Course and User Loads

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You can configure Ares to upload and maintain current Course data from your institution's registrar system. In order to do this, Ares uses data obtained from preformatted tab delimited .txt files to populate corresponding validation tables. The data in these tables are then used to populate User and Course records. When a User registers for an Ares account or when an Instructor or staff adds a Course, the Ares client or DLL use the data loaded in the validation tables to create the new user and course records and populate the appropriate database tables. When a user registers for an Ares account, Ares checks to see if they have also registered for any courses.

Once the import of data from the validation files to validation tables is complete, Ares proceeds to manage courses, adding and removing users and instructors automatically as determined by the imported data. Course and user loading is a function controlled by the Ares System Manager. Configuration keys for the course and user loading tell the system manager how and when to import and manage data. Because this feature handles the removal of users who have dropped courses after the add/drop period of a semester, you have the assurance that CourseEnrollment figures are valid for processing copyright costs.



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