Fix Requests that Continuously Return to Awaiting Unfilled Processing

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We often get support requests for "zombie" requests that keep coming back to the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue. This article will cover situations that may have caused that problem and how to resolve it.

Potential Issue #1

The conditional is sent by the last lender and you route the request to Awaiting Unfilled Processing and re-request without responding to the Conditional message.

How to Avoid

You must respond to the Conditional in order for ILLiad to process the re-submission correctly. When you deny the Conditional, the request will automatically update to Awaiting Unfilled Processing and you can now re-request the material successfully.

Potential Issue #2

If the conditional is sent by the last lender and you deny the conditions, the ILLiad request immediately updates to Awaiting Unfilled Processing. With the request still open, you have the ability to create a new OCLC request for another try with new lenders. However, if you create a new request at this point, the original OCLC request will not be deleted. You need to close the ILLiad request after denying the conditions and then reopen the request from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue in order for the system to automatically delete the previous OCLC request.

If you keep the request open after denying the conditions and do not reopen it from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue, you will see the message below when you attempt to create and submit a new OCLC request for the item. If you see this message, you should respond No, then close the request and make sure that you open the ILLiad request from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue before creating a new OCLC request.


If you select Yes at this point, the ILLiad request will then be linked to 2 active OCLC requests- one that is in process and one that is unfilled. ILLiad requests in this scenario will be repeatedly updated to Awaiting Unfilled Processing by the Connection Manager once daily until the original OCLC request ages off the system.

How to Avoid

To avoid this problem follow these steps:

  1. Close the ILLiad request after denying the conditions. 
  2. Reopen the request from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue.
  3. Create and submit a new OCLC request to your newly selected lenders.

If you have processed the request correctly, you will see this message (below) in the status of the request: Request Resubmitted for Processing.


How to Get Rid of the Zombie Request

If you did not process the unfilled request according to the guidelines above and are experiencing the issue where the ILLiad request is repeatedly updated to Awaiting Unfilled Processing by the Connection Manager, you will have to manually delete the original OCLC request following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the History tab of the request form and find the OCLC number of the original request in the Previous Requests grid.


  2. Click on the System ribbon and then click Search and Review Statuses


  3. Enter the original OCLC number in the ILL/ID Number search bar and click the search icon.


  4. The OCLC request form will open. Click the Delete button to remove the OCLC request.



If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

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