Angela Mott
Official comment
Our internal documentation links have changed. You can still access these links though here: Here's information on how it works: https://support.atlas-sys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011908213-Process...
Official comment
The recorded webinar is available here: https://training.atlas-sys.com/Course/Details/4328
Official comment
The recorded webinar is available here: https://training.atlas-sys.com/Course/Details/4328
Hi Dave, we confirmed with testing that the new 9.0.3 scripts will also work with 8.7.3 clients. Have a good week!
Official comment
Hi Doug, thank you for asking about this. This error comes up when the 8.7.2 or higher version ILLiad client is looking for the ExternalUserIdMapping field that was added during the 8.7.4 server up...
Time ro register for the 2017 Ares Virtual Conference! https://www.atlas-sys.com/events/2017/11/29/ares-virtual-conference