ILLiad Client Automatic Updater

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The client contacts the Atlas update server and checks for updates each time staff log into the client. If an update is available, a popup message will appear to notify you that an update has been found. Major version updates (going from 8.2 to 8.3, for example) require you to update the client because the existing client may not be compatible with the ILLiad server database. Click Yes to download and run the client update. 

You are not required to run minor version updates (going from to, for example) and can select No to dismiss the update and open the client. You can also dismiss further notification of that available update when logging into the client by clicking the Do not ask this again checkbox. Note that the update notification will still display for that version on the status bar.

In addition to the update checks at login, the client checks the update server every 12 hours to see if a new version is available. If an update is found, a notification will display on the status bar. Clicking the notification will close the client and download and install the update.

Timed Out Connections

If the client cannot connect to the update server and the connection times out (after 15 seconds), the client will cease the attempt to connect and open to the Main form.

Once you have logged in, the client will continue to check for updates every hour until a version check has been completed. If an update is found, a notification will display on the status bar. Clicking the notification will close the client and download and install the update.



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