Cloning from the Web Interface

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Courses can be copied by an Instructor to save time recreating courses and items that are offered more than once. Courses in the current semester can be cloned to courses in both the current semester and future semesters. Courses cloned from previous or upcoming semesters can also be cloned to the current semester or future semesters. 

Cloning a Course

Cloning a Course From a Current Course 

  1. From the Current Courses table, visible from the Main Menu, click on the course you want to clone.
    • Use the Clone Course option in the Instructor Course Tools menu to open the Clone Course form.
    • This page asks for new course information, using previous course values by default, and lists the reserve items used in the previous course.
  2. Complete the New Course information fields for the course you are creating.
    • Choose the course semester when you will be teaching the course again. Only those semesters with a current Item Addition Date will display.
    • If the Item Addition Date for a course is in the future, the semester will not be visible.
    • Check the Clone Item Tags box if you want to clone the current Instructor item tags for the reserve Items added to the new Course.
  3. Choose the reserve materials you want to clone for the new course.
    • All Items are checked by default.
    • Uncheck those Items that you do not want to clone to the new Course.
    • An Uncheck All | Check All option is available to select all or deselect all Items to be cloned.
    • Change the Start Date and Stop Date fields for the item. This will limit the availability of those items to that date range within the semester.
  4. Select the Course Proxy(s) to add to the new Course.
    • All Course Proxies are checked by default.
    • Uncheck those Proxies that you do not want to clone to the new Course.
    • An Uncheck All | Check All option is available to select all or deselect all Proxies to be cloned.
  5. Click Clone Course.
    • The Main Menu appears with the message Your course has been cloned successfully.
  6. To view the newly cloned course in the Courses grid, choose Upcoming Courses from the Instructor Tools menu.

All full proxies will be added from the original Course to the new cloned Course.

Cloning a Course From a Previous or Upcoming Semester

The procedure for cloning courses from a previous or upcoming semester is the same as described above. Choose the course you want to clone from either the Previous Courses or Upcoming Courses menu option in the Instructor Tools menu. Courses can be cloned to the current semester or a semester in the future.

Cloning Items From a Course

Cloning Hardcopy Items

When cloning items from a current, previous or upcoming semester to a new course, hardcopy items will follow the normal workflow process determined by the item type and submittal format. If the cloned item is a hard copy item, it will be placed in Awaiting Reserves Processing regardless of the value in Force Review on Clone.

Cloning Electronic Items

Electronic items and web links cloned from other courses can be loaded automatically to the web or sent to Awaiting Review by Staff using the Force Review On Clone checkbox in the DocumentTypes table. This feature is similar to the Force Review field for newly created items. If an item has not yet reached its activation date and is set for review it will be sent to Item Activation Pending.

To learn how to clone a reserve item from a previous course to a new or existing course, see Adding Reserve Items.






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