Ares 5.0 Release Notes

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Important Update Information  

Support for Ares 4.7 ends 1 September 2022

Released: August 10th, 2020


As promised on the Ares Roadmap, here are the main features/enhancements of Ares 5.0:

There are several bug fixes and several underlying component updates to continue supporting external systems in this release.      

Considerations Before You Update         

Review Ares 5.0 FAQ   

For frequently asked questions and additional information regarding the 5.0 features and fixes, please see the Ares 5.0 FAQ. For all other questions, please contact support at

Updating During Normal Working Hours    

Please consider running updates and installations during standard support hours 8 am - 5 pm eastern time (business days: Monday - Friday) so that help is readily available if any issues are encountered.

Updating Procedures      

Before you begin updating, please review the Hardware and Software Requirements for Version 5.0. For specific instructions on updating, see Updating Ares to Version 5.0: For Server Admins and Updating Ares to Version 5.0: Updating the Client.

Warning! New System Requirements

Ares Server 5.0.10 or later requires the Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime Bundle for the Ares API. This bundle can be installed via Microsoft's website. To prevent disruptions in the Ares API after updating, please ensure that this bundle is installed on the Ares Server prior to updating to Ares 5.0. Once the update has been run, Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 should be manually removed from the server, if present. See Microsoft's documentation for instructions on this process.

New Folder Locations

  • Addons: User-specific documents folder (e.g., C:\Users\{username}\Documents).
  • DBC File (recommendation): 
    • Per-Machine: Under C:\Program Files (x86)\Ares (NOTE - you'll need to run SQL Alias Manager as an administrator to do this), or under C:\Users\Public.
    • Per-User: Under the Documents\Ares folder (will not be accessible to other users). 
  • Print Templates:
    • Per-User custom print templates: %AppData%\Local\Apps\Ares\Client\Print\.

Ares 5.0 Features & Fixes    

Addons | Ares API | Courses | Course & User Loads | Password & Security | Print TemplatesSupport for Multiple Course Instructors | Staff Client | SQL Alias Manager | System Manager | LTI | Web Interface | Web Service



Addons are no longer installed by default. If you are using addons and do not currently have the Atlas Helpers Library installed, you may need to download the file and install it to your MyDocuments\Ares\Addons\Atlas directory. Some addons, such as VuFind or Amazon Book Searches, are dependent on other addons to run properly and the helper library contains helper methods for use with user addons. For details and example scenarios that explain how the update impacts previously existing addons, see How Default Addons are Affected by the Ares 5.0 Update


The per-user install requires additional steps for backing-up and reinstalling addons due to required changes to the updater that allow for per-user installs. For instructions, see Updating Ares to Version 5.0: Updating the Client. Note: Installing the client per user will not install the 3 of 9 barcode font. The font can be downloaded and installed.

Ares API    


Added an Ares API to Lookup, update, and create items, users, courses, loan periods, sites, and enrollment by a configurable identifier. For more information, see Ares API.


Added the new CustKey ClientUploadMethod option of API to handle uploading and downloading files within the Ares Client via the API. The process works similarly to FTP or FileShare. For more information and configuration instructions, see Uploading Electronic Files to the Web.


Added the new MaxUploadSize Customization Key to determine the max file permitted for uploads, in MB. Default value: 150MB.



Fixed an issue where instructors would see the option to create duplicate courses via the web if the course validation table was displayed on the pages. Bug# 5995 & 4920

Course & User Loads


Improved error messages for data imports by including the following details in the log files and reporting grid for any course or user data loads:

  • The row number for the first row that contains errors.
  • Any row(s) with an invalid number of columns. 

This should make identifying where the error occurred during the importing process easier to troubleshoot.  


The Validation User data for course & user loads have been removed from the database script for new installs. Existing installs will not be affected.


Courses created through the Ares Course Load process can now have zero instructors or multiple instructors assigned.

 Password & Security


After the Ares v5.0 update, all web users will be required to reset their password upon the first login after the update. There is a default complexity requirement of eight characters with at least one letter, & one number. This does not affect RemoteAuth users and there is no way to disable the automatic password change. For more information, see Changing a User's Password.


A checkbox was added to the change password dialog on the Client user form, allowing staff to force a password reset for web users. 


The SLLoginFailed status line CustKey has been added to appear if a user attempts to login with an invalid username and password. The default verbiage is set to "Login failed. Please check your username and password before trying again."

The CustKeys SLUsernameNotInDatabase and SLPasswordIncorrect have been removed and replaced with the new SLLoginFailed key to increase user security and account protection.  
New The WebPasswordHashingIterations and StaffPasswordHashingIterations CustKeys have been added to set the number of hash iterations (default value: 156,000 iterations) when storing a password. All passwords will now utilize the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) hashing strategies. 

Added staff password expiration and the capability to set default dates for expiration.

If the user's last password change exceeds the StaffPasswordExpirationDays, the user will be redirected to the change password form upon login to the Ares Client. 


Added capability to enable user password expiration and set default dates for expiration.

If UserPasswordExpirationEnabled is 'Yes' and the user's last password change exceeds the value in UserPasswordExpirationDays, the user will be redirected to the change password form upon login.


Added the ability to enforce staff password complexity requirements through the StaffPasswordComplexity CustKey. Staff administrators have the option to override password requirements when creating new staff accounts with an initial password. The complexity requirement is enforced when a staff user changes their own password and, optionally, when changing another staff user's password. The complexity requirements are not enforced when changing a user password.

The default requirement is: (^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$).

New Added database changes to support the new password security measures. These changes include a new column, StaffPasswordId, in the Staff table, and a new StaffPassword table. For more information, see Ares Database Tables.
New In the Staff Manager, when changing the password for a different staff user, a checkbox will display that will force that staff user to change their password the next time they log in.
New  A dialog has been added to the Ares Server installer that allows the server administrator to specify the database user account credentials used to access the Ares database (e.g., the account credentials that can be specified in SAM). For more information, see Ares 5.0 Server Installer Database Configuration.
 Changed The auto-completion feature has been disabled on all password fields in the default pages. This prevents the fields from storing and pre-populating secure information, such as passwords.
Changed If a user's password is expired or if the Force Password Reset box in the Client is checked, staff will still be able to use the Logon to Web button in the Client without triggering a password reset. A password reset will still be required when the user attempts to login to the web normally.

Print Templates


If Ares 5.0 is installed on a per-user basis, the default Ares print templates will need to be moved to the new location so users can utilize custom print templates. New default location: %AppData%\Local\Apps\Ares\Client\Print\. 

