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The TABLE tag displays a table with customizable formatting, header text, columns and order of records. These customizations are made within the tag itself and are not editable by the web user within the web interface to re-order requests or remove items from the table. An example of how this tag would display in the HTML:

<#TABLE name="ViewOutstandingRequests" headerText="Outstanding Requests" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Requests" column=
"TransactionNumber:Transaction" column="DocumentType:Type" column="Title" 
column="Author" column="TransactionStatus:Status" orderBy="RequestType,
DocumentType,TransactionNumber DESC">

Attributes Applicable to any TABLE Tag


The type of table that should be generated.

Borrowing possible options are:

  • ViewAllRequests
  • SearchResults
  • ViewOutstandingRequests
  • ViewRequestHistory
  • ShowCurrentAccounts
  • ViewRenewCheckedOutItems
  • ViewResubmitCancelledItems
  • HistoryInformation
  • NotesInformation
  • TrackingInformation
  • BillingInformation
  • ElectronicDelivery
  • ElectronicDeliveryUndelete
  • ViewNotifications
  • NotificationInformation

Lending possible options are:

  • ViewAllRequests
  • ViewSearchResults
  • ViewOutstandingLendingRequests
  • ViewLendingRequestHistory
  • ViewShippedItems
  • ViewLendingCancelledItems
  • HistoryInformation
  • NotesInformation
  • TrackingInformation
  • BillingInformation
  • DetailedInformation
  • ViewNotifications
  • NotificationInformation


Header text to be displayed at the top of the table spanning all columns.


Footer text to be displayed at the bottom of the table spanning all columns.


Indicates how the table should be generated in the event there is no data. There are 3 possible options, ShowMessageRow, ShowEmptyTable, and ShowNone.

  • ShowMessageRow: Displays text that spans all columns. The text that is displayed is set using the NoDataMessage parameter.
  • ShowEmptyTable: The base table and all columns will display but there will be no rows created and no message will be displayed.
  • ShowNone: If the value provided for NoDataAction is not a valid option it is treated as if it was ShowNone. The table will not be generated.


The text that is displayed when a table has no data to display and NoDataAction is set to ShowMessageRow.


The header row of columns that shows the column label will not be generated if this is set to true. There are 2 possible options, true and false.


Tables have a border set to 1 and cell padding set to 2. This is considered obsolete and CSS should be used to mimic the same behavior. There are 2 possible options, true and false. If not specified, this value defaults to false.


Individual columns from the table results can be included that overrides the default display. If the table tag has any columns explicitly set, all columns must be explicitly set that wish to be displayed. If no columns are specified the default columns listed for each table will be used. The column attribute can be added for as many columns that need to be displayed. Default columns will only be displayed if no column attributes are defined. The values for the column can contain the field or a field and label. If only a field is specified, it will be used as the column header if HideColumnHeaders is set to false. Labels can be specified by appending a colon (:) and adding any label that should be used in the column header.


The title information that is constructed is based on the request type and document type. If the RequestType is Article with a DocumentType of Patent, Thesis, or Standards, only PhotoJournalTitle is displayed. When the RequestType is article and has a DocumentType other than Patent, Thesis, and Standards, the display will be PhotoJournalTitle: PhotoArticleTitle. If the RequestType is Loan the LoanTitle will be displayed.


The title information that is constructed is based on the request type and document type. If the RequestType is Article with a DocumentType of Standards the PhotoItemPublisher is displayed as the author. When the RequestType is article and has a DocumentType of Patent or Thesis the PhotoItemAuthor is displayed as the author. If the RequestType is Article and the DocumentType is other than Patent, Thesis, or Standards, the PhotoArticleAuthor is displayed as the author. If the RequestType is Loan the LoanAuthor will be displayed.

ILLiad Borrowing Web Tables


This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters
TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.

<#TABLE name="ViewAllRequests" />


This table will display the results from a search. This should only be used on ViewSearchResults.html.

To limit search results to only active requests (i.e. the transaction status is not Cancelled by Customer, Cancelled by ILL Staff, or Request Finished), the search form would have a hidden input field with a parameter name of SearchType with the value set to Active.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.

