Aeon Feedback Requested: Activity request editing and cloning

Hi All,

We've had a few enhancement requests recently related to Aeon web functionality for to activity requests. Currently, if a user is added to an activity, they can see all requests for that activity in their Aeon web account. However, the user can only manage requests they created as part of the activity. The other requests cannot be edited, cloned, canceled, etc. 

Questions from the Product Team:

  1. Do you want users who do not own a request to be able to manage that request - i.e. if staff create a request for an activity, should a faculty or other staff person or patron be able to then clone that request for another activity or for their own use?
  2. Do you and/or patrons associated with activities find it confusing that the actions associated with requests are missing for activity requests they do not own?
  3. If a feature is added to allow web users to manage requests they did not create for activities, should we also add a key that allows you to turn this feature on or off? If your institution does not want to allow users to manage requests they didn't initiate, you could set the key to no.

Related Enhancement Requests:


Please feel free to comment here or to email me directly at with any feedback or questions.


Thank you,


Special Collections & Archives Program Manager




1 comment
  • Hi Katie! I haven't had experience with this yet so can't really comment, but I did want to say in response to question three that I do think you should add a key allowing institutions to turn off the feature of allowing users to manage requests they did not initiate, if that gets implemented. Thanks!

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