The Electronic Delivery Utility allows staff to utilize outside scanners and other means of acquiring digital documents for processing within ILLiad. Scanning can be performed at any time by people with no ILL-specific knowledge and no access to ILLiad. Once files have been scanned and stored in a specific folder, the Electronic Delivery Utility will quickly and efficiently deliver the documents via Odyssey or Article Exchange and will update the ILLiad transaction.
Configuring the File Path
First, you will need to configure the C:\program files (x86)\illiad folder read/write/modify permissions for those accounts who may need to need to utilize the Electronic Delivery Utility. The permissions could be set to a Windows User Group or assigned to each user account individually.
- Set the New Technology File System (NTFS) permissions for the C:\program files (x86)\illiad folder to allow users who need access to the EDU to read/write/modify.
- Set the NTFS permissions for the file share path you're going to be using for the ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathLending and ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathDocDel Customizations Keys.
- For example C:\illiad\images\.
There are two keys you may want to set to tell the Electronic Delivery Utility where to look for files: ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathDocDel and ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathLending. These keys tell the Electronic Delivery Utility where to save the scanned files that will be processed by the Electronic Delivery Utility. Both of these keys can be found in the ILLiad Customization Manager under Odyssey | Defaults.
- In the ILLiad Customization Manager, go to Odyssey | Defaults and find the following keys:
- ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathDocDel
- ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPathLending
In each key, change the path to wherever you want the Electronic Delivery Utility documents to be stored. The default value for both is c:\illiad\images.
This path cannot be the same path defined for the Odyssey Manager (specifically the path set in the OdysseyServerReceiveDir key). A network path such as \\myserver\myscans can be used as long as the Electronic Delivery Utility machine can get to that location.
Click Save to save the new location.
Configuring Article Exchange
The Electronic Delivery Utility will first attempt to send articles through Odyssey using the local Odyssey Manager service on the ILLiad server, which will in turn forward articles to the final destination's Odyssey Manager or will send them through Article Exchange as appropriate. If Odyssey sending fails for any reason, the Odyssey Manager will attempt to send the article via Odyssey up to the number of times configured in the OdysseyMaxSendTries customization key, and then will then fall back on Article Exchange as an alternate sending method if this functionality has been configured in the SendArticleExchangeOnOdysseyFailure customization key.
To enable this key and use Article Exchange as an alternate sending method, you must specify this in the ILLiad Customization Manager:
- Open the ILLiad Customization Manager and navigate to System | Article Exchange | SendArticleExchangeOnOdysseyFailure.
- Change the value to Yes.
- Click Save.