Configuring WebCirc

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ILLiad Web Circulation (WebCirc) is a web view of basic ILLiad functionality that can be accessed by staff users. In WebCirc, staff users can check items out, check items in, renew items, and mark items as received or returned. WebCirc allows you to perform these basic ILLiad functions on a workstation that does not have the ILLiad Client installed. Permissions can be restricted in the ILLiad Staff Manager so that specific staff members are permitted to use WebCirc only and cannot use the ILLiad Client or any other ILLiad tools.

By default, the ILLiad WebCirc module is open to all IP addresses and requires a staff username and password to access. If you feel that access via username and password is not secure, you can consider restricting access by IP address in Internet Information Services (IIS) on the ILLiad web server.

WebCirc Customization Keys

There are 6 keys relating to Web Circulation in the ILLiad Customization Manager. All of these keys can be found under Web Interface | Web Circulation. These keys control which processing options appear on the WebCirc interface and whether or not certain processes will be enabled for blocked users.

For a more detailed overview of the processing options configured by these customization keys, see Using WebCirc
WebCircEnableCheckIn Determines whether or not the Check In option will display on the WebCirc interface to allow staff users to quickly check items in.
WebCircEnableCheckOut Determines whether or not the Check Out option will display on the WebCirc interface to allow staff users to quickly check items out.
Determines whether or not the Mark Returned option and In Transit Items Returned tab will display on the WebCirc interface to allow staff users to quickly mark items as returned.
Determines whether or not the Mark Received option and In Transit Items Received tab will display on the WebCirc interface to allow staff users to quickly mark items as received.
WebCircEnableRenew Determines whether or not the Renew option will display on the WebCirc interface to allow staff users to quickly renew items.
Determines whether or not staff users can check out and renew items for blocked users via the WebCirc interface.

Editing the WebCirc Web Pages

While the customization keys listed above are for configuring the WebCirc system, you can edit the status lines and other text resources that display on the WebCirc web pages, if necessary. These are included in the WebResources.resx file located in the App_GlobalResources folder under the WebCirc application folder on the ILLiad server. You can edit this file using any standard text editor (such as Notepad). This file includes all the values for the status lines and tooltips in the WebCirc module. Since WebCirc is an internal application, you should rarely need to change any values in the file. For reference, the default values for all entries are listed below.

The WebCirc pages (ViewRequest.aspx, ViewUser,aspx, any *.aspx pages) are system pages, and are overwritten whenever there is a new ILLiad system update to the WebCirc module. While it is possible to customize these pages, any customizations made would be overwritten each time there is an update. 

For this reason, Atlas Systems recommends using the default WebCirc pages without customization.

Webresources.resx Default Values

This table is for reference purposes only. Do not change the values in this file unless directed by Atlas or OCLC support personnel.

Application Title ILLiad Web Circulation
ChangeSiteMenuText Change Site ({0})
ChangeSiteMenuTooltip Change your current site
CheckInFailure Transaction {0} was unable to be checked in.
CheckInMenuText CheckIn
CheckInSuccess Transaction {0} was successfully checked in. 
CheckOutFailure Transaction {0} was unable to be checked out.
CheckOutMenuText Check Out
CheckOutSuccess Transaction {0} was successfully checked out.
Copyright Copyright © Atlas Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GenericFailure An error has occurred. {0}
HomeMenuText Home
HomeMenuTooltip Go to the main page
InTransitFailure Transaction {0} was unable to be marked as In Transit.
InTransitSuccess Transaction {0} was successfully marked as In Transit.
InvalidRenewalPeriod Renewals for Transaction {0} are only accepted between {1} and {2}.
InvalidSearchTerm Please enter a valid search term.
InvalidTransaction Invalid Transaction Number {0}
InvalidTransactionOwner Transaction {0} does not belong to {1}. Owned by {2}.
InvalidTransactionStatusForCheckIn Transaction {0} is not available for Check In. [Current Status: {1}]
InvalidTransactionStatusForCheckOut Transaction {0} is not available for Check Out. [Current Status: {1}]
InvalidTransacitonStatusForInTransit Transaction {0} is not available for In Transit. [Current Status: {1}]
InvalidTransactionStatusForRenewal Transaction {0} is not available for Renewal. [Current Status: {1}]
LogoffMenuText Logoff {0} 
LogoffMenuTooltip Logoff ILLiad Web Circulation
MainMenu Main
MarkInTransitMenuText Mark In Transit
PageTitleViewRequestFormat View Request {0}
PageTitleViewUsernameFormat {0}
QuickTasksMenu Quick Tasks
RenewalFailure Transaction {0} was unable to be renewed. 
RenewalInvalid Transaction {0} was unable to be renewed. {1}
RenewalsNotAllowed Renewals are not allowed for Transaction {0}.
RenewalSuccess Transaction {0} was successfully renewed.
RenewMenuText Renew
SearchTabText Search
SiteMenuText Site
TooltipQuickCheckInTextbox Transaction Number of item to be checked in 
TooltipQuickCheckOutTextbox Transaction Number of item to be checked out
TooltipQuickMarkInTransitTextbox Transaction Number of item to be marked in transit 
TooltipQuickRenewTextbox Transaction Number of item to be checked in
TransactionTasksMenu Transaction Tasks
UserBlocked BLOCKED
UserBlockedCssClass failure
UserClearedCssClass success
UserDisavowed Disavowed
UserDisavowedCssClass failure
UserNew User Registration Incomplete 
UserNewCssClass failure
UserNotCleared Not Cleared
UserNotClearedCssClass failure
VerifyPieces Verify the correct number of pieces
VerifyUserCleared User {0} is currently blocked. Please direct {0} to the Interlibrary Loan Office.





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