DOCLINE 6.1 and ILLiad Known Issues and Workarounds

Know Issues and Workarounds to Support Docline 6.1

  1. Issue: Unable to use the Account Type drop-down when logging into DOCLINE.  
    Workaround: Remove from the IE Compatibility settings. For instructions on IE Compatability settings, please see Docline Configuration.
  2. Issue: When logging into DOCLINE with Google credentials through either ILLiad or IE directly, the user receives the error message "403: Forbidden". When tested, the user was able to login through Chrome with the same credentials without any problems. 
    Workaround: According to NIH's Internet Explorer Settings for DOCLINE documentation (, this issue can be resolved by allowing the as a privacy Domain in IE:
    1. In Internet Explorer, click the gear wheel
    2. Select Internet Options, and then click the Privacy tab
    3. Click Sites
    4. Add to the Domain and set to Always Allow
  3. Issue: When selecting Fed PIV Only on the Account Type drop-down, a script error occurs where the user is unable to select another option without receiving an error message or the Account Type drop-down turns blank. 
    Workaround: Don't choose the Fed PIV Only option. If you are unable to use a different account login method, please contact support at
  4. Issue: When printing pull slips, the font was un-proportionately small. After testing, Atlas was unable to duplicate the issue in Word, Windows, or the DOCLINE webpages.
    Workaround: Site was able to determine their own workaround.
  5. Issue: Client is not being prompted to update to the latest version. For example, the client does not prompt for an update from 8.7.3 to 9.0.x. 
    Workaround: If you are on any previous major versions of the ILLiad Client (e.g, 8.7) and want to update to ILLiad 9.0.3, please use the 9.0.1 client installer first, then update to 9.0.3. The client will only prompt for minor updates from the latest major update. For example, the client will prompt a 9.0.1 client to update to 9.0.3.
    • Not being prompted to update from 8.7.0 to 8.7.3 is because a server update is required for those on versions 8.7.0. and 8.7.1.
  6. Issue: The DOCLINE Search and FILL button was not filling the Primary Delivery Method field saved in the users DOCLINE Borrowing settings. 
    Workaround: The search and fill button is not filling in the Primary Delivery method correctly because Illiad is using the default from the FieldTranslation.xml file instead of the Docline Borrowing settings if the ShippingOptions value is left blank in the request. For example, the drop-down is set to Email PDF instead of Odyssey. To change how ILLiad handles the shipping options value if the field is left blank in the request, choose one of the following options and make the appropriate changes to the FieldTranslation.xml file:                                                                                       

    Option 1

    To not alter the drop-down when ILLiad fills out the request and leave the field as is, comment out the DeliveryMethod translation.

    Change This:

    <TranslationMap Type="DataSource" Name="DeliveryMethod" Target="OptionMap.NetworkShippingOption"/>

    To This:

    <!--<TranslationMap Type="DataSource" Name="DeliveryMethod" Target="OptionMap.NetworkShippingOption"/>-->

    Option 2

    To continue trying to set based on the value in the ILLiad request, change the DefaultValue in the OptionMap for NetworkShippingOption.

    Change This: 

        <OptionMap Name="NetworkShippingOption" DataSource="Transaction.ShippingOptions" DefaultValue="email_pdf">

          <Option SourceValue="E-mail" OptionValue="email_pdf"/> <!-- E-mail (PDF) -->

          <Option SourceValue="Article Exchange" OptionValue="article_exchange"/> <!-- E-mail (TIFF) -->

          <Option SourceValue="Fax" OptionValue="fax"/> <!-- Fax -->

          <Option SourceValue="Mail" OptionValue="mail"/> <!-- Mail -->

          <Option SourceValue="Odyssey" OptionValue="odyssey"/> <!-- Odyssey -->

          <Option SourceValue="Pickup" OptionValue="pickup"/> <!-- Pickup -->

          <Option SourceValue="Web" OptionValue="web_pdf"/> <!-- Web -->


    To This:

