New Users through LDAP / Remote Authentication / Ares Authentication with UserValidation Record & Password
This workflow handles new users through LDAP or Remote Authentication. It also handles the situation when using Ares Basic Authentication with a Course & Users Loads where a User Validation record exists with PlainTextPassword or a Password.
- When a new user successfully authenticates for the first time and does not have an account, the EnableUserValidationNewUsers is checked.
- If EnableUserValidationNewUsers is Yes and a user validation record exists for the user, a new user account is created. A placeholder account is created first and the values are copied over from the User Validation table.
- If EnableUserValidationNewUsers is No or the record was not found in user validation, the account is created.
- In both situations, the Cleared Value is initially set to New.
- If a user validation record exists and contains a valid Cleared Value, it will be copied to the user record.
- If the Cleared Value in user validation is not a valid value, the AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is checked.
- If AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is Yes, the Cleared Value will be set to Yes.
- If AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is No, the Cleared Value will remain New until the user proceeds through the NewAuthRegistration process.
New Users via WebService (Courseware plugins)
[This is true for both LTI and the older SOAP service]
- By default, new users that are registered automatically through the web service will have Cleared Value set to No.
- The AutoClearPreregisteredUsers customization key, when set to Yes, will change the Cleared Value to Yes.
- If a matching user validation record is found, the ClearedValue from User Validation will be used if it is valid.
- If the ClearedValue from User Validation is not valid, the AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is checked.
- If AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is set to Yes, the Cleared Value will change from Cleared to Yes.
- If AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is set to No, the Cleared Value will change from Cleared to No.
- If the ClearedValue from User Validation is not valid, the AutoClearPreregisteredUsers is checked.
If Course and User Loads are enabled, the information from UserValidation will populate the new user record upon creation through LTI.