Aeon Atlas BI

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Atlas BI, a real-time business intelligence and reporting analytics tool, is an added feature currently available to all Aeon customers who are hosted by Atlas.

With Atlas BI you can filter/export data and develop reports through the use of data visualization (e.g. pivot tables, pie charts, line graphs, etc.). This cloud-based solution links directly to your Atlas hosted server without any additional setup required by you - everything is handled by Atlas.

Atlas BI is preset with over 12 different Aeon Reports. With the built-in report editor, you can create and customize reports unique to your institution directly from the web. Each report has been designed to reflect the requirements and best practices of the Standardized Statistical Measures and Metrics for Public Services in Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries.

Based on your personnel workflows, some of these reports may not apply to you. If you don't collect a particular set of data, you have the option to hide or modify the report.

Sample Aeon Reports:

Requests Filled But Never Checked Out

This dashboard shows a list of all the resources retrieved from the stacks and ready for check out for a given time period but never went to the 'Item Checked Out' status.

  • Resources can be categorized by various identification elements (e.g. TN number and/or ItemTitle).
  • The resources are then compared against the user status (e.g. faculty) and dates available for pickup.



User Analytics

This dashboard shows all users that have registered in Aeon during a given time period based on the user creation date (e.g. April 2017 or Q1 2017)

  • The 'cleared' field is color coded based on its value and corresponds with the pie chart when comparing the 'cleared' status against the user status.
  • In the same report, there count of registrations by month and year along with a chart that provides a visual of the user registration patterns.



Scheduled Appointments

This dashboard is a simple list of all scheduled appointments for the following weekday, based on the ScheduledDate field in Transactions.

This list does not take into account any holidays or other reading room closures.

  • The parameters tab allows you to choose all transactions, activity transactions, or non-activity transactions.


 Photoduplication Billing

This dashboard shows items that had charges for duplication/imaging for a given time period based on the item’s creation date.

The requests must have gone through “Awaiting Order Approval” and then either to “Order Delivered” or “Order Finished” before it will be reflected in the report.

A transaction may show more than once in the list if it has different charges by format.

  • The total paid is for the transaction- it will show the same amount for each transaction.
  • If there are three charges for a request- $20, $10, and $5– the transaction will be listed three times and the total paid for each of those would be $35.
  • Fees are broken down by the billing type in a pie chart which can be selected to narrow the results.
  • There is an additional parameter to turn on/off the display of the researcher names in the results.



Circulation Frequency Analytics

This dashboard shows the items circulated during a given time period based on the date checked out.

A request has to have gone through the 'Item Checked Out' status before it can be included in this report.

Since the report is showing unique circulations, a transaction may show up more than once.

  • The report breaks down the circulations by title, call number, location, barcode (ItemNumber), and user status.
  • Clicking on a specific row in the grid will narrow the results of the details below.



Requests Paged by Hour

This dashboard shows the items printed and prepared for retrieval from the stacks for a given time period (based on the call slip print date) by the time of day.

  • The dashboard contains a pie chart that shows the paging broken down by each site.
  • The requests are graphed to show the total amount of requests paged per month and per hour of the day.



Reading Room Collection Use Analytics

This dashboard shows the items circulated within a reading room during a given time period based on the date checked out.

A request has to have gone through the 'Item Checked Out' status before it can be included in this report.

Since the report is showing unique circulations, a transaction may show up more than once.

  • It does show the circulations broken down by reading room, document type, and user status.
  • The total number of requests and total minutes used are tracked in the tables at the top.

Note: The researcher names are listed in the grid to help identify what user occupied the reading room during a given time period.



Activity Analytics

This dashboard shows the activities for a given time period based on of the 'Begin Date'. Note: It uses the BeginDate if supplied, otherwise, it uses the first date in ActivitiesHistory (usually when the activity was created). If there is an end date, it calculates the duration in minutes, otherwise, it shows as 0. If any of those values are 0, the card value is blank.

  • The dashboard breaks down activities by their location, type, and current status.
  • The dashboard shows the total number of minutes for all activities, the total request count, and the total number of attendees.



Reading Room Analytics

This dashboard shows all the reading room visits for a given time period based on the date/time the user was signed into the reading room.

  • There are two bar graphs that show the reading room usage (based on the count of visits, regardless of visit length) for both days of week and hour of the day.
  • It breaks down the researchers by the state value in their user record.
  • If the user has never checked into the reading room before, that visit will be flagged green in the table as the first visit, otherwise, it is labeled a return visit.
  • The totals are calculated for the first total visits in minutes as well as the average visit length in minutes.

Note: The researcher names are listed in the grid to help identify what user occupied the reading room during a given time period.



Activity Collection User Analytics

This dashboard shows the items circulated for activities during a given time period based on the date checked out.

Since it’s showing unique circulations, a transaction may show up more than once.

  • The report shows the circulations broken down by activity type, document type, and user status.
  • The bottom of the grid gives a total number of circulations.

Note: The researcher names are listed in the grid to help gather data on the number of users per activity.



Photoduplication/Reproduction Analytics

This dashboard shows the items requested and delivered for duplication/reproduction during a given time period based on the date requested. If there are no payments listed for the item, it will still show in the list.

All items have to have gone to either the 'Item Delivered' or 'Duplication Finished' status to be included.

  • The report gives a count of the total number of requests, the largest order paid, the average of an order/item paid, and the total paid.

Note: The researcher names are listed in the grid to help gather data on the number of users per activity.



Circulation by Hour

This dashboard shows the items circulated for a given time period (based on the checked out date) by the time of day.

A request has to have gone through the 'Item Checked Out' status before it can be included in this report.

  • The circulation is broken down by transaction status.


Appointment Dashboard

Shows future appointments with no requests, requests with their associated future appointments, and active requests (not cancelled or finished) without an associated appointment.

  • The parameters tab allows you to choose all transactions, activity transactions, or non-activity transactions.

This dashboard is only compatible with Aeon 5.2 and higher.


Appointment No Shows

Shows appointments (that were not cancelled) where the researcher did not sign into the reading room on that same calendar day. It defaults to appointments within the last 365 days and can be changed with the date range filter or modifying the parameter.

  • The parameters tab allows you to choose all transactions, activity transactions, or non-activity transactions.

This dashboard is only compatible with Aeon 5.2 and higher.


Cancelled Appointments

Shows all appointments that are cancelled with a start time after seven days in the past.

This dashboard is only compatible with Aeon 5.2 and higher.


Future Appointment by Day with Request Count

This dashboard is only compatible with Aeon 5.2 and higher. Shows future appointments with no requests, requests with their associated future appointments, and active requests (not cancelled or finished) without an associated appointment.

This dashboard is only compatible with Aeon 5.2 and higher.



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