The Custom Field Definitions Table

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As of v5.1, Aeon supports the creation of new custom fields for Transactions, Users, and Activities. These fields are created and defined in the Customization Manager's Custom Field Definitions table.

For more information on using custom fields in Aeon, see Unlimited Custom Fields.


Creating Custom Field Definitions

Please note that creating a large number of custom fields may lead to increased loading times in the Aeon Desktop Client.

The Custom Field Definitions table is located in the Customization Manager under System | General | CustomFieldDefinitions. Once a field definition has been entered in the Custom Field Definitions table, that field will be available on all Transactions, Users, or Activities (depending on which context type is chosen). Fields are always blank when first created.

Definitions include the following properties:

ID This value is auto-assigned.
Context Type Can be Transaction, User, or Activity. This determines which forms, web pages, etc. will have access to the field.
Data Type The type of data that will be stored in the field. Options are:
  • Date: Stores a date.
  • DateTime: Stores a date and a time.
  • Integer: Stores a number.
  • ShortText: Stores text. Displays as a text input with a 255-character limit.
  • LongText: Stores text. Displays as a larger "memo" input with a 255-character limit.
  • CustomDropDown: A Custom Drop Down value. The short name of the custom field must match a group defined in the Custom Drop Down Table. 
  • Boolean: Stores a True/False value.
Short Name The name of the field used in internal processes. (See "Short Name Restrictions" section)
Label The display label for the field that will be used in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
User custom field values will be deleted when a user is anonymized. Transaction and Activity values will not, so personally-identifying information should not be stored in those fields.
If a field definition is removed, that field will be irreversibly deleted from all Transactions/Users/Activities in the database.

Short Name Restrictions

Short names are used in some internal queries, and so have the following restrictions:

  • Short names may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores
  • No two custom field definitions may have the same short name
  • Short names may not have the same name as the primary key of the table to which they apply (e.g. Transaction custom fields cannot be called TransactionNumber)
It's recommended to use custom field short names that are different from the existing database column names (e.g. ItemTitle), as using the same name can lead to confusion when filling out the custom fields and troubleshooting.


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