Support for Multiple Course Instructors

For more information about how to configure and use multiple instructors, see Multiple Instructors


Three new email template tags have been added to populate email addresses in the 'To:' or 'CC:' fields of an email based on the instructor and proxy user privileges for the course. These tags include Course.InstructorsEmail, Course.FullProxiesEmail, and Course.CourseProxiesEmail.


Support for User tags in Item-type email templates has been removed, as it is no longer possible to link an item to a specific individual when courses may have more than one individual as an instructor. The default email templates have been updated accordingly for new installs. Current installs upgrading to v5.0 will need to update their existing Item email templates


To support courses with several instructors and/or proxies, the size limit on the EmailTo, EmailFrom, EmailCC, and EmailBCC fields in the EmailCopies table has been increased to navchar(Max). Prior to implementing support for multiple instructors, these fields were limited to 500 characters.    

 Changed A new Courses without Instructors line has been added to the System Information panel on the main form to show the current number of courses with no instructor assigned.  
 Changed Updated the web pages to handle the new InstructorDisplayName field in the Courses table. If there is no value in the instructor field, a <#COURSE name="Instructor"> tag will use the auto-generated value in the InstructorDisplayName field. 
 Changed A new Instructors and Full Proxies sub-tab has been added to the Course Users tab of the Course form.
Changed The CourseSearch page will now display a text field search option for new installs. Existing installs will include both the text search and a drop-down option featuring all instructors listed in the CouseUsers table.

New logic has been added for instructor and full proxy roles:

  • Users who are currently a proxy for a course can also be added as an instructor. 
  • Users who are both an instructor and a full proxy for another instructor will be considered an instructor for the course. If they are removed as an instructor, they will still remain as a full proxy (unless the instructor they are a proxy for is removed as well).

When cloning a course, the course creator can select any or all of the original course's instructors and proxies to be copied over. Additional users can be added to the Course detail form.   


New logic has been added for the CourseInstructor parameter:

  1. When loading the CourseInstructor(s) on the page, the display name will be populated with with the value of the Course.Instructor field. If the Course.Instructor field is left blank, the new Course.InstructorDisplayName parameter will display.
  2. When submitting course-related forms, the CourseInstructor parameter will be ignored.

For more details, see Multiple Instructors.

Staff Client


The Ares Client will now automatically check to see if a newer version of the Client is available and prompt the user the update, which will download and execute the required installer. For more information, see Ares Auto Updater. Please note this feature is installed as part of the v5.0 update and earlier versions will not prompt to update to v5.0.


Updated the underlying components to support the new Office 2016 Colorful skin. 


For new installations of Ares, the ClientUploadMethod CustKey will have a default value of API and an entry will be entered in the APIConfig table during installation for use within the Client. Current installations will need to configure the API client upload method.


Added support to allow cloning items to multiple courses at the same time.


Fixed a bug that allowed users with a username of Instructor to see and modify instructor tags for a course. Bug# 4450

SQL Alias Manager


Version 1.3 of the Atlas SQL Alias Manager has been released. For details, see Atlas SQL Alias Manager.

System Manager


The Ares System Manager will now check for web request items that need additional CCC processing, including requests in a canceled state (either Item Cancelled by Instructor or Item Cancelled by Staff) that have an active copyright order within the last sixty days. Any items that meet these criteria will have their corresponding CCC order cancelled.



Two new web session types have been added and implemented in for LTI and 'Login as User' sessions that let the DLL know it should not enforce password hashing and expiration requirements released in v5.0: 

  • UserSurrogate
  • InstructorSurrogate 

Fixed an issue that would cause the ShowLTIParams to incorrectly display the content key values. Bug# 4405

Web Interface 


Free-text items and message board posts are now converted from HTML using the Html To Markdown Conversion Utility and saved in the Markdown format.


Fixed an issue that would hide the 'LoanPeriod' and 'PickupLocation' fields on the Reserve Item Request Form. Handling was added for hiding the loan period upon the web page load, rather than on a field change for the 'PickupLocation' field. Bug# 4606


Fixed an issue that would prevent special characters from displaying properly when used in the headerText or footerText attributes of tables by encoding the HTML entities. For example, the error would cause an &nbsp; to appear as &nbsp; instead of adding a non-breaking space. Bug# 3584


Fixed a bug which made it possible to save a Username web alert without having to specify a username. Bug# 4743

Web Service


Modified the course search logic to include courses with no assigned instructors in the search results.


Fixed an issue that would remove the Username entry in a new item's first history tracking entry for items that are cloned from another course on the web. Bug# 4558 


Fixed an issue where custom routing rules were not being applied when cloning an item on the web. Added handling for custom routing rules to be applied to the duplicate item even if the original item has a final routing status (e.g., Request Finished). Bug# 5910 & 4559

Fixed  Fixed an issue where an instructor would be redirected to a blank page after applying a shared list to a course. In addition, some items from the list were being added with an incorrect status. Bug# 7059
Fixed Fixed an issue where applying a shared list to a course on the web would only add the first item in the list and then log an error in the Ares DLL. Bug# 5666

Ares 5.0.x Point Release Notes

09 September 2020 (5.0.1) Server Release

Fixed Fixed an issue where cloning items in the web would cause the original item to be incorrectly routed to the status of "Item Submitted via Cloned Course". Bug# 8255
Fixed Removed the timeout constraint on the installer and we modified the SQL command so that it will not repeat itself on subsequent runs. This allows the SQL command used to set the new InstructorDisplayName field to the Courses table enough time to set the initial value for large datasets. Bug#8600

28 September 2020 (5.0.2) Server Release

The 5.0.2 Server download link replaces the server updater for both the 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 server point release.


Fixed an issue where creating courses via the Course and User Load batch processing would not account for multiple instructors when creating the dictionaries of validation records to add. Bug# 8588

25 January 2021 (5.0.2) Client Release 

Fixed an issue where instructor tags added within the web would not appear in the Client's Item grids. Bug# 8609
Fixed an issue where Ares assumed when creating an item, its processing location would also be the default pickup location. If the pickup location was not the same as the processing location, it would produce an error. The new behavior is as follows:
  • When creating an item for a course, the item's default pickup location will default to the course's default pickup location.
  • When creating a shared list item, the DefaultPickupLocation customization key will be used as the default pickup location.
  • When associating a shared list with a course, the new items created will have the same pickup locations they were assigned in the shared list. 
Fixed an issue where removing a user as an instructor's full proxy would remove all of that user's enrollments.
Note: if the user was previously enrolled as a user and then made a proxy when they are removed as a proxy, they will have to be enrolled in the course again. Bug# 9992
Fixed an issue that prevented a course from being cloned if it didn't have any instructors. Bug# 10054

18 March 2021 (5.0.3) Client Installer Release


The Ares Client Installer will now display a prompt asking the user to choose between per-user or per-machine installation, instead of installing Ares per-user by default.

