Adding and Removing Menu Options (v9.0)

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By default, all of the menu items (Edit, Cancel, Renew, Resubmit, Clone, View PDF, and Delete PDF) will display on your web pages. You can easily remove one or more of these options by editing the MENU tag. This tag is used on the following pages:

  • DetailedInformation.html
  • ViewDefaultDetailed.html
  • ViewDetailedInformation.html
  • ViewRenewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html
  • ViewResubmitDetailedInformation.html

Editing the Menu Options

  1. First, locate the MENU tag you want to change. The tag will display like this:

    <#MENU name="transaction" separator="|">

    Even though there are no specific menu items currently in the menu, all options will display on your web pages by default.

  2. Add all the possible options to the MENU tag:

    <#MENU name="transaction" separator="|" item="Edit:Edit Request" item=
    "Cancel:Cancel Request" item="Renew:Renew Request" item="ViewPDF:View PDF" 
    item="DeletePDF:Delete PDF" item="Resubmit:Resubmit Request" item="Clone:
    Clone Request">
  3. Now that all of the options are specified, simply remove any of the options that you don't want to display on the page. For example, if you wanted to remove the "Clone Request" link, your MENU tag would look like this:

    <#MENU name="transaction" separator="|" item="Edit:Edit Request" item=
    "Cancel:Cancel Request" item="Renew:Renew Request" item="ViewPDF:View PDF" 
    item="DeletePDF:Delete PDF" item="Resubmit:Resubmit Request">

Note that the MENU tag options will appear on a page only if they are valid for the specific transaction status of the request being viewed.


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