Running the ILLiad Server Installation Program

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The ILLiad server installation file, ILLiadServerSetup.exe, is downloaded from the Atlas Systems web pages and run on your ILLiad server. This file will install the ILLiad Server and all components needed to run ILLiad. The ILLiad database, services, and other files will install automatically upon running the ILLiad server installation file.

Please consider running updates and installations during standard support hours 8 am - 5 pm eastern time (business days Monday - Friday)  so that help is readily available if any issues are encountered. 

This installation process is for self-hosted server locations only. If you are hosted by OCLC, please contact them to schedule an update.

If you have a previous version of ILLiad installed and need to update your ILLiad installation to the newest version, see Updating ILLiad to Version 9.0.

Installing the ILLiad Server

Once you have downloaded the ILLiad Server Setup file to your ILLiad server desktop, you will need to install the ILLiad server files.

  1. Right-click the ILLiadServerSetup.exe icon and select Run as administrator.
  2. An InstallShield Wizard screen will open. Click Next to begin the installation.
  3. Choose the location to install ILLiad on your server. Atlas recommends using the default installation directory, c:\illiad. Click Change if you want to choose another location. Otherwise, click Next.
  4. Select the ILLiad features you would like to install. The ILLiad server, as well as the Connection Manager, Odyssey Manager, ILLiad Client, Rapid Manager, and SQL Alias Manager, are pre-selected for installation. Make any needed changes and click Next.
  5. Select the location of the ILLiad Web Directory and click Next. The default address is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\.
  6. Enter the ILLiad Web Address. The web address is specific to your site. Please use your web server IP address. For example, " for IP" or " for DNS" Click Next.
  7. Enter the windows account for IIS access to the Windows temp folder and click Next. The recommendation is to leave the default of Everyone. This can be changed later.
  8. Select the folder that Windows users use for temporary files and click Next. The default is C:\Windows\Temp.
  9. Enter the ILLiad Database Name and click Next. The default is ILLData.
  10. Enter the ILLiad SQL Server IP Address and click Next. The default is This value can be used if the SQL server is on the same server as the web server. Otherwise, an IP address or DNS must be entered.
  11. Enter the ILLiad Database File Path and click Next. The default is C:\illiad\SqlData\. NOTE: You will need to create this folder if the SQL server is not on the web server that the ILLiad installer is being run on.
  12. Select the ILLiad Database Backup Location and click Next. The default is C:\illiad\Backup\NOTE: You will need to create this folder if the SQL server is not on the web server that the ILLiad installer is being run on.
  13. Choose the option to connect using SQL server authentication. Log in using the administrator Login ID and password. Click Next.
  14. Click Install to install the ILLiad server.
  15. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen, click Finish.
  16. A new InstallShield Wizard will open and prompt you to install the ILLiad Client on your server.


Running the ILLiad Automatic Updater

After finishing the installation, run the server automatic updater. The updater will install any minor point releases as soon as they become available.

For more information on the Server Installer, please read the Obtaining the ILLiad Server Installation File guide.

Installing the ILLiad Client to the Server

When the server installation is complete, the wizard will begin the ILLiad Client installation process.

  1. Click Next to begin installing the ILLiad Client on the server.
  2. Select your preferred setup type. It is recommended to select Complete to install all program features.
  3. Choose the location to install the ILLiad Client on your server. Atlas recommends using the default installation directory, C:\Program Files (x86)|ILLiad\. Click Browse if you want to choose another location. Otherwise, click Next.
  4. Click Install to begin the ILLiad Client installation.
  5. Click Finish to complete the installation. By default, the Launch the SQL Alias Manager box will be checked.
    You must setup a logon profile using the SQL Alias Manager before using any of the ILLiad applications.
  6. The SQL Alias Manager will open. See Creating a SQL Alias Manager Profile for instructions on creating a logon profile.


If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

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