The installer will also cache this information along with the selected installation path, so that future installers (versions greater than 5.0.3) will be able to automatically default to the previously selected options.

03 January 2022 (5.0.3) Web DLL Release

A new version of the Ares Web DLL (v5.0.3) is now available to implement an important security fix.

Update Procedure

Please follow the steps below to implement the DLL fix:

  1. Download the v5.0.3 Web DLL from the Ares Downloads page.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file. 
  3. Stop the IIS service.
  4. Navigate to the DLL installation folder on your Ares Server (default path C:\Ares\Web\DLL\).
  5. Delete the older version of the Ares.dll file.
  6. Copy the new DLL file you unzipped in step 2 to this folder.
  7. Restart the IIS service.

Web DLL Changes (v5.0.3)

Fixed Fixed a potential security vulnerability found during a web application scan.

01 March 2022 Server and Client (5.0.3) Release

Several Ares 5.0 server components and client applications have been updated to address a potential security vulnerability found in their external log4net component.

Please coordinate with your IT department to update the Ares Server (if self-hosted) and client applications as soon as possible to ensure that all components are secure.

Update Procedure (These steps can be performed in any order)

  1. To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted. Atlas-hosted sites will be contacted by Atlas via email regarding their server update. 

    Note: Self-hosted Ares sites may encounter an issue that causes the Ares Web Service to respond with Internal Service Errors for all requests after the server update. For information on resolving this issue, please see Resolving Web Service Errors After the March 2022 Ares 5.0 Server Update.
  2. Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.4 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications (Note: The 5.0.4 Client Installer will install v5.0.3 of the Ares Client).

Server Component Updates

The Ares Server update includes the following new component versions:

  • System Manager v5.0.3.0
  • Web DLL v5.0.4.0
  • Web Service v5.0.2.0
Fixed Updated the log4net component used in each Ares component to the latest secure version (v2.0.14). 

Client Application Updates

Performing the Ares Client update process will install the following new application versions:

  • Ares Client v5.0.3.0
  • Ares Customization Manager v5.0.3.0
  • Ares Staff Manager v5.0.2.0
Fixed Updated the log4net component used in each application to the latest secure version (v2.0.14). 

25 July 2022 Ares Client (5.0.4) and Server (5.0.6) LTI 1.3 & CCC Release 

The Ares Client and Ares Server will be updated to new versions to add new functionality to features such as the Ares API, update integrations with LTI and Copyright Clearance Center, and perform several important bug fixes. This release requires a separate client and server update performed according to the instructions below.


Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable is required to run the Ares Client. This component will not be installed automatically by the Ares Client Installer and may not be present by default on machines with newer operating systems. If necessary, it can be downloaded from Microsoft and manually installed.

Update Procedure

These steps must be performed in this order. Please note that the automatic update prompts in the Ares Client will only appear once the server update is completed.

  1. To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the 5.0.6 Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted or contact to schedule your update if Atlas-hosted. 

    The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

    • Ares System Manager v5.0.4
    • Ares Web API v1.0.4
    • Ares Web DLL v5.0.5
    • Ares Web Service v5.0.3
  2. Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.5 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications (Note: The 5.0.5 Client Installer will install v5.0.4 of the Ares Client).

    The following applications will be updated to the listed version numbers during the client update process:

    • Ares Client v5.0.4
    • Ares Customization Manager v5.0.4
    • Ares Staff Manager v5.0.3
Update Required for CCC and LTI Users

This Ares update is required for users of the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) processing tools in the Ares Client and for users maintaining a Learning Tools Operability (LTI) connection between Ares and an external course/learning management system (CMS) to avoid disruptions to these services when support for previous iterations of these integrations end:

  • The CCC will phase out support for the old web service used by previous versions of the Ares Client. Please update Ares to the latest version to implement the new web service by Monday, October 31st, 2022 to continue using the CCC copyright processing functionality in Ares without future interruption
  • Support for LTI 1.1 used by previous versions of Ares has been deprecated by IMS Global and will be ended for Ares soon (end of support date is forthcoming). Upgrading to Ares 5.0.4/5.0.6 will not break your LTI 1.1 connection and both an LTI 1.1 and 1.3 connection can be maintained simultaneously in Ares until the end of support date is reached (support for simultaneous LTI 1.1/1.3 connections provided by your CMS may vary by CMS). However, a new LTI 1.3 connection should be configured as soon as possible to avoid losing connection due to the deprecation of LTI 1.1.

If you do not use the CCC searching and ordering functions in Ares and also do not use the LTI to integrate Ares with a CMS, no update is required.

Administrative | Ares API | Copyright Processing | Course Management Systems | Customization Manager | Staff Client | Staff Manager | Web Interface



Added the collection of telemetry data to the Ares Client and Web API. This feature will track the number of times each form and button is used in the Ares Client and each time an endpoint is used in the Ares API to assist with prioritizing features for future updates. Data collection will operate under the following restrictions and privacy considerations:

  • The data collected will not be associated with your institution and only a general number of total clicks by all Ares users will be recorded and transmitted to Atlas (e.g., the total number of times the Process Copyright queue is opened on a certain day by all Ares users).
  • To protect user privacy, no personally identifying data including item, course, staff, or user details will be collected.
  • All data collected will remain internal to Atlas Systems and will not be shared with third parties.

For more information on this feature, see Ares Telemetry Data Collection.


Fixed an issue preventing proper logging for semester start and end dates in certain cases. Bug# 7394

Ares API


Several new endpoints have been added to the Ares API to provide enhanced functionality. These endpoints can be used to:

  • Update information for an existing item record (Read more)
  • Retrieve a list of associated notes for a specific item record (Read more)
  • Create a new course record (Read more)
  • Update information for an existing course record (Read more)

Please use the link for each endpoint above to access its individual documentation.

New Added OData support to the Semesters endpoint to help filter result data retrieved by the API. For more information on OData, see Ares API.  
Fixed Fixed an issue where items uploaded through the Ares API could not be routed using DocumentType. Bug# 9700

Copyright Processing 


Updated Ares to use the new Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) web service in order to keep integration with this service functional. The changes made by the CCC to the APIs used in its new web service have required several changes to the CCC configuration settings in the Ares Customization Manager and to the copyright search and ordering process and controls in the Ares Client.

