Configuring Web Platform Integration for Aeon and ILLiad

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You must use the following steps to create the web platform connection between Aeon and ILLiad. There are three main aspects to this configuration: the WebPlatformConfig table, the WebPlatformConfig key, and the ExternalFieldMapping table.

WebPlatformConfig Table (ILLiad and Aeon)

ILLiad WebPlatformConfig Table

First, we will make an entry for the ILLiad Web Platform in the ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table. This table provides ID information that allows ILLiad and Aeon to talk to each other. These entries will be made in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | Integration | WebPlatformConfig.

  1.  Click New Record.
  2. Create an entry for the ILLiad Web Platform by filling in the following values:

    ID This field is auto-generated.
    NVTGC This field is auto-generated (ILL). This entry must be made in the ILL
    in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
    API Key Click on the API Key field, then click the ellipses to generate this.
    Base Web
    Service URL
    This URL should point to your ILLiad Web Platform. This will look like The URL must
    contain https and you must have an SSL certificate installed.
    Description Fill in a description that helps you identify that this entry points to the
    ILLiad Web Platform.
  3. Click Save.

Now that we have an entry for the ILLiad Web Platform, we will make an entry or entries for the Aeon Web Platform.

  1. Click New Record.
  2. Create an entry for the Aeon Web Platform by filling in the following values:

    ID This field is auto-generated.
    NVTGC ILL for single-server sites.
    API Key Click on the API Key field, then click the ellipses to generate this. This API
    Key will be used again in the Aeon Customization Manager.
    Base Web
    Service URL
    This URL should point to your Aeon Web Platform. This will look like The URL must
    contain https and you must have an SSL certificate installed.
    Description Fill in a description that helps you identify that this entry points to the
    Aeon Web Platform.
  3. Click Save.

If you are a shared server site, you will need to make an entry in the WebPlatformConfig table for each site code's NVTGC.

Aeon WebPlatformConfig Table

We will now go to the WebPlatformConfig table in the Aeon Customization Manager. Again, the table is under System | Integration | WebPlatformConfig.

  1. Click New Record.
  2. Create an entry for the ILLiad Web Platform by filling in the following values:

    ID This field is auto-generated.
    API Key This value MUST match the Aeon Web Platform entry in the ILLiad
    WebPlatformConfig table. The easiest way to make sure these values match
    is to copy from the ILLiad Customization Manager and paste into the Aeon
    Customization Manager.
    Base Web
    Service URL
    This URL should point to your ILLiad Web Platform. This will look like The URL must contain https and you must have an SSL certificate installed.
    Description Fill in a description that helps you identify that this entry points to the ILLiad
    Web Platform.
  3. Click Save.

You will need to make one entry for each shared server site. The API Key field in each entry MUST match the API Key field in the corresponding entry in the ILLiad Customization Manager.

WebPlatformConfig Key (ILLiad Only)

Now that we have made the needed entries in the WebPlatformConfig tables, we need to enter a WebPlatformConfig Key value. This key tells ILLiad which platform configuration entry to use when trying to talk to its own web platform. This entry will be made in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | Web Platform | ILLiadWebPlatformConfig.

  1. Click New Record.
  2. Enter the Key Value. This value will be the ID number for the WebPlatformConfig table entry (made in the ILLiad Customization Manager) that identifies the ILLiad Web Platform.
    In the example we have been using, the value will be set to 1.
  3. Click Save.

External Field Mapping (ILLiad Only)

The last step in integrating ILLiad and Aeon is filling out the ExternalFieldMapping table in the ILLiad Customization Manager. This table identifies how fields will be mapped from ILLiad to Aeon. This would be best to discuss between the Special Collections and Interlibrary Loan departments to make sure relevant data gets to the best fields in Aeon. This entry will be made in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | Integration | ExternalFieldMapping.

In the External Field Mapping table, you will need to make unique entries for each shared server site. In our example, If we would like a mapping entry to apply to all three shared server sites, we would need to make three separate entries in the table, each with a unique SystemID (2, 3, or 4).

  1. Click New Record.
  2. Create an External Field Mapping entry by filling in the following values:

    Name The name of the mapping entry, either Loan or Photoduplication.
    Value This identifies which ILLiad field value is sent to Aeon. It can also contain more than one ILLiad field value separated by text or spaces to be combined into one field in Aeon. See examples below for more details.
    SystemID This number MUST correspond with the WebPlatformConfig table entry (in the ILLiad Customization Manager) that identifies the Aeon Web Platform for that specific shared server site code. In the example we have been using, there are three options: 2, 3, and 4. If you want an external field mapping entry to work for all shared server sites, you will need to make duplicate entries in the table, each with a different SystemID (2, 3, or 4) identifying each shared server site.
    ExternalType Identifies the type of field to which you are mapping. At this time there are only two valid values: 
    Transaction maps directly to an Aeon Transaction field. 
    The parameter includes the value as a GET parameter when sending the request to the Aeon web platform. Currently, the only valid parameter entry is IsPhotoduplicationRequest and that entry is required in the ExternalField entry if the Parameter is chosen.
    ExternalField This identifies the actual field name in Aeon to which the value will be mapped from ILLiad.
  3. Click Save.

External Field Mapping Guidelines

External Field Mapping entries will be different from institution to institution depending on specific needs and policies.

  • You will need to create a generic ILL user account in your Aeon database. All requests from ILLiad will be mapped to this username in Aeon.
  • You will need the following entries in your ExternalFieldMapping table for the ILLiad/Aeon integration to work properly:
    You will need to make these entries for each shared server site. In our example, we would have these four entries with SystemID 2, four entries with SystemID 3, and four entries with SystemID 4.
Name Value SystemID ExternalType ExternalField
Loan False 2/3/4 Parameter IsPhotoduplicationRequest
Photoduplication True 2/3/4 Parameter IsPhotoduplicationRequest
Loan *ill_user 2/3/4 Transaction Username
Photoduplication *ill_user 2/3/4 Transaction Username

*or the username you have created in Aeon to accept ILLiad requests

  • The following are some example transaction entries that you can use as a template for more entries:
    As with the required entries, if you want the same mapping in all of your shared server sites, you will need to make duplicate entries with unique SystemIDs in each entry. If you want a mapping entry to apply to only one of the shared server site, only one entry with that site's SystemID is required.
Name Value SystemID ExternalType ExternalField
Loan <#Transaction Field="LoanTitle"> 2 Transaction ItemTitle
<#Transaction Field="PhotoJournalTitle"> 3 Transaction ItemTitle
Loan <#Transaction Field="PublicationPlace">
- <#Transaction Field="PublicationDate">
4 Transaction ItemPublisher
<#Transaction Field="PhotoJournalVolume">
: <#Transaction Field="PhotoJournalIssue">
2 Transaction ItemVolume






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