Creating Static Alerts

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Static web Alerts allow you a centralized place to welcome new users and communicate your business hours, special events or other timely and important information. Ares by default includes two types of web alerts:

  • System alerts are located on the Main Menu page and are visible when the user logs into the web interface.
  • Static alerts are located on the Login page and include the New to Ares? and A Static Alert sections.

System alerts are created in the client and can be created for all users or for a specific user, user type or user status. There are also several default system alert messages. Static alerts are created in the HTML pages and are edited and deleted from within those HTML pages.

How It Works

Static alerts are not user specific and should be used as announcements and general information only. For example, you can post a static alert to display possible library closings. You may also want to use a static alert to provide login help or highlight new library services. The link to create a new user account, for example ("New to Ares?") is a static alert.

Static alerts display on the right-hand side of the login web pages (GLogon.html and GLogon2) and are created and edited using standard HTML coding. Because static alerts are created in the HTML pages, no customization keys are needed to format and display them. All edits to static alerts are made directly on the web pages. You can edit, move and delete static alerts. To change the text in a static alert box simply replace the text with your own. There are no expiration dates associated with static alerts and users cannot delete them, which means they will remain on the page until updated or removed.

Default Static Alert HTML

Shown below is the default HTML formatting for the static alerts on the login pages. The header titled A Static Alert is a default placeholder title that you can change to suit your needs.

<div id="sidebar">
	<div class="featurebox">
	<h3>New to Ares?</h3>
	<p>Signing up is easy. <a onclick="" href="ares.dll?action=10&form=80">Create Account</a> now.<br /></p>

	<div class="featurebox">
	<h3>A Static Alert</h3>
	<p>This is where you could post a static alert to display possible library closings. You may also use this section to possibly provide logon help or highlight new Library services.</p>


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