Please review the Ares Copyright Processing Changes After the CCC Web Service Update for complete information on each of these changes.

CCC Account Now Required for Searching

Valid CCC account credentials in the Ares Customization Manager's CCCUsername and CCCPassword keys are now required for performing CCC copyright searches in the Ares Client. If your institution does not use Ares to perform CCC copyright processing, please see Using Ares Copyright Processing Without a CCC Marketplace Account After the 5.0.4/5.0.6 Update for information on avoiding CCC-related error messages after updating the Ares Client.


Updated the value of the CCCHomePage customization key used to open the Copyright Clearance Center's home page from the Staff Client to to ensure that the link does not break due to future URL changes.


Removed the CCCECCGatewayURI and CCCECCGatewayURL customization keys from the database.

Fixed Fixed an issue where the Pages and Students fields were displayed as editable text fields for items selected on the Copyright forms, but any new values entered here were not used when pricing or placing the copyright order for the item. These fields are now read-only. Bug# 16348
Fixed Fixed an issue where history entries were not added when a copyright order was created from the Item form. Bug# 16347
Fixed Fixed an issue where pay-per-use fees for items covered by the Annual Copyright License were still added to the total copyright fees for the course displayed in the Current Course Copyright field. Bug# 15115

Course Management Systems


Updated the LTI connection used by Ares to integrate with external course/learning management systems (CMS) from LTI v1.1 to LTI v1.3. Whereas the previous LTI 1.1 connection was handled through the Ares Web Service, the new LTI 1.3 connection will be handled by the Ares API. The following changes have been made to the Ares LTI configuration tools to support this upgrade:

  • Added the LTIPlatformsLTIPlatformMappings, and LTIKeys tables to the database and Ares Customization Manager to support configuring LTI 1.3 integrations with course/learning management systems
  • Deprecated the LTIConsumers and LTIFieldMappings tables used to configure LTI 1.1 connections in Ares.
  • Added functionality to the LTIPlatformMappings table that will allow you to specify the CMS platform to which each mapping entry should apply in order to ease integrating a single Ares instance with multiple course/learning management systems
  • Fixed several pre-existing bugs related to LTI integrations (including Bug# 4445). Additional bug fixes are listed individually in the table entries below

For complete information on configuring new LTI 1.3 connections and migrating your existing LTI 1.1 connection to LTI 1.3, please see Integrating Ares with LTI 1.3.

Note: This process will also require configuring new LTI 1.3 tools within your CMS administrator interface. Please ensure that you work together with your local CMS and Ares administrators at your institution to prepare for this process.

End of Support for LTI 1.1

Your previous LTI 1.1 connections will be maintained in the Ares after updating to avoid breaking existing Ares LTI integrations, however, support for LTI 1.1 has been deprecated by IMS Global and will be ended for Ares soon (end of support date is forthcoming). As LTI 1.3 will use a different set of configuration tables in the Ares Customization Manager, upgrading to Ares 5.0.4/5.0.6 will not break your LTI 1.1 connection and both an LTI 1.1 and 1.3 connection can be maintained simultaneously in Ares until the end of support date is reached (support for simultaneous LTI 1.1/1.3 connections provided by your CMS may vary by CMS). However, a new LTI 1.3 connection should be configured as soon as possible to avoid losing connection due to the deprecation of LTI 1.1.


Fixed an issue where the Select button used to add a deep link to an Ares item from a Moodle course (also known as content item selection) would not properly load in the Moodle interface. Bug# 4402

To implement this fix, please download the latest set of Ares LMS Default Web pages from the Ares Downloads page and overwrite the ltiContentItem.js file located in the js folder in your Ares Web Directory with the updated file.

Fixed an issue where creating a course through the LTI would fail when the course had a matching CourseValidation record, but no instructor users from the CourseUserValidation record. Bug# 11996

This fix will also apply to pre-existing LTI 1.1 integrations upon update.
Fixed Fixed an issue where a user's UserType could be incorrectly set to Instructor when navigating to a new course through the LTI. The UserType will no longer be updated during the course creation process in the Ares Web Service. Bug# 2079
Fixed Fixed an issue where using the LTI to select items with quotation marks or other special characters in the title field would cause web service errors.

Customization Manager


Added multi-line text input to certain fields that may require longer text values to configure. This functionality will be available for the following fields in the new LTI configuration tables:

  • Key field in the LTIPlatforms table
  • PublicKey field in the LTIKeys table
  • PrivateKey field in the LTIKeys table
Fixed Fixed an issue where setting the StaffPreviousPasswordCount customization key to 0 would prevent all staff from being able to log into their accounts. Ares will now default to a value of 4 if 0 is entered into the key. Bug# 15241

Staff Client

Fixed Fixed an issue where the DateTime field in the ItemHistory and ItemTracking tables could not be used in custom searches. Bug# 13163

Staff Manager

Fixed Fixed an issue where newly created staff users would require a manual password change before they could log into their accounts. Bug# 8307

Web Interface

Note: If you are still experiencing the bugs noted below after updating Ares, please download the latest set of Ares 5.0 Web Pages and LMS Default Web pages from the Ares Downloads page and overwrite the JavaScript files located in the js folder in your Ares Web Directory with the updated files. 

Added the WebCookieSameSite key to the Customization Manager under Web | Settings that will configure the SameSite property on the SessionID cookie in order to fix an issue where users would be directed to the Ares login page if navigating to the Ares web pages from an external system, such as an LMS. For more information on configuring this key, see Persisting SessionID Using the WebCookieSameSite Key.

The default value of this key will be set to None.
Fixed Fixed an issue where cloning items in the web interface would only copy course tags for the logged-in instructor instead of copying all course tags from the old course to the new course. Bug# 13853
Fixed Fixed an issue where batch personal tags added by students were not assigned a tag type value upon creation and did not display on the detailed item information page. Bug# 8794

29 August 2022 Ares Client (5.0.5) and Server ( Release 

The Ares Client and Ares Server have been updated to new versions to fix several issues with the new Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) web service API implemented in the previous version of Ares. This release requires a separate client and server update performed according to the instructions below.

Update Procedure

These steps must be performed in this order. Please note that the automatic update prompts in the Ares Client will only appear once the server update is completed.

A prior version of the Ares Server Installer (v5.0.7.0) that caused an issue where the Ares Client automatic update prompts did not appear was briefly available and has been replaced with an updated v5.0.7.1 file. If you previously ran the v5.0.7.0 installer file, please run the v5.0.7.1 installer to correct this issue.
  1. To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted or contact to schedule your update if Atlas-hosted. 

