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The OpenURLMenu is used to display links to multiple OpenURL destination pages. This tag is only generated if there were multiple OpenURL destination pages available and the DLL just processed an incoming OpenURL when the OpenURLMenu tag is being generated.

CSS Classes of the LI tags included in the UL tag is based upon the friendly name of the destination page. Spaces are removed from the friendly name for the LI tag css class.


  • Class: The CSS class to apply to the UL tag that is generated. Default: If the parameter is not provided, the UL tag will not include a CSS class.
  • ExcludeFirst: Determines if the first OpenURLMapping destination page should be included in the menu output. It can be useful to set this parameter to Yes if the IOpenURLMenu.html page does not exist and all OpenURLs are directed to the first OpenURLMapping destination page. Allowed Values: Yes, No. Default: If the parameter is not provided, the default value is considered to be No.


When output by the DLL, this will be output as similar HTML. This will vary based on OpenURLMapping destination pages.

<#OpenURLMenu class="OpenURLMenu" excludeFirst="No">

Sample OpenURLMapping records

ID 1

  • URL_Ver = Default
  • rfr_id = Default
  • AresAction = Substitute:genre
  • Ares Field Name = RequestType
  • OpenURLFieldValues = book
  • AresValue = Monograph:IRFOpenURLBook.html:Book

ID 2

  • URL_Ver = Default
  • rfr_id = Default
  • AresAction = Substitute:genre
  • Ares Field Name = RequestType
  • OpenURLFieldValues = book
  • AresValue = Monograph:IRFOpenURLSpecialBook.html:Special Book

Sample Output

	<li class="Book">
		<a href="ares.dll?SessionID=<ID>&Action=10&Form=31&Title=OpenURL+Title&Value=IRFOpenURLBook">Book</a>
	<li class="SpecialBook">
		<a href="ares.dll?SessionID=<ID>&Action=10&Form=31&Title=OpenURL+Title&Value=IRFOpenURLSpecialBook">Special Book</a>


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