Configuring Web Platform Integration for ILLiad and Aeon

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Two new web services make it possible for ILLiad staff to send requests to Aeon directly from the ILLiad client, and for Aeon staff to respond to requests directly from the Aeon client. These new web services are the ILLiad web platform and the Aeon web platform.

The configuration of the web platforms to allow these features is done in the ILLiad and Aeon Customization Managers.

To configure an ILLiad single server installation with Aeon, see ILLiad/Aeon Single Server Configuration.

To configure an ILLiad shared server installation with Aeon, see ILLiad/Aeon Shared Server Configuration.

SSL Certificate

Because the API Keys are used to validate requests and are not encrypted before sending, SSL protection is necessary in order to maintain security.

You can install an SSL Certificate on your Microsoft Internet Information Services so that all communications between the patron's web browser and the ILLiad Server are encrypted. Using the certificate, the username, password, ID number, etc., are encrypted before being sent. You can obtain these certifications from companies like Verisign (

WebPlatformConfig Table (ILLiad and Aeon)

This table is located in both the ILLiad and Aeon Customization Managers under System | Integration.

This table controls the information that allows ILLiad and Aeon to talk to both their own platforms and external systems.

In order for ILLiad and Aeon to talk to each other, there needs to be two entries in the ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table. One entry enables your ILLiad client to talk to the ILLiad platform, and one entry enables ILLiad to send and receive from the Aeon platform. The Aeon WebPlatformConfig table needs one entry for the ILLiad platform to enable Aeon to send and receive from ILLiad. Shared server installations will need multiple Aeon platform entries- one for each NVTGC.

Note that setting up integration between ILLiad and Aeon requires that the API Key entries for each of the platforms be identical in each customization manager so that the two-way communication between the systems uses the same key. The entry in the Aeon table can be cut and pasted from the entry in the ILLiad table.

ILLiadWebPlatformConfig Key (ILLiad Only)

This key is located in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | Web Platform

This key tells ILLiad which platform configuration entry to use when trying to talk to its own web platform. The key value should be set to the ID value for the WebPlatformConfig entry that identifies the ILLiad Web Platform.

ExternalFieldMapping Table (ILLiad Only)

This table is located in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | Integration

The purpose of this table is to determine how fields in ILLiad should be mapped to fields in Aeon when moving requests from one system to the other.

There needs to be entries in ExternalFieldMapping for each site code that wishes to send requests to Aeon. The entries would be designated by unique SystemID entries that correspond to the ID field in the ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table.







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