    The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

    • Ares System Manager v5.0.5
    • Ares Web API v1.0.5
    • Ares Web Service v5.0.4
  2. If self-hosted, please follow the instructions in the Removing Deprecated DLL File Installed by Ares Server Installers article to remove outdated Windows DLL files that will be installed upon updating the Ares Server.

  3. Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.6 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications (Note: The 5.0.6 Client Installer will install v5.0.5 of the Ares Client).

    The following applications will be updated to the listed version numbers during the client update process:

    • Ares Client v5.0.5

Support for the previous version of the CCC web service has been reimplemented in Ares to fix an issue where orders placed using the prior versions of Ares could not be updated after upgrading to Ares 5.0.4/5.0.6. The following changes will be made to Ares in order to support both the previous and new CCC web services simultaneously:

  • All legacy orders placed with the old version of the CCC web service (in Ares v5.0.3 and prior) will display an Order Header label instead of the new CCC Project label in the Ares Client. These legacy orders will also not display a link to the CCC Marketplace. 
  • All orders created with the new CCC web service in Ares 5.0.4/5.0.6 will display the CCC Project label and contain a link to the CCC Marketplace.
  • The Ares System Manager will now properly update legacy orders if any changes are made to the relevant course/order (e.g., if the course enrollment number changes or if the order is canceled).
Note: The Copyright Clearance Center plans to phase out support for the old web service soon. Additional action may be required to update legacy orders in Ares after support for the old web services ends and will be announced as soon as possible.

Added LegacyCCCUsername and LegacyCCCPassword customization keys to the Ares Customization Manager under System | Copyright that can be configured with separate CCC Marketplace credentials used to authenticate with the old CCC web service in Ares v5.0.3 and prior, if necessary.

These keys should only be configured to contain your Marketplace credentials used to authenticate with the old CCC web service if you are using different CCC Marketplace accounts for the old and new web service (i,e., if you created a new Marketplace account to connect with Ares after upgrading to v5.0.4 or later). If the Marketplace accounts used by your institution are the same between web service versions, please do not configure these keys and continue to use the CCCUsername and CCCPassword keys to enter your credentials.
Fixed Fixed an issue where the Ares Client would fail to connect to the CCC if left open for two hours or more. 

21 November 2022 Ares Server (5.0.8) Release 

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version to fix issues with the LTI and Copyright Clearance Center integrations. This release requires a server update performed according to the instructions below.

Update Procedure

  1. To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted or contact to schedule your update if Atlas-hosted. 

    The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

    • Ares System Manager v5.0.6
    • Ares Web DLL v5.0.5
    • Ares Web API v1.0.6
    • Ares Web Service v5.0.5
  2. If self-hosted, please follow the instructions in the Removing Deprecated DLL File Installed by Ares Server Installers article to remove outdated Windows DLL files that will be installed upon updating the Ares Server.

Removed session ID information from the LTI 1.3 redirect URLs used by the Ares API to display the Ares web pages from the course/learning management system without requiring user reauthentication. For enhanced security, LTI 1.3 integrations will now set this information using a session cookie in the user's browser.


Fixed an issue where the CCC Status Updater process run by the Ares System Manager would fail when checking for changes to items requiring Special Request copyright orders placed in the Ares Client. Bug# 19678

This fix only applies to the System Manager's CCC Status Updater process that runs nightly according to the time set in the CCCStatusUpdateRunTime customization key. An error may still display on the item record in the Ares Client if an immediate status update is triggered by opening the item record in the Client before the nightly System Manager process has run to update the status (Bug# 19852). This error will resolve itself once the System Manager process runs the following night:


30 November 2022 (1.3.3) SQL Alias Manager Release

The Atlas SQL Alias Manager (SAM) has been updated to a new version (1.3.3) to fix an expired certificate issue that prevented the application from opening. A standalone SQL Alias Manager installer is available on the Ares Downloads page that should be used to update the SAM application to the latest version.

Update Procedure 

To update the SQL Alias Manager to the latest version:

  1. Download the Atlas SQL Alias Manager v1.3.3 installer from the Ares Downloads page.
  2. Run the installer using the Run as Administrator option.
  3. SAM v1.3.3 will be installed at the machine level at the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Atlas Systems\ and replace the previous version of the application on the machine.

    Note: SAM v1.3.3 will only be installed at the machine level using the standalone installer. If SAM had previously been installed at the user level, then running the SAM 1.3.3 installer will create a separate installation of the application at the machine level and a second desktop shortcut to the new installation. To ensure that the newer application is used, the desktop shortcut pointing toward the older, user-level SAM application should be deleted after running the SAM 1.3.3 installer.

Updated the signing certificate used by the application to fix an issue that prevented the SQL Alias Manager from opening.

23 January 2023 Ares Client (5.0.7) Release 

The Ares Client has been updated to a new version to implement several important bug fixes. To perform this update, please follow the update procedure instructions below.

Update Procedure

Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.7 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications.

The following applications will be updated to the listed version numbers during the client update process:

  • Ares Client v5.0.7
  • Ares Customization Manager v5.0.6
  • Ares Staff Manager v5.0.5
  • SQL Alias Manager v1.3.3
Note: If you had previously run the SQL Alias Manager v1.3.3 standalone installer to install the updated SAM application, this application was installed at the machine level. Running the latest Ares Client Installer at the user level will also update/install the SAM application at the user level and may create a second desktop shortcut to the SAM if the shortcut to the machine level installation is present on your machine. In this case, the new shortcut to the user level installation can be left in place and the shortcut to the machine level installation can be safely deleted after the client update is completed.
Fixed Fixed an issue where the CCC Status Updater process would sometimes fail upon opening an item record associated with a Special Request copyright order in the Ares Client and temporarily display an error in the item's copyright information. Bug# 19852
Fixed Fixed an issue where pull slip printing would fail for items that contained a value in the CCC Project (OrderHeader) field if there was also any Rightsholder data in the Ares database. Bug# 20299

Fixed an issue where copyright information would fail to show on item records associated with copyright orders placed through the CCC API if the API failed when checking for order updates. Ares will now display the existing copyright information saved to the database for the item and log an error when the API connection fails.  Bug# 20638

Fixed Fixed an issue where the notification that an Ares Client update is available would sometimes appear behind the initial startup loading screen and could not be clicked. Bug# 16351
Fixed Fixed an issue where attempting to use the Bulk Edit Items form on a large number of items would cause an "out of memory" error. Bug# 5779

Updated the Ares Client Installer to include the latest version of the SQL Alias Manager (v1.3.3) with the updated signing certificate.

