The ILLiad Connection Manager downloads and updates requests from OCLC and other systems. It runs in the background as a service on your ILLiad server. The Connection Manager connects to OCLC every 10 minutes, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to perform all of the ILLiad downloading and updating functions. Since the connection schedule is built-in, no scheduling is necessary. The full Connection Manager schedule is as follows:
- Every minute, it checks for updates to requests that were sent from ILLiad for processing through OCLC's Automated Request Manager (ARM) and updates the corresponding ILLiad requests.
- Every 10 minutes, it checks for OCLC requests that have been created or updated in the last 12 minutes and (as of Connection Manager v9.2.4) for all Lending requests in the status Pending and updates the corresponding ILLiad requests.
- Every 12 hours, it performs a resync to check all currently active OCLC requests and update the corresponding ILLiad requests.
- Every 24 hours between 12am-3am server time, it restarts itself and performs another resync.
Detailed Connection Manager Schedule
Detailed information on which OCLC statuses are monitored by the Connection Manager during each scheduled update process and additional notes on each process can be found by expanding the sections below.
Every ten minutes, the Connection Manager will process all requests that have been modified (i.e., changed in status) in the last 12 minutes that are in the following OCLC statuses:
Request Type | Statuses |
Borrowing Requests |
Lending Requests |
Every twelve hours (typically occurring at midnight and noon each day) the Connection Manager will process all active requests (regardless of the time those requests were last modified) in the following OCLC statuses:
Request Type | Statuses |
Borrowing Requests |
Lending Requests |
Accessing the Connection Manager Logs
You can check the Connection Manager Log, the current status of the Connection Manager, and work with errors by double-clicking on Connection Manager in the System section of the ILLiad Main menu. This will display the Connection Manager form with a System Information ribbon and tabs for Transactions and Log sitting below the Connection Manager tab.
- Accessing the ILLiad Connection Manager
- Connection Manager Errors
- Importing Borrowing Statuses
- OCLC Statuses Affected by ILLiad Connection Manager Updates