Changing the Item Pickup Location

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You can change the Pickup Location for one or more Items using the Change Pickup Location button. This button is located on the ribbon of open status queues as well as basic and custom search results grids. Click to choose the result(s) you want to change, click the Change Pickup Location button, and choose the new location. The Item(s) will be moved to the pickup location you selected.

Changing the Pickup Location from the Item Form

  1. Open the Item request.
  2. Click on the dropdown next to Pickup Location.
  3. Select the new Pickup Location.
  4. Click Save.

When you change the Pickup Location of an Item, Ares will check to see if there are any other Items with the same semester and barcode. If there are, a popup will display and ask you if you want to also change the Pickup Location of the related Items.

  1. Change others to match this item: The loan period of all other items in this semester that share this item's barcode will be set to match this item.
  2. Change this item to match others: The loan period of this item will be changed to match all other items in this semester that share this item's barcode.
  3. Do not synchronize loan period and pickup location: The item will be saved with its current values and no other items will be updated. This will allow matching items to have differing loan periods.

Changing the Pickup Location from a Grid

  1. From a grid, select one or more items to change.
  2. Click Change Pickup Location.
  3. Select the new Pickup Location.


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