23 February 2023 Ares Client (5.0.8) Release

The Ares Client has been updated to a new version (5.0.8) to implement a fix for printing errors caused by an issue discovered in recent Microsoft Word updates.

Update Procedure

Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.8 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications.


Changed the default mail merge method used by the Ares Client to fix an issue where attempting to print after updating to Microsoft Word version 2211 or above could potentially return an error stating "The OpenDataSource method or property is not available because a macro is currently running."

Note: Updating the Ares Client will automatically enable the new mail merge method. No existing printing functionality will be affected or changed by this update. If you were not experiencing the Microsoft Word printing issue before the Client update and start experiencing different printing issues after updating, please attempt to resolve these issues as a short-term fix by checking the Use Legacy Mail Merge option on the new Print Settings section of the Client Options form, then contact for further troubleshooting:

For detailed instructions, see Changing Print Settings.

Print Settings Ares

02 October 2023 Ares Server ( and Client (5.0.9) Release 

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version to implement new configuration options that will prevent bot-driven account creation spam through the user registration pages on the Ares web interface. The Ares Client has also been updated to a new version to fix several issues with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) integration and implement support for the WebView2 embedded browser in the Ares Client. This release requires a separate client and server update performed according to the instructions below.

Enabling Automatic Update Prompts in the Ares Client

Due to an issue with the Ares Client automatic updater service, staff will not be automatically prompted to update to Ares Client v5.0.9 after running the v5.0.9.2 Ares Server update. These automatic update prompts can be re-enabled for the Ares Client v5.0.9 update by manually adjusting the VersionClient key value in the Ares Customization Manager after running the v5.0.9.2 server update. For instructions, see Re-Enabling Automatic Update Prompts in the Ares Client After the Server Update.

Update Procedure

These steps must be performed in this order.

  1. To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted or contact to schedule your update if Atlas-hosted. 

    The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

    • Ares System Manager v5.0.8
    • Ares Web DLL v5.0.6
    • Ares Web API v1.0.7
    • Ares Web Service v5.0.6
    Note: As of Ares Server Installer v5.0.9.2, the Ares Server Installer will no longer automatically install deprecated Windows MSXML 4 DLL files to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ directory upon updating the Ares Server. However, the updated server installer will not automatically remove these files if they were installed by a previous version of the Ares Server Installer and had not yet been manually removed from the directory. Self-hosted Ares sites should ensure that these files have been removed manually following the process outlined in the Removing Deprecated DLL File Installed by Ares Server Installers article.
  2. Download and run the 5.0.9 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to manually install the new client applications OR follow the steps to re-enable automatic update prompts in the Ares Client for the v5.0.9 update.

    The following applications will be updated to the listed version numbers during the client update process:

    • Ares Client v5.0.9
    • Ares Customization Manager v5.0.7
    • Ares Staff Manager v5.0.6

Server Updates


The following new configuration options are available for the Ares web interface to prevent bot-driven spam account creation via the Create Account form (GCreateAccount.html):

  • Ares can now integrate with one of three supported third-party captcha providers to add a captcha challenge requirement to the Create Account form (GCreateAccount.html). The captcha challenge will provide extra security against bot-driven account creation by requiring new users to solve the challenge in order to submit the form and create their accounts. The following captcha providers and plans are supported by Ares (note that a separate account must be created with your chosen captcha provider to implement this feature): 

    • Google reCAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA v2 (both the "invisible" and "checkbox" variants) and reCAPTCHA v3
      • Note that reCAPTCHA Enterprise is not supported by Ares
    • hCaptcha: Free "Publisher" plan
    • MTCaptcha: Free plan
  • As an alternative to implementing the captcha requirement, user registration can now be completely disabled for accounts created through standard Ares authentication (AresAuth) from the Create Account form (GCreateAccount.html) using the new AresAuthUserRegistrationEnabled customization key. This option will prevent the creation of spam accounts by completely blocking account creation for users who are not pre-authorized for an Ares account via an LDAP or Remote Authentication configuration. This option should not be chosen if you only allow users to register for accounts through the standard Ares account creation and authentication process.
For complete details and configuration instructions for these options, please see Preventing Account Creation Spam in Ares.

Added the following new customization keys to the Ares Customization Manager to support the new spam prevention options in the Ares web interface:

  • AresAuthUserRegistrationEnabled: Determines if new user registrations can be created via standard Ares authentication (AresAuth)
  • SLUserRegistrationDisabled: The web status line that appears if registration has been disabled using the AresAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key
  • CaptchaProvider, CaptchaSecret, CaptchaSiteID: These keys are used to configure the captcha integration for the user registration form
  • SLCaptchaFailure: The web status line that appears if a user fails the CAPTCHA challenge during user registration.

Added the CAPTCHA web DLL tag to the Ares web interface. This tag is used to display the captcha challenge requirement on the Create Account form (GCreateAccount.html) when a captcha integration has been configured in the Ares Customization Manager. 

For more information on this tag, see Ares CAPTCHA Tag.

Added a new Media Expiration Date field to the Items and SharedListItems database tables that can be used to indicate the expiration date of media linked to an Ares item, for example, in the case that an Ares item contains a link to a URL for a hosted video streaming resource that will not be available after a certain date.

The Media Expiration Date field will not appear in the Ares Client or in the Ares web pages by default after updating, but can be manually added to the following areas:

The Media Expiration Date field can be added as a text input field to your web forms using the code below. This code will also add a small note to the field instructing users to enter the date in the correct MM/DD/YYYY format:

<label for="MediaExpirationDate">
<#ERROR name="ERRORMediaExpirationDate">
<span class="<#VALIDATION name="ERRORMediaExpirationDate">">
Media Expiration Date</span><br/>
<span class="note">MM/DD/YYYY</span>
<input id="MediaExpirationDate" name="MediaExpirationDate"
type="text" size="40" class="f-name"
value="<#PARAM name="MediaExpirationDate">"><br/>

Added the CUSTOMIZATION web DLL tag to the Ares web interface. This tag is used to display the value of a specified customization key as it is configured in the Ares Customization Manager on the Ares web pages. 

For more information on this tag, see Ares CUSTOMIZATION Tag.

Users will no longer be able to register for an Ares account from the TestWeb directory to prevent bot-driven spam account creation from the Ares TestWeb web pages. TestWeb user registration will be disabled by default upon update and cannot be re-enabled.