        <OptionMap Name="NetworkShippingOption" DataSource="Transaction.ShippingOptions" DefaultValue="odyssey">

          <Option SourceValue="E-mail" OptionValue="email_pdf"/> <!-- E-mail (PDF) -->

          <Option SourceValue="Article Exchange" OptionValue="article_exchange"/> <!-- E-mail (TIFF) -->

          <Option SourceValue="Fax" OptionValue="fax"/> <!-- Fax -->

          <Option SourceValue="Mail" OptionValue="mail"/> <!-- Mail -->

          <Option SourceValue="Odyssey" OptionValue="odyssey"/> <!-- Odyssey -->

          <Option SourceValue="Pickup" OptionValue="pickup"/> <!-- Pickup -->

          <Option SourceValue="Web" OptionValue="web_pdf"/> <!-- Web -->


Issues Under Development

  1. Issue: On both the borrowing and lending side, if the imported the citation and the ISSN end with an X, then the ISXN field in the transactions table leaves off the X in the borrowing Transaction record. 
  2. Issue: When the lending library imports the lending request, it puts the LenderAddresses.DefaultShippingMethodLoan value into the Transactions.ShippingOptions field instead of using the LenderAddresses.DefaultShippingMethodArticle value. 

Resolved Issues

  1. Issue: Using the Import Docline Requests button on the Lending tab displayed the error message "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" instead of displaying the DOCLINE HTML page within the client. 
    Resolution:  There are two different root causes and fixes:
    • Changed the site's client permissions. Reset the permissions on the c:\program files (x86)\illiad folder to allow the Users group to have read/write/modify permissions.
    • Deleted all legacy lua scripts from the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\docline folder and replaced them with the ones in the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\docline\ file. The latest lua scripts can be downloaded from the ILLiad Downloads page.
  2. Issue: When clicking on the Borrowing Search and Fill button, the user was directed to the old docline pages. 
    Resolution: Deleted all legacy lua scripts from the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\docline folder and replaced them with the ones in the c:\program files (x86)\illiad\docline\ file. The latest lua scripts can be downloaded from the ILLiad Downloads page.
  3. Issue: Docline borrowing request PDFs coming in as unmatched in Odyssey. When receiving Odyssey pdfs for Docline requests in Electronic Delivery, the TN is set to -1 and the ILLNumber has the 500# in it. Then under No ILL Number Matched, there are O numbers. This was happening because Docline requests were being filled by the lender and the PatronName field (which has the TN number in it) wasn't being brought over with the PDF. As a result, the requested PDFs were not automagically Delivered to Web since they were hung up in the Electronic Delivery Processing as Unmatched. 
    Fix: Development released a new MainDocline.lua script on 3/19/19. Please download the new script and replace the old one located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline folder. For instructions on updating lua scripts, please see DOCLINE: Updated Scripts for Unmatched Odyssey Documents. The borrowing library has been reporting this issue; however, the lending libraries are the ones who require updating the MainDocline.lua script. It may take a while for all sites to get the new MainDocline.lua script update. In the meantime, have someone go into ILLiad a few times a day and match and delivery the requests that are still coming in unmatched. 
  4. Issue: Once a Docline lending request was marked Receipted on Docline, there was no way to import it into ILLiad. 
    Resolution: Development released a new DOCLINE lua script on 3/8/19. Please download the new script and replace the old one located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline folder. The new scripts will allow staff to re-import requests that were already marked as receipted.
  5. Issue: Lending importing was not working for some sites as of 3/15 after updating to the most current lua scripts. When development released the new lua script on 3/15/19, it fixed the issue where filled borrowing requests were coming in unmatched; however, it caused the MainDocline.lua script to have increased sensitivity. As a result, if imported lending requests came in with a blank value in the Patron Name field, the request would get stuck. If the request with a blank Patron Name field was the first docline request imported, then the other requests wouldn't be brought over either since they were stuck behind the request.  
    Fix: Development released a new MainDocline.lua script on 3/19/19. Please download the new script and replace the old one located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline folder. 




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