If at any point you determine that you need further information from the requesting institution before you can provide a requested item, you may conditionalize the request. To conditionalize a request:
- Choose Conditionalize Request from the Lending Processing ribbon on the Lending Request Form.
- This will bring up the Reason for Conditional box.
- From the drop-down field, choose the reason for the Conditional that is applicable to the request you are Conditionalizing.
- These reasons are customizable and may be edited from the Customization Manager.
- Add any additional information you wish to include in the Notes field.
- Click the Conditionalize Request button.
- This will write the appropriate Conditional information to a table to be included in the next OCLC update and change the transaction status to Request Conditionalized.
The request itself will move on to the next lender, or become unfilled if there are no other lenders in OCLC if no answer has been received after the response period has passed. But the ILLiad request will remain the Request Conditionalized status permanently. These items can remain in that status-no further action needs to be taken.