Expanded the maximum length of the AuthUser and AuthPass fields in the ZServerConfig database table to 100 characters. These fields display as the Username and Password fields on Z39.50 server configuration form in the Ares Customization Manager.

Client Updates


Added support for the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge WebView2 embedded browser within the Ares Client and Client addons. Support for the WebView2 browser will include the following enhancements:

  • Easier updating process: The WebView2 browser is updated via the Windows Update process on your local machine, removing the need to update the version of the browser used by Ares by manually updating the Ares Client.
  • Accessible version tracking: The version of WebView2 currently installed on your machine and used by Ares can be easily checked by navigating to the Resources tab located within the Ares Options form in the Ares Client. 
  • New cache clearing options for easier debugging: A Clear Cache button is available next to the WebView2 version number information on the Ares Options form that will clear the cache for the WebView2 browser (cookies, logins, and browser history) on the local machine for the user currently logged into the Ares Client.
For more information on the Ares Client controls listed above, see Setting Ares Client Options. 
Addons developers can find complete information on implementing the WebView2 browser within addons in the addon documentation.
Note: This update will not remove support for the Chromium or IE browsers from the Ares Client. However, due to Microsoft’s end of support for Internet Explorer, we cannot guarantee that addons using the IE browser will work indefinitely with Ares. It is strongly recommended that addon developers update addons to include support for WebView2 and that users update their addons to the new WebView2 versions when available. 
The WebView2 browser will only be used for browsers embedded within the Ares Client. Any browser windows that open externally from the client will still use your machine’s default browser.

The following addons have been updated to use the WebView2 browser and are available for download in the Ares Addon Directory:

Note: The new WebView2 versions of these addons can also be installed and used with previous versions of the Ares 5.0 Client that do not support WebView2. When the new versions of the addons are installed and used, they will check to determine which version of the Ares Client is currently installed. If Ares Client v5.0.9 or later is installed, they will default to using the new WebView2 embedded browser. If an earlier version of the 5.0 Client, is installed then the addon will instead use the embedded Chromium browser.

Logs for the following Ares components are now configured to use UTF-8 encoding by default to fix an issue where some characters, such as those with diacritics and non-Latin characters, did not display correctly (Bug# 21307):

  • Ares Client
  • Customization Manager
  • Staff Manager
  • System Manager
  • Web API
  • Web Service
This change will be applied automatically for new Ares installs only (i.e., those installing Ares for the first time at version 5.0.9). If updating to Ares v5.0.9 from a previous version of Ares, the encoding change must be applied to each log's configuration file manually following the instructions in the documentation.

The CopyrightDefaultStudents customization key will now default to a value of 1 when used to estimate or place copyright orders in the Ares Client if the key has been set to 0 or a negative number in the Ares Customization Manager.

For more information on this customization key, see Configuring Copyright Settings.

Fixed an issue where the Ares Client would ignore the method chosen in the CopyrightCourseStudents customization key to calculate costs for copyright orders and instead would always use the number of students registered for the course when calculating the order estimate and the estimated enrollment for the course when calculating the cost for the order when submitted. Bug# 21218

Both costs will now be calculated in the same way based on the method specified in the CopyrightCourseStudents key in the Ares Customization Manager (located under System | Copyright).
Fixed Fixed an issue where using the Change Processing Site option from the main menu in the Ares Client could break copyright processing functionality for all processing locations until the Client had been closed and restarted. Bug# 19899
Fixed Fixed an issue where setting the CopyrightMethod customization key to "AlternateProvider" would cause a "null username" error message to display when performing copyright searches in the Ares Client, even when valid CCC credentials were configured in the Ares Customization Manager. Bug# 19260
Fixed Fixed an issue where custom course searches performed in the Ares Client would only return results for courses with associated users or instructors instead of returning all relevant courses. Bug# 8357

02 October 2023 Default Web Pages (5.0.9) Release

A new version of the default web pages has been released in conjunction with the Ares 5.0.9 Server/Client release on Monday, October 2nd, 2023, to implement captcha support on the Create Account form (GCreateAccount.html).

The new default web pages are available for download on the Ares Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Modified GCreateAccount.html to include the new <CAPTCHA> tag and added the following new files to the default web pages to implement captcha support on the New User Registration form:

  • include_captcha_none.html
  • include_hcaptcha.html
  • include_mtcaptcha.html
  • include_recaptcha_v2_checkbox.html
  • include_recaptcha_v2_invisible.html
  • include_recaptcha_v3.html
For more information on configuring these changes, please see Preventing Account Creation Spam in Ares.
Note: The Ares Web DLL must be updated to v5.0.6 following the Ares Server v5.0.9 update instructions above before the new captcha web pages can be used to implement the captcha requirement on the Create Account form.

29 May 2024 Ares Server (5.0.10) and Client (5.0.10) Release 

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, to install a new version of the Ares API (v1.0.8) and to update the external third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by the Ares System Manager and Web Service for security purposes. The Ares Client has also been updated to a new version (5.0.10) to update the same Newtonsoft dependency in the Ares Client, Customization Manager, and Staff Manager applications. The server update will transition the API from the Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 framework to the Microsoft .NET 8 framework as .NET Core 2.1 has been deprecated by Microsoft and is no longer receiving security updates. The Ares API update will also fix several bugs present in the previous API version.

Warning! New System Requirements

The Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime Bundle must be installed on the Ares Server prior to running the v5.0.10 server update to prevent disruptions in the Ares API after updating. This bundle can be installed via Microsoft's websiteTo prevent disruptions in the Ares API after updating, please ensure that this bundle is installed on the Ares Server prior to updating to Ares Server v5.0.10. 

Remove Previous Version of .NET Core

After the Ares Server v5.0.10 update has been run, Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 should be manually removed from the server, if present, for the best possible security. See Microsoft's documentation for instructions on this process.

End of Support for Previous API Versions

As .NET Core 2.1 has been deprecated by Microsoft and is no longer receiving security updates, older versions of the Ares API prior to v1.0.8 are no longer supported. Please install the latest API version to ensure uninterrupted support for the API and the best possible security on your server.

Update Procedure

Atlas-hosted sites currently on server version will be contacted by Atlas Support ( and will receive an email with more details about the update. If you are on a previous version of Ares and would like to schedule an update, please contact to schedule your update with hosting services.

Self-hosted Ares sites should follow the update procedure below:

Note: The Ares Client v5.0.10 update (step 4) can be performed before the Ares Server v5.0.10 update (steps 1-3) if the Ares Server has been updated to v5.0.9.2.

  1. Install the Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime Bundle on the Ares Server. This bundle can be installed via Microsoft's website.
  2. Download and run the 5.0.10 Ares Server Installer file (available here) to install the latest Ares 5.0 server components.

