Basic Routing Rules
Borrowing - Faculty Requests
In this example, you want to send all requests received from faculty members to a special queue called Awaiting Faculty Request Processing.
For this routing example to work properly, you would also have to create a custom queue named Awaiting Faculty Request Processing.
RuleNo | 1 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Borrowing |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Request Processing |
MatchString | u.Status = 'Faculty' |
NewProcessType | Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting Faculty Request Processing |
RuleDescription | This rule moves all faculty requests into an Awaiting Faculty Request Processing queue. |
Lending - OCLC Collections Data
In this example, you want to send all lending requests with data in the Collections tab to a special queue called Awaiting EJournal Processing.
For this routing example to work properly, you would also have to create a custom queue named Awaiting Faculty Request Processing.
RuleNo | 2 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Lending |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Lending Request Processing |
MatchString | t.TransactionNumber in (select distinct TransactionNumber from OCLCCollectionData) |
NewProcessType | Lending |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting EJournal Processing |
RuleDescription | This rule moves any incoming lending request with Collections data to a new custom queue. |
Borrowing - Cancelled by Customer
In this example, you want to send all requests cancelled online by patrons to the queue Cancelled by ILL Staff.
RuleNo | 1 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Borrowing |
TransactionStatus | Cancelled by Customer |
MatchString | t.ILLNumber is NULL |
NewProcessType | Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus | Cancelled by ILL Staff |
RuleDescription | All requests that are cancelled by the patron online and haven't yet been ordered are automatically routed to Cancelled by ILL Staff. |
Compound Routing Rules
WIth compound Routing Rules, you are able to use multiple values in the Match String. These values can come from different tables: Transactions, Users, Tracking, Notes, and LenderAddresses.
To connect these values into a query, use connectors such as AND and OR.
Borrowing - Skipping Copyright Processing
In this example, you want to send all requests that are older than 5 years straight to Awaiting Request Processing, bypassing Awaiting Copyright Clearance.
RuleNo | 1 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Borrowing |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Copyright Clearance |
MatchString | t.RequestType = 'Article' and len(t.PhotoJournalYear) = 4 and t.PhotoJournalYear < convert(varchar(4),(datepart(year,getdate()) - 5)) |
NewProcessType | Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting Request Processing |
RuleDescription | Bypasses Copyright Clearance for articles older than 5 years |
Borrowing - Copyright Duplicates
In this example, you will check all new article requests against all requests made in the last x number of days to find duplicates from a specific patron.
RuleNo | 3 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Borrowing |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Copyright Clearance |
MatchString |
t.PhotoArticleTitle in (select PhotoArticleTitle from Transactions where CreationDate >= GETDATE()-540 and TransactionNumber <> t.TransactionNumber and Username = t.Username) *In this match string, it will check all articles from the past 540 days. If you wanted to check for the last 30 days, change 540 to 30. If you wanted to check for a year, put 365, etc. |
NewProcessType | Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting Duplicate Review |
RuleDescription | Check new articles for duplicate requests |
*To use this example rule, you would need to create a custom queue called Awaiting Duplicate Review
Lending - Skip Shipping Labels for Priority Shipping
In this example, you want to skip printing shipping labels for any priority shipping requests.
RuleNo | 4 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Lending |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Shipping Label Printing |
MatchString | t.RequestType = 'Loan' and l.PriorityShipping = 'Yes' |
NewProcessType | Lending |
NewTransactionStatus | Item Shipped |
RuleDescription | Skips Loan shipping labels for addresses marked Priority Shipping in Lending. |
Routing Rules Across Modules
Using routing rules, you can send requests from one module to another. This is only available in Borrowing and Document Delivery, requests cannot be routed from Lending to Borrowing or Document Delivery.
Doc Del to Borrowing - Not Found Items in Doc Del
In this example, you want to send all requests that were not found in your library to a special Borrowing queue called Awaiting Unfilled Doc Del Processing.
For this routing example to work properly, you would also have to create a custom queue named Awaiting Unfilled Doc Del Processing.
RuleNo | 5 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Doc Del |
TransactionStatus | Doc Del Item Not Found |
MatchString | t.RequestType = 'Article' or t.RequestType = 'Loan' |
NewProcessType | Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting Unfilled Doc Del Processing |
RuleDescription | Moves Doc Del items that are not found back to Borrowing |
Borrowing to Doc Del - Items Available in Library
In this example, you want to send requests received with a library call number to a special queue called Awaiting In Library Processing.
This rule will allow the request to bypass Borrowing and go straight to Document Delivery.
For this routing example to work properly, you would also have to create a custom queue named Awaiting In Library Processing.
RuleNo | 10 |
RuleActive | Yes |
ProcessType | Borrowing |
TransactionStatus | Awaiting Document Delivery Processing |
MatchString | t.CallNumber is not NULL |
NewProcessType | Doc Del |
NewTransactionStatus | Awaiting In Library Processing |
RuleDescription | Moves transactions that are in your library straight to Doc Del to be processed. |