<#TABLE name="ViewSearchResults" headerText="Search Results" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Results" column="TransactionNumber:
Transaction" column="DocumentType:Type" column="Title" column="Author" 



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user that are considered outstanding. An outstanding request is defined as a request whose status is not Cancelled by Customer, Cancelled by ILL Staff, Request Finished, Checked out to Customer, Delivered to Web, In Transit to Customer and is not at a Renewed by Customer status.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewOutstandingRequests" />



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user that are considered finished. A finished request is defined as a request whose status is Request Finished or In Transit from Customer.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewRequestHistory" />



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user that are at a TransactionStatus of Checked Out to Customer or Checked Out by ILL Staff.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, DueDate (Due Date), TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewRenewCheckedOutItems" headerText="Checked Out Items" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Items">



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user where the transaction status is Cancelled by Customer or Cancelled by ILL Staff.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DocumentType (Document Type), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewResubmitCancelledItems" />



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user that are at a transaction status of Delivered to Web.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), View [This is only considered a default column if the table is not set to LegacyStyle.], Size, PhotoJournalTitle (Journal Title), PhotoArticleTitle (Article Title), PhotoArticleAuthor (Article Author) Expires, Delete

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details if the PDF is found on the server for the request. If LegacyStyle is set to true, the link for this column will navigate the user directly to the PDF for the request. If the PDF is not found the transaction number is displayed without a link.

View: If the PDF is found on the server for the request, this is a link to view the PDF. If the PDF is not found the text 'File Not Found' is displayed.

Size: Outputs the file size of the PDF for the request as either KB, MB or GB depending on how large the document is.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

Expires: Indicated the date when the PDF will expire based on the earliest date in Tracking when the request moved to Delivered to Web + the value of the DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup customization key.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ElectronicDelivery" headerText="Electronically Received Articles" 
column="TransactionNumber:Transaction" column="View" column="Size" column="Title" 
column="Author" column="Expires" column="Delete">



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in user that are at a transaction status of Request Finished and the PDF for the request is still available on the server.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), PhotoJournalTitle (Journal Title), PhotoArticleTitle (Article Title), PhotoArticleAuthor (Article Author), Undelete

Undelete: This is a link to restore the PDF so the user can view it again. The link text is 'Undelete'. OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ElectronicDeliveryUndelete" headerText="Deleted Electronically 
Received Articles">



This table will retrieve active account information for the logged in user.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

AccountNo (Account Number), Type, Description, Valid, InternalNo (Delete)

InternalNo: The InternalNo will be displayed as a link to Delete the account. The link text will be 'Delete'. none
<#TABLE name="ShowCurrentAccounts" headerText="Current Accounts" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Accounts" />



This table will retrieve history for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DateTime (Date/Time), Entry (Status), Username (Changed By)

none OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is DateTime.
<#TABLE name="HistoryInformation" headerText="History" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No History" />



This table will retrieve tracking for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DateTime (Date/Time), ChangedTo (Status), ChangedBy (Changed By)

none OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is DateTime.
<#TABLE name="TrackingInformation" headerText="Tracking" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Tracking" /> 



This table will retrieve notes for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), NoteDate (Date/Time), AddedBy (Added By), Note


FilterList: Comma separated list of NoteTypes that should not be included in the table.Default: If FilterList is not provided, the filter list is determined from the WebTNNotesFilter customization key.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is NoteDate.

<#TABLE name="NotesInformation" />



This table will retrieve billing charges for the current transaction number. This table will only display if the BillingActive customization key is Yes or BillingActiveDocDel is Yes.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), ChargeDate (Date/Time), ChargeName (Charge), ChargeBase (Base), ChargeUnit (Unit), ChargeQty (Quantity), ChargeAmount (Amount), ChargeDesc (Description), ChargeNote (Note)

ChargeBase, ChargeUnit, ChargeAmount: These columns will display as a currency value.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is ChargeDate.
<#TABLE name="BillingInformation" headerText="Billing" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Billing" column="ChargeDate:Date/Time" 
column="ChargeName:Charge" column="ChargeBase:Base" column="ChargeUnit:
Unit" column="ChargeQty:Quantity" column="ChargeAmount:Amount" column= 
"ChargeDesc:Description" column="ChargeNote:Note">



This table displays detailed transaction information. The table consists of two columns; a field label and its value. This table does not allow for customization of which transaction fields are included or what their labels are displayed as.

