Configuring Z39.50 Searching

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The Searches group of the Z39.50 ribbon in the Ares Customization Manager contains information for setting up specific Z39.50 searches based on search name specifications. The Select Searches icon contains a list of the existing search configurations. Selecting the New icon from the ribbon prepares the form for a new entry.

Creating a New Search

  1. In the Ares Customization Manager, click the Z39.50 tab.
  2. Click New in the Searches group on the Z39.50 menu.
  3. Enter a name for the new search.
  4. Choose the Default Search option that should be automatically performed.
  5. Drag the Z39.50 server that you want to use from the Available Servers section to the Included Servers section.
  6. Click Save.

The first search created will be performed as an auto-search in Ares. If you want to change which search is used for auto-searching, see Reordering Searches below.

Reordering Searches

To edit the order in which the searches display in the Ares Z39.50 Search form to make searching easier for your Reserves staff. Be aware that the first search in the list will be performed as the default auto-search, if configured, each time the form is opened in the Ares client.

  1. Click the Reorder button in the Z39.50 menu.
  2. Searches can be dragged and dropped into any order.
  3. Click the Save button on the bottom of Z39.50 search list.

Editing and Deleting Searches

You can change the default search information:

  1. Click the Select Search button on the Z39.50 menu and choose the search you wish to edit.
  2. Modify the search information.
    • To add servers to a search, click and drag them from Available Servers to the list of Included Servers.
    • To remove servers from a search, click and drag them from Included Servers to the list of Available Servers.
  3. Click the Save button on the Z39.50 menu.

You can delete a search configuration. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Click the Select Search button on the Z39.50 menu and choose the search you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Delete button on the Z39.50 menu. You will be asked if you want to delete the search. If so, click Yes.


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