Using ILLiad Web Reports

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Beginning and End Dates in ILLiad Web Reports

In ILLiad Web Reports, the beginning date value of a date range is inclusive, but the end date value is not inclusive. For example, a report for the month of May would be for 5/1/2013 - 6/1/2013. The dates assume that the time is 12:00 am (midnight). For the ending date, the report would grab all records with a date less than 6/1/2013 12:00:00, or everything up until the end of 5/31/2013. Making the date ranges 5/1/2013 - 5/31/2013 would not grab any items from the 31st of that month. 

Exporting Results to Excel

You can export the results of any of the ILLiad Web Reports to Microsoft Excel. This will create a multi-sheet workbook with parameters, graphs (if applicable), and grids of the data in the report. Any grouping or sorting you do before exporting will change the display of the data in Excel.

  1. On the ILLiad Web Report, you want to export, click Export to Microsoft Excel.
  2. A popup message will appear and allow you to open or save the report.
  3. It may take some time for the report to generate if it includes a lot of data.

    If you receive an error message or the report will not generate because it is too large, modify the parameters of the report to include a smaller data set and try again.




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