Displayed Data Displayed Article Data Displayed Loan Data

The following will be included regardless of request type.

ISSN (ISSN/ISBN), CitedIn (Cited In), CitedTitle (Cited Title), CitedDate (Cited Date), CitedVolume (Cited Volume), CitedPages (Cited Pages), NotWantedAfter (Not Wanted After), AcceptNonEnglish (Accept Non-English), AcceptAlternateEdition (Accept Alternate Edition), DueDate (Due Date), RenewalsAllowed (Renewals Allowed?), MaxCost (Max Cost), ReasonForCancellation (Reason for Cancellation)

ReasonForCancellation will only appear if the TransactionStatus is Cancelled by ILL Staff.

If the RequestType is an Article the following transaction fields are displayed:

PhotoJournalTitle (Journal Title), PhotoJournalVolume (Volume), PhotoJournalIssue (Issue), PhotoJournalYear (Year), PhotoJournalInclusivePages (Inclusive Pages), PhotoArticleAuthor (Article Author), PhotoArticleTitle (Article Title), PhotoItemAuthor (Item Author), PhotoItemPlace (Item Place), PhotoItemPublisher (Item Publisher), PhotoItemEdition (Item Edition)

If the RequestType is not Article, the following transaction fields are displayed:

LoanTitle (Title), LoanAuthor (Author), LoanPublisher (Publisher), LoanPlace (Place), LoanDate (Date), LoanEdition (Edition)

<#TABLE name="DetailedInformation" headerText="Transaction Information" 



This table will display a list of emails sent from the system for the logged in user.

The results of this table come from a query of both EmailCopies and Transactions. Fields from both tables can be included. To explicitly indicate which table a column should come from the table name should be referenced like Transactions.TransactionNumber:Transaction if overriding the default columns.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

Subject, EmailDate (Sent)

Subject: The Subject column will be transformed to be a link to view the notification details.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is EmailCopies.EmailDate DESC.

MaxRows: MaxRows is the maximum number of rows that should be displayed.

<#TABLE name="ViewNotifications" headerText="Notifications" maxRows="20" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Notifications">



This table displays detailed notification information. The table consists of two columns; a field label and its value. This table does not allow for customization of which EmailCopy fields are included or what their labels are displayed as.

Displayed Data Special Columns Additional Parameters

Subject, Body, Transaction, EmailDate (Sent)

Transaction: The Transaction value will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details. none
<#TABLE name="NotificationInformation" headerText="Notification Information" 

 ILLiad Lending Web Tables


This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in lender.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewAllRequests" />



This table will display the results from a search. This should only be used on LendingViewSearchResults.html.

To limit search results to only active requests (i.e. the transaction status is not Cancelled via Lending Web, Cancelled by ILL Staff, or Request Finished), the search form would have a hidden input field with a parameter name of SearchType whose value is set to Active.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewSearchResults" headerText="Search Results" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Results" column="TransactionNumber:
Transaction" column="DocumentType:Type" column="Title" column="Author" 



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in lender that are considered outstanding. An outstanding request is defined as a request whose status is not Request Conditionalized, Cancelled by ILL Staff, Cancelled via Lending Web, Request Finished, or Item Shipped.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. The default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewOutstandingLendingRequests" />



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in lender that are considered finished. A finished request is defined as a request whose status is Request Finished or In Transit from Customer.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewLendingRequestHistory" />



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in lender that are at a TransactionStatus of Item Shipped.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, DueDate (Due Date), TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.

Title: The value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewShippedItems" headerText="Shipped Items" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Items">



This table will retrieve all requests for the logged in lender where the transaction status is Cancelled via Lending Web or Cancelled by ILL Staff.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), Title, Author, TransactionStatus (Status), TransactionDate (Status Date)

TransactionNumber: The TransactionNumber column will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details.TitleThe value displayed for the title column is title information built based on request data. See the TitleText section for more information.

