FirstSearch Configurations
The following configurations are made in the FirstSearch Admin Module
- Click the OpenURL Links option on the right menu of the Resource Sharing tab.
- Set the OpenURL Server URL :
For Single Server:
For Shared Server (Example NVTGC code = ABC):
Your ILLiad server name may be input into this value as either an IP address or a DNS name.
OpenURL links to ILLiad passing through the Atlas Authentication Portal will need to be edited to look like this:
When you have the correct link value on the page, test this by clicking the Test button. If the Test is successful, click Save Changes.
When you click the test buttons on the FirstSearch Administration page to verify that the specified OpenURL link information is set up correctly, the ILLiad OpenURL Logon page should appear and allow you to log into the system, but since no real OpenURL information is being sent other than an ISBN, you will not be able to successfully submit anything to the system. This is normal behavior. If all of the above tests are successful, sending a record to ILLiad via OpenURL through the regular FirstSearch interface should work fine.
- Set the Icon File URL:
This path may be any valid path to any valid graphic file that you wish to appear next to the link on the FirstSearch page. If this field is left blank, no graphic will appear. There is not a default .gif file on the ILLiad server for this purpose. - Set the Link Text. This text may be anything you like. It will appear on the FirstSearch Detailed Record page as the link to the ILLiad OpenURL Interface.
- Enable the URL Link for all the databases for which you wish to enable the OCLC FirstSearch OpenURL link with ILLiad, by choosing them from the list displayed. If you wish, you may disable the URL Link for certain Databases.
- Use the Save Changes link to save your work before exiting the OCLC FirstSearch Administrative Module.
Using OpenURL in FirstSearch
- To request the item, the customer would click the next to the External Links label. This link will display the text that you added in Step 5 above.
- This will open the ILLiad OpenURL Interface.
- Enter your ILLiad UserID and Password in the appropriate fields and click the Logon to ILLiad button.
- This will open up the appropriate ILLiad Web Page for submission, populated with the OpenURL information for the requested item. If the requested item is a Loan, the Loan page will be displayed. If the requested item is an Article, that page will be displayed. Once the item shows on the web page, you may submit it like any other ILLiad request.