Editing the Scheduled Date Calendar

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Note: The web page information and code in this article only applies to the legacy Aeon 4.1 (or earlier) default web pages. As of the Aeon 5.0+ default web pages, blackout dates are primarily configured within the Aeon Customization Manager. See Blackout Date Calendar for Aeon Requests for more information.

Adding Blackout Dates Video

All Aeon default request pages include a Scheduled Date field that uses a standardized jquery dropdown calendar. Users requesting items via the web must use the drop-down calendar to add a scheduled date. Manual entries are not allowed. The scheduled-date.js file contains the functionality allowing sites to limit which days they accept requests. You can edit the .js file to prevent users from requesting items on particular days. This .js file does not affect the dropdown calendar displayed in the client request forms.

Editing the scheduled-date.js file

By editing the content of the scheduled-date.js file you can deactivate specific dates on the calendar so that users cannot schedule requests for those days. For example, the default scheduled-date.js file allows users to schedule item retrieval on weekends. By changing the value to 'false' users will not be able to schedule items for weekends.

allowWeekends = true;
allowWeekends = false;

You can remove a holiday from the list of yearly or floating holidays by removing the // marks to the left of that specific line. For example, to keep users from requesting items for Labor Day:

//floatingHolidays.push(['20120903', 'Labor Day']);


floatingHolidays.push(['20120903', 'Labor Day']);

Remember that as with any changes to web files, the cache needs to be updated to get the latest changes.

Date Format in Web Pages

If you use a date format other than mm/dd/yyyy, you may need to modify the calendar popups in the web to reflect that format.


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