Author: The value displayed for the author column is author information built based on request data. See the AuthorText section for more information.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is TransactionNumber.
<#TABLE name="ViewLendingCancelledItems" />



This table will retrieve history for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DateTime (Date/Time), Entry (Status), Username (Changed By)

none OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the history entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is DateTime.
<#TABLE name="HistoryInformation" headerText="History" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No History" />



This table will retrieve tracking for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), DateTime (Date/Time), ChangedTo (Status), ChangedBy (Changed By)

none OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is DateTime.
<#TABLE name="TrackingInformation" headerText="Tracking" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Tracking" />



This table will retrieve notes for the current transaction number. This is only used on a page where a specific request is being viewed like ViewDetailedInformation.html.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), NoteDate (Date/Time), AddedBy (Added By), Note


FilterList: Comma separated list of NoteTypes that should not be included in the table. Default: If FilterList is not provided, the filter list is determined from the WebTNNotesFilter customization key.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is NoteDate.

<#TABLE name="NotesInformation" />



This table will retrieve billing charges for the current transaction number. This table will only display if the BillingActive customization key is Yes or BillingActiveDocDel is Yes.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

TransactionNumber (Transaction Number), ChargeDate (Date/Time), ChargeName (Charge), ChargeBase (Base), ChargeUnit (Unit), ChargeQty (Quantity), ChargeAmount (Amount), ChargeDesc (Description), ChargeNote (Note)

ChargeBase, ChargeUnit, ChargeAmount: These columns will display as a currency value. OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the tracking entries that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is ChargeDate.
<#TABLE name="BillingInformation" headerText="Billing" noDataAction=
"ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Billing" column="ChargeDate:Date/Time" 
column="ChargeName:Charge" column="ChargeBase:Base" column="ChargeUnit:Unit" 
column="ChargeQty:Quantity" column="ChargeAmount:Amount" column="ChargeDesc:
Description" column="ChargeNote:Note">



This table displays detailed transaction information. The table consists of two columns; a field label and its value. This table does not allow for customization of which transaction fields are included or what their labels are displayed as.

Displayed Data Displayed Article Data Displayed Loan Data

The following will be included regardless of request type.

ISSN (ISSN/ISBN), CitedIn (Cited In), CitedTitle (Cited Title), CitedDate (Cited Date), CitedVolume (Cited Volume), CitedPages (Cited Pages), NotWantedAfter (Not Wanted After), AcceptNonEnglish (Accept Non-English), AcceptAlternateEdition (Accept Alternate Edition), DueDate (Due Date), RenewalsAllowed (Renewals Allowed?), MaxCost (Max Cost), ReasonForCancellation (Reason for Cancellation)

ReasonForCancellation will only appear if the TransactionStatus is Cancelled by ILL Staff.

If the RequestType is an Article the following transaction fields are displayed:

PhotoJournalTitle (Journal Title), PhotoJournalVolume (Volume), PhotoJournalIssue (Issue), PhotoJournalYear (Year), PhotoJournalInclusivePages (Inclusive Pages), PhotoArticleAuthor (Article Author), PhotoArticleTitle (Article Title), PhotoItemAuthor (Item Author), PhotoItemPlace (Item Place), PhotoItemPublisher (Item Publisher), PhotoItemEdition (Item Edition)

If the RequestType is not Article, the following transaction fields are displayed:

LoanTitle (Title), LoanAuthor (Author), LoanPublisher (Publisher), LoanPlace (Place), LoanDate (Date), LoanEdition (Edition)

<#TABLE name="DetailedInformation" headerText="Transaction Information" 



This table will display a list of emails sent from the system for the logged in lender.

The results of this table come from a query of both EmailCopies and Transactions. Fields from both tables can be included. To explicitly indicate which table a column should come from the table name should be referenced like Transactions.TransactionNumber:Transaction if overriding the default columns.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

Subject, EmailDate (Sent)

Subject: The Subject column will be transformed to be a link to view the notification details.

OrderBy: The OrderBy string to alter the order of the requests that are displayed. This must be a valid SQL orderby clause. Default is EmailCopies.EmailDate DESC.

MaxRows: The maximum number of rows that should be displayed.

<#TABLE name="ViewNotifications" headerText="Notifications" maxRows="20" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Notifications">



This table displays detailed notification information. The table consists of two columns; a field label and its value. This table does not allow for customization of which EmailCopy fields are included or what their labels are displayed as.

Default Columns Special Columns Additional Parameters

Subject, Body, Transaction, EmailDate (Sent)

Transaction: The Transaction value will be transformed to be a link to view the transaction details. none
<#TABLE name="NotificationInformation" headerText="Notification Information" 


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