hibernation, it may cause the service to stop but it will create a save state for where it was at prior to hibernation.
  1. To enable Auto Mode, click the Auto Mode button. All other buttons will be disabled.
  2. The Electronic Delivery Utility will check for requests every minute, and attempt to send them automatically.
  3. Once a request has been sent it will appear in the grid, and a status will display.
  4. If sending is successful, the request will move to Request Finished. If sending fails, it will be moved back to In Stacks Searching/In DD Stacks Searching.


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