Kerry Keegan
Duplicate Detection Routing Rules
If you're on Facebook, you should join the ILLers group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/172179662942180/). Just recently, someone commented on issues with customers submitting duplicates, so I wan...
Running Web Reports Queries in Microsoft Access
Translating ILLiad Web Reports into Microsoft Access can be tricky, but super helpful if you need to tweak a few parameters to reflect your ILLiad custom workflows. An easy way to bypass formatting...
More Fun with Stats: 6 Staff Activity Report Queries
Happy Fall, y'all! We received a request for a report in Ares that mimicked the "Staff Activity" web report in ILLiad, so I've come up with 6 variations to help you get started. You can use these t...
Routing Rules to Identify Incomplete Web Submissions
We received an Ares UserVoice submission that requested a distinction be made between items that are created by instructors with a "will supply" status and instructor uploads that fail or are exite...
Helpful SQL Queries for Web Access Counts in Ares
Hi friends, Back with some more helpful queries for gathering stats. You can use these to help construct additional reports in AtlasBI or use an ODBC link to run your own queries in Microsoft Acces...
Ares 5.0 is Now Available!
Ares 5.0 is available as of 8/10/2020. Ares 5.0 is a major version release and includes support for: Per-User Client Installation Multiple instructors per course Ares API Updated staff Client with...
Ares API Integration Ideas and Questions
Ares 5.0 is almost here and pre-release documentation for the new Ares API is available in the Ares Product Road Map. We'd love to help facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources and we welcome ...
Searching for Stats: Daily Ares Requests Received Using Microsoft Access' Pass-Through Queries and ODBC
We recently had a site that needs to know how many requests were placed on a specific date. They're unable to use AtlasBI (don't worry, we're working on alternative ways to get locally-hosted sites...
Ares 5.0 Features - We Want Your Opinions!
These questions pertain to the approved UserVoice request for Ares to support multiple instructors that is planned for inclusion in Ares version 5.0. They have been cross-posted. Three questions ab...
Publicizing Ares - What works? What can we help with?
Hi Ares friends! Tell us more about what you do to publicize/promote Ares, both to students, staff, faculty, ....even library coworkers. Some ideas: Can we do anything to help support that? Are th...