    The Ares Server Installer is now available as an MSI file. Please review the steps in the Installing the Ares Server article for the detailed step-by-step process for running the new installer file.

    The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

    • Ares Web API v1.0.8
    • Ares System Manager v5.0.9
    • Ares Web Service v5.0.7
  3. Once the server update is completed and the new API has been installed, manually remove Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 from the Ares Server, if present. See Microsoft's documentation for instructions on this process.

    Servers using Windows Server 2012 should remove Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 before running the Ares v5.0.10 server update.

  4. Follow the Client Automatic Update prompts within the Ares Client, or download and run the 5.0.10 Client Installer from the Ares Downloads page to install the new client applications.

    The Ares Server must be updated to v5.0.9.2 at minimum before performing the Ares Client v5.0.10 update, however, the Ares Server v5.0.10 update is not required to run the client update.

    The following applications will be updated to the listed version numbers during the client update process:

    • Ares Client v5.0.10
    • Ares Customization Manager v5.0.8
    • Ares Staff Manager v5.0.7

Server Updates


Updated the Ares API to v.1.0.8. The new version of the Ares API uses the Microsoft .NET 8 framework in place of the deprecated Microsoft .NET Core 2.1 framework used in previous API versions for enhanced security.


Fixed an issue where an error would occur during the server update process if multiple SystemURL customization keys were defined in the Ares Customization Manager for different processing locations.


Fixed an issue where the ItemFormat and Proxy fields were not included in the POST Items endpoint and were always given default values when using the endpoint to create new item records. The endpoint now supports setting specific values for those fields in the API call. Bug# 9285


Fixed an issue where the Ares API would return the value of the createdVia field in Courses endpoints as an integer. This value will now be returned as a string. Bug# 16946


Fixed an issue where the POST Token endpoint would always return a 500 error in response to staff token requests.


Updated the third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by the Ares System Manager and Ares Web Service to patch a security vulnerability found in the previous version of this component. 

Client Updates


Updated the third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by all client applications (Ares Client, Customization Manager, and Staff Manager) to patch a security vulnerability found in the previous version of this component. 

26 June 2024 Ares Server (5.0.12) Release

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version (5.0.12) to fix an issue present in the previous version of the Ares Server (v5.0.10) affecting LTI integrations and to fix several separate issues present in the previous version of the Ares Server Installer (v5.0.10). 

Update Procedure

Atlas-hosted sites currently on server version 5.0.10 will be contacted by Atlas Support ( and will receive an email with more details about the update. If you are on a previous version of Ares and would like to schedule an update, please contact to schedule your update with hosting services.

To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the 5.0.12 Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted.

Note: Self-hosted sites on versions of the Ares Server earlier than 5.0.10 should follow the update procedure outlined in the 5.0.10 server release notes to perform the 5.0.12 server update to ensure that the necessary .NET 8 components are installed on the Ares Server prior to updating.

Server Component Updates

The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

  • Ares Web API v1.0.10

Fixed an issue affecting the Ares Web API's LTI controller in the Ares Server v5.0.10 release which could lead to issues with existing LTI integrations after the server update.


Fixed the following issues present in Ares Server Installer v5.0.10:

  • Fixed an issue where the installer would not create the 'docs' virtual directory in IIS pointing to the AresDocs\PublicDocs folder.
  • Fixed an issue where the installer would not correctly load nonstandard paths set for the Ares installation directory and the AresDocs directory in previous installer runs, which would require manually setting those paths to the correct values in the installer options during the server update.
  • When SQL server authentication is selected, the installer will now check to ensure the provided database username and password credentials are valid before beginning the installation process.

24 July 2024 Ares Server (5.0.15) Release

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version (5.0.15) to fix an issue present in the previous version of the Ares Server (v5.0.12) affecting LTI integrations. This is a server release only with no associated client release.

Update Procedure

Atlas-hosted sites currently on server version 5.0.12 will be updated by Atlas Support ( If you are on a previous version of Ares and would like to schedule an update, please contact to schedule your update with hosting services.

To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the 5.0.15 Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted.

Note: Self-hosted sites on versions of the Ares Server earlier than 5.0.10 should follow the update procedure outlined in the 5.0.10 server release notes to perform the 5.0.15 server update to ensure that the necessary .NET 8 components are installed on the Ares Server prior to updating.

Server Component Updates

The following components will be updated to the listed version numbers during the server update process:

  • Web API v1.0.12

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version 5.0.15 to fix an issue where creating a new user via the LTI would result in an error. Bug# 28913

An issue with LTI deep linking was resolved. Bug# 29089

12 August 2024 Ares Server (5.0.16) Release

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version (5.0.16) to fix an issue present in the previous version of the Ares Server (v5.0.15) affecting LTI integrations. This is a server release only with no associated client release.

Update Procedure

Atlas-hosted sites currently on server version 5.0.15 will be updated by Atlas Support ( If you are on a previous version of Ares and would like to schedule an update, please contact to schedule your update with hosting services.

To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the 5.0.16 Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted.

Note: Self-hosted sites on versions of the Ares Server earlier than 5.0.10 should follow the update procedure outlined in the 5.0.10 server release notes to perform the 5.0.16 server update to ensure that the necessary .NET 8 components are installed on the Ares Server prior to updating.


Fixed a bug which caused courses created via LTI to have a null Course.CreationDate - Bug# 29398

Fixed a bug which caused Tracking and History entries to have UTC DateTime values (values are now in local time). Bug# 29398

Fixed a bug which prevented the installer from logging by default. Bug# 29397


05 September 2024 Ares Server (5.0.17) Release

The Ares Server has been updated to a new version (5.0.17) to address some update and installation issues and the logging location of the Ares Web API.

Update Procedure

To install the latest Ares 5.0 server components, please download and run the 5.0.17 Ares Server Installer file (available here) if self-hosted or contact to schedule your update if Atlas-hosted. 

Note: Self-hosted sites on versions of the Ares Server earlier than 5.0.10 should follow the update procedure outlined in the 5.0.10 server release notes to perform the 5.0.17 server update to ensure that the necessary .NET 8 components are installed on the Ares Server prior to updating. No server components were updated in this 5.0.17 release.


Added ability to specify the IIS web site for Ares installation


For new installations, changed the default logging path the Ares Web API to C:\Ares\Logs from C:\Ares. Will not change or overwrite existing log files for existing installations


Fixed an issue where web.config files could be overwritten during some updates Bug# 29561


If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

Contact Support